I will not confront you about anything.
I am a social butterfly; I love talking to people - I like to think that I see good in everybody, and with the perspective which I have, I have gone through life with a minimal list of dramatic situations. With this being the case, being that I am rarely put into a situation where I have to address anything, I have a major problem with confrontation when the few issues I have had came about. When a friend and I get into a fight, my course of action is usually just to let it go; let the issue sit until they eventually get tired of it and apologize. I have this theory that so long as one side does not fuel the flame, the issue will cease to grow. When the usually plan fails (which it rarely does), I have to address the issue head on and this is where I begin to feel uncomfortable. I have become extremely anxious when attempting to confront people - I don't want them to know that something about them (or the situation) is bothering me. Is it normal that I cannot confront people? Is it normal that I cannot address my problems the way in which they should be addressed, and prefer to just wait for the situation to die down?