I wish i lived in a tall building, anyone who does?

I live in my moms basement but Ive always wanted to live in a tall building by a busy street. I feel like it would be so much fun to drop things like water baloons and cups of urine out the window on peoples heads down below. By the time they get hit I'll be back in the window and they'll never know who did it. Do people do this? I dont know how youd resist the urge.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • KacyWatson

    That's dangerous as fuck. Even a small coin will hit like a bullet if it hits someone.even a small water balloon could kill someone if dropped from high enough.

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    • I dont mean coins or anything hard like that I mean like cups of pee and gross stuff from maybe 10 floors up.

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      • KacyWatson

        No it's still illegal regardless depending on where you live just to check stuff out the window. A dick move

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  • rocketdave

    I lived in a tower block, nice apartment but what a bugger when the lifts were out!

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    • Did you ever throw up out the window on somebody?

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