I wish my brother was dead

So basically I just want to talk about how I wish my brother was dead. He always gets me in trouble and all he does is just laugh about it. He is always yelling at my mom and never gives a shit, but then my mom says sorry when she doesn’t deserve to be the one to say sorry. But today the dumbest shit happened. So we were playing a game together and I left the match because I didn’t feel like playing with him because he kept talking shit so I just let him do him and said nothing. But 10 mins later he says “You left the match because of something I said.’’ I still say nothing but he went on and on so I said can you please be quiet and he calls me a psycho and I said how like 2 times and he says SHUT UP so i’m like why are you screaming and he says because your being annoying. All I say is ok and nothing else. So he goes on and keeps saying that he wishes I was dead so finally say Shut the hell up. He says see look your a psycho and I walk away to call my mom because I was about literally murder him and feed him to my neighbors dogs. But anyway he says i’m calling mom and telling her you yelled at me. I say because i’m sick and tired of your annoying ass also not shutting the fuck up. So now i’m in trouble with no phone no ipad no ps4 only my computer. Explain how i’m in trouble

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Boojum

    Reading this made me send a thought out into the cosmos expressing my gratitude for having only one child and for her being a girl.

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  • LloydAsher

    I love my brother, it's just that hes a cunt sometimes. You can love someone AND dislike them at the same time. Hes such a blue falcon all the time he can let up on holding on to the petty shit.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do some research on Google, and YouTube, then gray rock on him.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Just sounds like a typical sibling fight which is normal as you seem very young from the way you write. I’m glad I’ve always got on very well with my sister despite us being quite different.

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