I wish that i could release all my period blood at once!

I hate that I have to suffer 3-4 days of bloody agony and ruined knickers despite a tampon and pad (wearing adult depends at night). I'd rather each month just bleed out the gush into my toilet. A cup of blood all at once won't kill anyone. Well, maybe a person with anemia.

Take bc and risk side effects. 1
Become a trans man. 4
Try a menstural cup. (Is it as good as they say?) 5
Grin and bear it (through clenched teeth as bloody as your vag). 8
Create art :D! 7
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Comments ( 4 )
  • quim

    Depending on the strength of your vag muscles it is possible to go "number 3", at least that's what i've always done. it feels similar to having to pee but the sensation is felt in the uterus/ovaries area, signaling to then sit on the toilet and push like taking a dump but with your vag muscles isntead, and a lot of blood will drop out leaving dry for a good few hours. Also have you tried menstrual cups?

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    • Never before have I tried menstural cups. I've read about them though. I've done the "number 3" but it doesn't happen often. It's like the blood doesn't want to squeeze out... Even then I never stay dry, sadly. I commend you.

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  • Tealights

    Get a Mirena IUD. It's basically a plug for your uterus, which manpulates the fluids down there and thickens it so sperm can't get through; along with that it prevents the uterine wall from reforming, so your periods will get lighter and lighter the more months you have it (good for 5 years btw) until you don't experience bleeding at all. The only down side is, you'll still experience the typical moodswings and all that emotional shit that comes with having your period, because the mirena isn't a complete hormone treatment like the pill/nexplanon/etc, but only affect your uterus.

    The side effects occur if there's an infection, allergic reaction, or it slipping out. However, all that can prevented if the doctor is careful, give you all the necessary information, and you're completely honest about your full medical and sexual history, along with any drugs you're currently taking and you've already taken.

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    • I'll inquire, thanks for the info!

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