I wish the absolute worst for incels

I was reading about Elliot Rodger today and his "manifesto" So I go to Youtube to look up some videos about him. There's a few news videos on there with reports from shortly after the incident, and the comment section is just absolute garbage. You have all these losers complaining like "Why do they have to call him a misogynist? I mean, both women AND men were killed!" Because you fucking morons, he wrote about his fantasies of throwing a majority of women in concentration camps, killing them off so that men could "excel" around the world (not sure how reproduction is supposed to work after that little fiasco). I am so sick and tired of "What about me?! What about me?! I'm entitled to pussy! waaaaaaahh!" If you're an incel reading this thinking about mass murder, don't bother, just do the world a favor and turn the gun around on yourself, you worthless piece of shit.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Most incels on the net will never actually act on the shit they talk, so there's really no need to worry about a bunch of weak, squeaking mice. Lol oh and dont feel bad about what that user said to you about being triggered. He gets triggered and blocks people who have a different opinion than he does. XD

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    • charli.m

      Oh oh was it the "you're homophobic!!11!" guy? I can't see. He blocked me :p

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      • mauzi

        Wow first time I got blocked by a liberal rather than the usual triggered snowflake alt-right losers, although that AssSnatchi guy always uses those keywords, so Im surprised he is so lefty.

        Or is that the same douche who is always angry that they cant attract (white) lesbians / steal their straight crush away from her boyfriend? That one blocked me too.

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        • charli.m

          Hahahahahahaha yeah...he decided I was an alt of someone else, even though I hadn't said anything similar to that person. Neither I nor the person I was confused for said anything even vaguely homophobic as far as I recall but...

          Was the asatchi guy or however you spell it.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Yep, that guy. I can't see people who blocked me unless I use an incognito window. Lol. Funny thing is you're not even homophobic. He just went and misinterpreted shit people said and went on a blocking spree.

        Hey, OP, perhaps you should stop talking to that wannabe hero? You both make good points and all, but it's really not worth it. XD

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        • charli.m

          Hahaha ahhh...i don't care enough to go check. I'm guessing it's not that funny. Thanks :)

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            You're welcome.

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  • SwickDinging

    Yeah but the kind of people who write comments like that on the internet are the kind of people who live in their mum's basement and have no power in the real world. So there's not much to worry about.

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    • So, like, 90% of Generation Z?

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      • SwickDinging

        God, that's a depressing thought lol. I don't really know what gen z is up to because my kids aren't old enough to be classed as gen z, but I sincerely hope that at least some of them turn into useful adults.

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        • Indigo1

          i love that George Carlin bit where he shits all over baby boomers and how some of it is almost verbatim quotes from what you hear about Gen z and he wasn't the only one shouting that back then. Oh lord only knows the old will never stop thinking the worst of the young.

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          • SwickDinging

            The young tend to think the worst of the old too. I get very tired of these generational divides. People are just people, you can't judge much of importance about their character based purely off the year that they were born.

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            • Indigo1


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        • Indigo1


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  • libby.larsen

    Boogers is on the prowl.

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  • Asatchi

    OK so incels are people with an opinion you don't like but my question is why are you so triggered and sounding psychotic.

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    • Lol, dude, you're one to talk. You post all over this site flipping out when someone has one question about gay people...

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      • Asatchi

        Way to deflect dude.
        Pointing out and exposing the ignorance and stupidity of homophobic views posted with the purpose of baiting or for any other purpose is something I will continue to do and is completely different to "flipping out when someone has one question about gay people" which I don't do and never have.
        How about you go back to your dumb opinion on how gay people are less attractive. From memory the majority of people who responded had the same opinion as me. That what you were saying was retarded. Much like what you're saying in this post really. So keyboard warrior which marginalised group is next on your hitlist?

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        • That wasn't me, that guy is a fucking idiot. I did post this one though...


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          • Asatchi

            Wasn't born yesterday. Don't believe you. That's the only post I have made which is in any way about gay people.

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            • Really didn't post that other one dude. The fucking guy who posted that was probably an alt-right incel himself. What do you mean that's the only post you made about gay people? I asked a question about a neighbor and then you started bitching about how I was stereotyping gay people. Sorry, I talk differently to friends, family members, and my boss. But to go from "Hey girlfrannnnn" to "What's up bro?" Is a little strange. I mean how many feminine dudes do you know that AREN'T gay?

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    A little extreme with the suicide bit there mate. But you point is quite valid still.

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  • leggs91200

    Elliot WAS entitled to pussy.
    I hope every woman feels deep guilt over the fact that he died a virgin. It is EVERY woman's fault.
    I bet NONE of them even care.

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