I won't have sex with a woman who has ever slept with a black man?

For example, when I was younger I had major and mutual feelings for a gorgeous young woman... until she told me she used to date a black guy in school. She immediately became quite unnatractive to me. I told her that I couldn't be with her and broke her heart. I never looked back.

I've always seen race mixing as repulsive. I don't like most black people and see no reason why a white woman would want a black mam.

White men, would you date a woman who had been with a black guy? White women, would you sleep with a black guy? Why, why not?

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Comments ( 83 )
  • Takuto

    Let me just say this. There is a lot of inequality in the world. Why? Because people like you can't accept that somebody like me in your world. I'm black, you're white. You live in a nice house with nice things and you believe everything should be given to you because you're white. I live in a nice house and have nice things with a nice girl and I work everyday to keep that a reality.
    The world shouldn't revolve around what somebody looks like or someone's preference in sexuality but rather on their qualities and personalities. I can't rap or play basketball but I'm not a bad army engineer and I make a mean egg and bacon breakfast. Now I'm not about to say 'Oh hey look I'm black and in the army whilst you're white and sitting on your ass fapping to porn' no matter how true it may be. But I will say that I don't care about ethnicity. I'll eat a Chinese and then pay my WiFi by talking to the Indian guy at TalkTalk before getting an American can to my girl where we'll watch a Japanese horror or an English spy film or a documentary. Do we care who gives us what we get? No. But are we grateful? Fuck yeah.
    You shouldn't give a damn whether the guy sitting next to you is black, white, Asian or a fucking Martian. Just respect the fact he got that far through life in this prejudiced world without curling into a ball and wanting to die.

    You know a white guy tried cornering me in an alleyway once. You know what he wanted?
    To hand me my wallet back after I dropped it. This 6' white guy comes towards me, I think I'm about to get destroyed, and he's all calm giving me my wallet back. We're friends now and it shows not everyone's an asshole. I hope you're not an asshole to.

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    • I treat people the same, whether their race be white or black or whatever. I don't use the n word because I don't like to hurt people. I judge people on how they treat me. I cannot deny, however, that when you have 10 whites and 10 blacks that, in my experience, you will have 2 or 3 whites that are the stereotypical white trash and 7 or 8 of the blacks will meet the steriotype. Its just what I see.

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      • Takuto

        So why won't you sleep with a white girl who's been with a black guy. That's just straight up racism.

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        • I don't deny its racism. I just think that as long as you don't hurt anyone, then racism is normal and fine.
          I just don't believe in mixing and I don't see what's wrong with that at all. Why can't we just keep our races separate?

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          • Takuto

            Because that leads to segregation which leads to depreciation of races and then racist concepts like slavery become a reality and I don't feel like mopping your floor when you say so.

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            • Takuto, do me a quick favor... try to see my point of view for a moment. It won't change what you think of me or your views, but I think it may at least give you an idea of why I see racial matters the way that I do.

              I grew up in the famous Selma, Alabama. I went to a school that was 97℅ black. One thing I learned there is that no matter who tells me otherwise, blacks, on average are not my equal. I've seen them having sex in locker rooms, I've seen white kids shoved into lockers, beaten, and an older white girl in school had her virginity taken by gang rape. I remember wondering why she was holding herself and crying so hard, as I was too young at the time to understand what they did to her. You see, black on white violence is something I've seen first hand, not just a rare and distant story on the news. You must understand, I wasn't taught to have such disdain for black's. It got it honestly through my dealings with them. I would bet you didn't grow up in such a place, or you would either understand my feelings, or you Would have become just like one of them, I believe.

              You can say that I was just not around the better blacks of society. OK, fine. Where are they? I've not met very many of them in my life. I've lived in two foreign countries and have visited almost every state and its been slim pickings to meet black's who don't meet the stereotype. Almost every town or neighborhood with a majority black population was crime ridden. Why would I have respect for blacks when this is what I see? While i know that there are some black's that are perfectly good people, why would I stick my hand into a bag with 7 rattlesnakes and 3 greensnakes? Isn't it smartest just to avoid them all?

              Your 'lets just get along' concepts don't hold a lot of weight with me and ( whether they will admit it openly or not) most other whites when we see that black's are the ones usually not fulfilling their duties to society and humanity.

              Edit: you mentioned depreciation of race earlier... what could depreciate race more than the mixing of races? When races become mixed then they no longer exist, do they? That's the ultimate depreciation.

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  • User-name

    We are all part of the human race, none of us are animals. Biracial people are beautiful and wouldn't exist without the mixing of the races. To say we should "all stay with our own races" seems backwards to me. But assuming you were raised by people from another time these words don't hold as much of a shock. Black people do this as well though they're usually a lot less obvious about it, both ends of the coin annoy me. I'd be with anyone regardless of race, but we can't all be that way hm?

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  • DopeyDobby

    I am shocked. Most of you are in serious need of being sectioned or arrested.
    Absolutely disgusting attitude.
    To say you have a preference is one thing, but this is cold hearted jealousy in my opinion.
    The key is to try and UNDERSTAND what you can't relate to rather than HATE it.
    Women who go for black men are NOT scum, they just get along better with them and tbh probably feel free to not be judged by sickos like yourself. For your information there are many ther races who cheat on their families and GET AWAY WITH IT or where the wife FORGIVES or the husband FORCES himself to stay, so what your saying is that it's because of these reasons that families other than blacks stay together (no single parents) is better? I think not. Shit happens difference if most of society try to act like robots and that does more damage than the latter. As well as other race females being more like to abort children than. Being a single mother isn't encouraged, but taking care of yourself and your own is.
    Furthermore I have been through and heard of many abusive relationships and ALL have a man as insecure as you behind it.
    Please educate yourself, but if you chose to remain ignorant I hope you burn in hell, cause God has an Afro and he won't accept you in heaven 🖕🏼

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    • If you think that the Christian god has an afro, read 1 peter 2:18-25. You will really be shocked.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Is it because you know your peen won't measure up to his?

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    • Its because of several reasons, none of which have to do with anyone's peen. One reason is that I believe that people should stick with their own kind. Another is that the only women who seem to get with black men are the ones who hold low standards for themselves (skanks). Yet another is the fact that women are more likely to be in abusive relationships when dating black men and are much more likely to become single mothers later. The list goes on.
      You really sounded classy there, BTW.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Oh my, I was being half facetious, but shit, man, yous gots issues. I know that most black peeps fall into the undesirable category, mainly due to statistics (as an American), but hell mate,,, they aren't all hoodlums. I guess you are just being cautious so good on you for that, but, still, crikey.

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        • BabySilver

          Fly me away from this place!!!

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          • dirtybirdy

            Take me away
            A secret place
            A sweet escape
            Take me away

            Take me away
            To better days
            Take me away
            A hiding place

            I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine

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            • Lovely. Are you in the music biz?

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      • Username556

        Do you only feel this way when it is whites mixing with blacks? Or does it bother you when a white women is with an Asian man or a white man is with a Latino women?

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        • It all bothers me. Asians with asoams, whites with whites, etc. is the only way it should be.

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  • ZandyRose

    It's all about cock, ladies. If you have never done black, you are missing out.

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    • So tastefully written. Like poetry.

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      • ZandyRose

        At his door, I shall knock
        For this evening is really about his cock
        I am told if it is black
        That I will never want to come back.

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        • At his door, you shall knock

          For this evening is really about his cock

          You were told if it was black

          That no one WILL EVER WANT YOU BACK!!!

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          • ZandyRose

            Black and white
            Asian too
            Who do you want to screw?
            You may not be a winter peach
            But your life is not complete
            Till you've done one of each.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    theres just as many scummy whites runnin round here what i wouldnt fuck in a million years

    fuck race its hard enough find anyone what aint a scammer or fuckin trash of any color

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    • There are scummy people in every race... just a lot more in the black race.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        prolly so

        i guesses i puts someones individual qualitys above theys skin tone

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      • Tiffany2016

        I agree, black race has a lot of losers

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          so dont the human race

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  • normal-1

    I have seen black girls I would like to fuck, And have. But would not date a white girl that did a black guy.

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  • We have an open marriage and my wife has slept with a number of black guys, does that make her unattractive to me,no. Does it make me not won't to have sex with her, no. We still have a very loving relationship and there is nothing more she likes than having me add a load of my cum to her pussy full of black seed after a night out with a black guy.

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    • I just vomited on my keyboard. Thanks.

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  • I define myself as a lesbian but I've dated a couple of boys in my teens. I would prefer black guys. They are cooler and way handsomer.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    I'm white and I prefer Asian women.

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  • DopeyDobby

    I guess to ultimately answer the question... unfortunately, it is normal.
    I am here to make sure people like you suppress your ugly thoughts so the rest of us can live in harmony and others don't feel encouraged to have the same opinions as you.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Just because you fuck them, doesn't mean you want a relationship with them.

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    • To me its still repulsive. My wife told me that she had almost fucked one back in high school... even though she swears she backed out at the last second, it still left me feeling disgusted. I didn't sleep with her for a month afterward.

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      • SpookyPancake

        Dude, you have issues. It's not like there is some spooooky black semen lurking inside her (passed to her via legendary Black Telekinesis), waiting to pounce at your dick and merge with your DNA to make you love rap and watermelon

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        • Haha!! Its not that at all, and I already love watermelon and fried chicken. Its the fact that I find it repulsive. I don't like the type of women who do this. They are almost alwaysbthe type who aren't selective and tend to be the low end of society.

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      • howaminotmyself

        That's unfortunate for you. You probably need to learn to get over it or suffer. But sounds like you want to suffer. Have fun with that life!

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  • sararyan7242

    I'm not attracted to black guys at all, so I never would let a black guy fuck me.

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    • Do you see something wrong about when other women do it?

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      • sararyan7242

        Yes, it is a sign of mental illness in my opinion

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        • Tiffany2016

          I agree. Having sex with a black man is disgusting to me.

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          • I'm glad some women see how distasteful it is l.

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  • llamalover

    And now kids, we see a real live retarded person in their natural habitat... the internet.

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  • I'm not ashamed to say that I have a deep, instinctual revulsion to coalburners. It certainly doesn't help that it's so damned common these days.

    I don't dislike anyone due solely to race. Nonetheless I cannot change how I fell.

    Regardless, have you seen the type of White women who are into that type of thing? Clearly, nothing of value is lost.

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    • That's basically what o mean. I almost want to thank black men for taking out our trash.

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      • Tiffany2016

        Only white trash Walmart women fuck black guys. They are so low in self-esteem, they think it elevates them, when in fact, it lowers them to sub-human status.

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        • Youngvictoria

          That's actually really not true. Maybe you havent met enough people in the world yet to see that it's not true. I know plenty of classy interracial couples. I live in one of the biggest cities in the US now and it's quite common where I live. Product of more evolved civilization.

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  • WMseeksQOS

    I am a white man who will ONLY date a white or an Asian woman who has sex with black men.

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  • DopeyDobby

    Btw people I am not black
    So don't try and build an argument against my opinions based on the fact that you think it's biased. It's not.

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  • samiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    this post is gross

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  • sararyan7242

    White guys should fuck black women, but white women should not fuck black men. It is degrading...

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    • Tiffany2016

      I agree, black men like fucking white women only for an ego trip. White women who fuck black men are damaged goods

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    • Its not degrading for a white man to do it? How so? Its the same thing. What you just said sure does sound like something a guy would say BTW.

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      • Tiffany2016

        Also, black women want to get pregnant by white men, as it elevates their status in society. White women that get pregnant by black men, are forever damaged.

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        • That's absurd and racist as fuck.

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      • Tiffany2016

        When a white man fucks a black women, he elevates her status and gives her pride. When a white women fucks a black man, she lowers her status significantly.

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        • SpookyPancake

          Maybe people aren't concerned about some imaginary status? Maybe they just... I don't know, like other people, find them attractive?

          This is just a theory.

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        • So yrue

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  • Aries

    I prefer white women and the only women i do have any relations with outside this are white women mixed with something but not mixed with black . I do not find black women appealing what so ever and i would rather be with someone who feels the same and it has no racist reason behind it at all . It might be some instinctual , biological ... some reason for it but i just don't know what it is all i do know is it's how i feel and it's not harmful to anyone , it's my choice so i just go with what makes me happy . it for some reason seems to make more sense to mix with your own colour but i mean , this could be seen as some sort of white supremacy statement . It's not but it's just how i feel and always have .

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    • nikkiclaire

      See what you've done to us, damn liberals. Who wants to live in a world where someone has to put that many qualifiers on something in orser to be allowed to make a point. Fuck that. Spit it out like this.

      "I don't sleep with black men or women cause they don't appeal to me."

      Don't you wish you could be that direct without being labeled racist?

      Well guess what, they will call you a racist anyway, so enough. No need for 50 qualifiers just to state an opinion.

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      • I see what you mean about the qualifiers. Its like you have to walk around with a disclaimer on your forehead.

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      • Aries

        I would prefer to just say i don't find black women attractive and i prefer to date people with the same outlook . It would be much easier and i hate the stigma that comes with speaking our mind on "touchy" subjects that could offend others . I have no issue with other races not wanting to date white men or women . It's just our natural preference and we definitely shouldn't be judged for it . The features of white women turn me on and black women don't seem to do anything for me , never really knew why .

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      • DopeyDobby

        Appeal and disgust are on completely different ends of a spectrum. Do not try and sugar coat the hate that is declared in this post.
        I am rarely attracted to white men but I will not say they disgust me as well the people who associate with them.

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        • nikkiclaire

          Who said disgust?

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          • It was me :)

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          • DopeyDobby

            You are encouraging a man who said he is disgusted by a race along with many others.
            Don't make this about you
            No need to get but hurt nobody offended you nearly as much as you have an entire race. I believe you're saying the liberals make it difficult for you to be racist? If you've now realised what you said was out of turn then take it back...

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            • nikkiclaire

              Nope, nice try. The digust posts were after mine. But like a good lib you turn me into a racist, facts be damned. 😂. What is it like to live completely outside of reality?

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          • nikkiclaire

            Read the whole thead. I am not responsible for people who comment in a thread. Only my own words. If by this post you mean mine the only hatred I have is towards the liberal agenda. Not any person or race. Well except maybe a few assholes on here.

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      • Tiffany2016

        Liberals say you can only fuck illegal criminals.

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    • But would you have sex with a woman who has slept with black guys?

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      • Tiffany2016

        The thought of sex with a black guy makes me want to puke. I would rather fuck all of my fathers friends, before a black guy.

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  • Tiffany2016

    Technically, aren't black men still slaves for a reason?
    Republicans freed them, liberals want slavery again, and black men vote for liberals, so they must want slavery too.

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    • That's one that I could never understand. Black's usually vote demo, which is a he very party who tried to keep them in slavery.

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  • Murun

    Race is only in your head. It's a bit harder for Americans because it's also on their birth certficate.

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    • Takuto

      I'm black and I understand that race is an actual thing because I ain't blind

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    • I'm am american and my race is not on my birth certificate. Race is a real thing. There are genetic differences between people from Africa and people from Europe.

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      • Tiffany2016

        The cultural difference is repulsive as blacks used to be hard workers until Republicans freed the slaves. If democrats had their way, they would still be slaves and working hard.

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