I won't take care of my autistic brother when my parents die, iin?
My older brother is 26 years old and autistic. He gets mad at the most ridiculous things. If mom and dad say no to him he throws fits and starts throwing punches and spitting at people he deems weaker than himself. He has no respect for other people's property. He breaks things for no reason and if he's politely told not to, he gets angry.
A few of my uncles and aunts assume that when my parents die, my younger brother and I will take care of our autistic older brother. They seem to enjoy siting religious reasons as to why we should. My uncles/aunts won't take him because they're all senior citizens and my cousins have small children, so that's a no-go.
My younger brother has his own goals in life and there are things I still want to do. We refuse to let him live with us and my parents both agreed they wouldn't want us taking in a financial burden.
Also, I just stop caring about people once I barely see them, and well, my older brother just happens to be one of those people I no longer care about. All I care about now is living my own life and achieving my own goals without anything weighing me down. I've been called selfish and a list of other things by coworkers, friends, and nosy people who can't mind their own damn business.
Is it normal that I won't take care of my autistic brother when my parents die? Is it selfish to feel this way?