I wont let my wonunds scar.

Recently ive been really depressed and although i haven't been self harming, when i get a cut or something i cant let it heal. i pick it and pick it and sometimes i put stuff in it, like salt, or if i dont have any open wounds i put lemonade or pickled onion crisp crumbs in my eyes cos the stinging takes my mind off things for a few seconds. I dont think this is normal, is it??

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14% Normal
Based on 290 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • TinyDancer15

    Alright, what you don't realize is that doing that IS self-harm. Think about what you said there, "the stinging takes my mind off things for a few seconds." That is most definitely self-harm and your way of coping with your emotions. You are depressed and need professional help.

    I advise you to, if not stop and let your wound heal, then at least not delve into deeper forms, like cutting. But please get help.

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  • kittyjibblets

    all those things that you put in your eyes or wounds actually go in your mouth...

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  • Filthee

    i like to bruise myself and i find biting my lip until it bleeds helps. wrist banging. try that.

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    • Kassidy363

      Yes, let's all encourage each other to hurt ourselves. What is the world comeing to?? (Too melodramatic, huh?) Anyways .. you should get help. You're inflicting harm upon yourself.

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  • insertcreativeusername

    No, I don't recommend today's psychiatry. Don't go down to that level. If this makes you feel better than do it. Seriously, just don't kill yourself or hurt anybody else. But what's wrong with doing that to your own body? Big deal. If you don't care than why should other people? Cause they're on a high horse and think they know the answer to someone else's problems. (psychiatrist) as for it being normal, it is very normal in my opinion.

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  • MissMaevie

    Definitely seek help from a psychiatrist. You're not the only one who self-injures, so you won't seem unusual asking for help. And there are medicines that can calm down that "need" to hurt yourself and cheer you up. And you'll be able to begin to explore why you feel the way you do.

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