If a child is sneaking food, is it stealing?

A lot of kids sneak food from the fridge. Is it stealing, or do the kids have the right to eat at their own will?

Yes- the food in the fridge belongs only to the parents, not the child 5
Depends on what the food is, and if anyone has specifically claimed it 32
No, children are part of the family and have the right to the fridge. 59
Other (comment) 5
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NotFloydzie

    How is it stealing if they're taking it from their own home?

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  • anti-hero

    If they are hungry let them eat, just keep healthful food in the house so they don't become unhealthy.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's only stealing if the snack belonged to someone else.

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  • TerryVie

    Stupid formulation, sorry.

    No, its not stealing, it already belonds to the family.
    HOWEVER, they may act against "house law/rules".

    I know my mother didn't want us to fetch snacks from the fridge(or any of the cupboards, for that matter) when dinner was to be served in a little while.

    Many children are not exactly good with "organizing" their diet, and why would they, it's their parents job.
    So it would mostly depend on the family situation.

    I say keep a fruit basket or something similar around, and make it clear to children that if they want a snack, they can always take something from here, but otherwise, they should ask or wait for lunch/dinner.
    If they still take stuff, without asking, then it's still not stealing, but will lead to a serious talk with them.

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    • Wambo37

      and again you have the longest comment :P you really write long comments. almost as long as my.........umm charging cable for my nintendo ds lite.

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  • chaserwillow12577

    No it isn't stealing. My 4 year old knows if she wants something to eat she can. She has her own "snack" drawer in the fridge actually. Filled with snacks she can have whenever she wants. She generally asks if she can have one before she gets them but I wouldn't care if she didn't ask. It's her house and fridge too.

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  • Nokiot9

    As long as they aren't eating like 100% junk food and they eat their meals and vegetables and stuff, Shouldn't be a problem to let them eat what they want at other times, if a kid has to "steal" food from his own house and fridge when they're hungry... You probably aren't doing something right.

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  • LovelyMay

    If the parent/guardian specifically told them not to, it is stealing. If they don't mind, it's perfectly fine. It depends on the parents!

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    It depends whos fridge it is. If its a friend/friends family fridge and you take it without permission it would be stealing. Why would you be stealing food from other peoples houses though? I think that would be a sign the parents are not feeding the child or that the child has an eating disorder.

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  • emis1coolgirl

    it cant be stealing if it belongs to the family. though when they are specifically told not to eat something in particular and they do, its not stealing but they can be punished for it

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  • Mellifluous

    It's not stealing. It's just being a child.

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  • dappled

    When I was growing up, there wasn't much money (or food) and we were often hungry. My mum had to budget and plan every meal a week in advance. Most of the food in the cupboard was for meals (vegetables, meat, etc) and then some was not to be included in meals (bread, crackers, biscuits). We soon learned to avoid anything that looked like it was going to be part of a main meal because, if you ate it, the whole family went without a meal. That would have been classed as stealing. But having the last slice of bread wouldn't.

    I do get that morality is slightly different when you're living hand-to-mouth.

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