If gay people go to hell, do gay animals also go to hell?

I was wondering since gay people go to hell, do gay animals also go to hell? There are hundreds of species that contain homosexual subjects and I was wondering if there is a hell for lions or something. What about other sins like murder? Do they go to hell for murder?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • malaparte

    Gay animals can't go to hell, because people who practice bestiality also go there, and it wouldn't be wise to mix the two.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Gay chihuahuas definitely go to hell lol.

    Non binary pan sexual animals only go to purgatory though. Jesus doesn’t want to get canceled by the bi curious trans pandas that populate Christian social media you see.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Ain't no heaven or hell, and gay means happy, so whats the problem?????

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Religious scholars seem split on this one. Some say animals dont have a soul and others say they do have an afterlife.

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  • Clunk42

    Not one of these answers is correct in slightest.

    Animals do not go to hell. They do not go to heaven, either. This is not because they don't have souls. Animals do have souls, for things without souls do not live, and animals live, so animals have souls.

    However, animal souls are not of the same variety as human souls. When an animal dies, their soul is destroyed, since their souls are not subsistent while human souls are. Animal souls are A subsistent soul cannot be destroyed, which is part of why hell exists to begin with, since the undestroyable soul must go somewhere after the death of its body. Non-subsistent things, however, can be destroyed, and the animals have non-subsistent souls.

    Put simply: their souls die alongside their bodies, so they can go to neither heaven or hell.

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  • Youareafuckingidiot.

    All animals go to hell. (I dont make the rules)

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  • Orphan

    It's when u hurt someone that u go to hell. Being gay is irrelevant. Murder is sometimes justified, sometimes it is not like abortion.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I once saw a story online about a couple of gay penguins.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Technically according yo realigious well christianity and the like standards animals don't have souls so they don't go to heaven.

    Personally so it cracks me the hell up when they go oh don't cry honey Rufus went to heaven etc like bitch you can't pick and choose segments of your Bible either uou beilive its true or you don't. Religious people crack me up.

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  • LloydAsher

    Animals dont go to heaven or hell. They are animals and thus dont have souls.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    You have won the award for the most stupidest person ever.

    Dogs cannot be gay.😂

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    • Username333

      Lions, koalas, swans, penguins, dolphins, some types of apes, and elephants are just some of the animals that we've witnessed homosexual attraction in. Looks like you were not meant to hand me the award because they gave it to you to keep.

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        I had a dog that "humped" another boy dog.

        It had nothing to do with being a gay dog at all. He was trying to show dominance.

        Animal's can't experience homosexuality, like I said.

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        • Vvaas

          there's a cute news story about these two male penguins that paired up and because they couldn't make an egg for themselves the zoo gave them an abandoned egg i think and the two penguins hatched and raised the baby penguin together as mates

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          • Username333

            That is actually adorable

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          • Iambillythemenacetosociety


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    • Username333

      Here are some sources:



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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        Okay, but wikipedia isn't a reliable source.

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