If god is real, then who created god?
I had this thought in my head for a couple of days.
P.S God could of been a Dinosaur (or any other animal of your liking)
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I had this thought in my head for a couple of days.
P.S God could of been a Dinosaur (or any other animal of your liking)
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First, the only truly logical explanations for the existence of the universe are either (a) the universe is eternal and therefore had no creation, or (b) the universe was created by something or someone who is eternal and had no creation, basically God. Secondly, by definition God must be the greatest being ever to exist. It's not logically consistent to imagine a being that is greater than God, and if anyone or anything created God they would be greater than Him because God would owe His existence to them.
So to answer your question, if God exists he must have always existed and he would have no creator.
For more information, look into Aristotle's "Unmoved Mover" argument.
If the universe wasn't always here, but it had no creator or first cause, then that means it came from nothing. But saying it came from nothing would be a violation of the law of cause and effect because you would have an effect (the creation of the universe) without a cause. An eternal universe or an eternal God doesn't violate the law of cause and effect because neither has a beginning so they couldn't be considered effects.
The point is that something had to always be there.
I know it seems hard to imagine that anything, whether it be God or the universe, didn't have a beginning because everything we know did, but saying something can come out of nothing isn't a better option
It makes sense, but at the same time I still dont think thats right. Meh.
I don't really think that the universe is eternal either, given that the big bang theory suggests that the universe had a beginning. Interestingly, the big bang theory was actually created by a Catholic priest, and the Pope at the time called it de facto evidence for the existence of God. So I definitely believe in God, but technically an eternal universe doesn't violate the laws of logic. There are other evidences, such as design and the existence of morality, which lead us to the existence of a creator.
If you look into The Big Bounce theory, you will see that some people theorise The Big Bang is only half of the story and that the universe may well be eternal. Essentially, The Big Bounce Theory suggests that the universe contracts and expands, possibly without start or end. A cycle.
How is morality evidence for a creator?
Man created God. This is no different from bigfoot, the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Zeus, Thor, Frankenstein, Frankenberry, Spongebob Squarepants, or the Lockness Monster.
I prefer Spongebob Squarepants to God.
And God is different from the tooth fairy, Sbob, Thor and most of those other ones because God is beleived to be real by adults.
And btw, you were really right about Zeus, Zeus=Jupiter=Jove=Jehovah=Yahweh
Thor and many other outlandish gods were once believed in by real adults.
Which made a lot of sense back when people didn't know how the world worked. But now we know about evolution and science and atoms and all sorts of good stuff. The people who are behind are those who still beleive in sky gods, fiery hells, and fantastic ancient stories from a thousands-year-old book.
Random floating sperm that came from another planet destroyed by religion. That sperm fucked us all.
God is not human "he" is a supernatural deity.
Nobody can answer a question like this. It's a theory.
Something started some where, and in most religions it started with god(s)
People who have died and come back to life have given testimony of their after life experiences which, according to them confirms an after life.
Watch the show "I Survived: Beyond and Back"
were all god....god is me...you...this tree...he is more powerful than me yet less powerful without me
If history is accurate, the existence of gods came about to explain the unexplainable. Ancient civilizations created numerous gods because of adaptation to sensible cause and effect. The rules could not be different in any category so to explain the existence of the sun, moon, rain, and herpes, a new god was created... Until; evolution continued its path, hard evidence replaced blind faith, and the need for all these gods slowly diminished.
I find it to be an audacious claim when someone tells me god created and is responsible for all things. I agree in saying its impossible to decipher the truth behind the "beginning" of all things, but relating to history, i cannot for one second, trust that everything we know, and have come to achieve is in debt to the credit of god. Fuck that.
This is of course only my opinion, but nothin that hasnt been disputed before. I dont go around telling random citizens to say fuck god and come give money to my porno shoot and youll get laid, so dont come to my door step tellin me to praise god, come give money to your church and ill be saved. I prefer results not empty promises.
Oh and just a note, that "holy water" is usually aquafina or disani. Google it.
Because of the duality of nature, the mind cannot contain God and then intellectualize about it. God are before there is the thought about her. A true mystery
God is a man just like us he created all of us in his image. God was created by another god, and we can become gods just like him by being obedient to His commandments and repenting when we make mistakes.
Yes the bible is a great story, but on the other hand, so is harry potter. The reason why your getting negative feedback is because your imposing your religion. This may be what you believe and that's perfectly fine. I believe in the scientific explanation, however I'm not saying your wrong and I'm right, and that is the difference between me and you,
Lol hopefully your referring to the actual thing being the cold hard truth , and if you are it is sadly true. Ahah although if your referring to me, well then that's just unfortunate for me haha
Hey, retard, who's to say this "god" fellow is "true"? Christ you Christians are obnoxious, shoving religion in everyone's faces.
I'm not shoving religion in anyone's face. I'm just challenging you to at least take a look at some scripture and see for yourself. You are entitled to your own opinion. Jesus never forced anyone to follow him. You have a choice. You have free will. You are free to live and act the way you want to. I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you. If you have any questions you can always contact me and we can talk.
No thanks. I'm never going to believe in someone who is so homophobic, judgemental, and cruel. I've read some of the bible (went to Catholic school in middle/high school), and it was then I realized how extremely cruel this "god" thing was, and I realized how stupid most of the people who followed this cult were. I'd rather be educated than a blind follower. If god IS real, he's still a cruel asshole.
If it was God's job, than he messed up very badly. You're telling us to look at our body, okay I'm looking, one blade can kill me, 1 minute without any air can kill me, fire can burn me, I can be crushed. If God was real and he was unimaginably wiser than all of us then I'm sure he could've built us in a way more durable way. (He could've also given a brain to many people who lack one and kill eachother.)
So basically, even if he is real, he isn't one worthy for our prayers. He doesn't even protect innocents from death, if he had unlimited power I'm sure he could've protected all those who died in vain.
Fuck you, bible thumper. The way our bodies work can be figured out by science, not by any sort of "god". You really do sound uneducated. But then again, the majority of Christians, the ones who completely deny science, are. Even if your god is "real", why the hell would anyone want to blindly follow "him" if "he" is such a homophobic, racist, cruel asshole?
If god did everything he did a miserable job!
Also I do not care if I would land up in heaven or in hell when they exist which I do not believe!
Well first off your opinion about me doesn't matter one bit. And secondly why would my faith in God make me annoying to you? And uneducated?
If you consider the way our bodies works a miracle or its something so amazing complicated that can only be explained by the existence of God and not by the billion of years our species's spend evolving to reach our certain stage then you are annoyingly uneducated. Can you comprehend what i am saying? Or is it words of the devil? Maybe you should burn me and save my soul?
I hope this is the last time I have to explain this, but it won't be, because ignorance is persistent. The use of the term "theory" in science is different from its use in colloquial speech. A scientific theory is falsifiable body of principles based on phenomena that make relevant predictions of the phenomena and its relationships. That's it. The power of the scientific method comes from the fact that no matter how much proof there is for a particular theory, one piece of solid conflicting evidence can dissolve the entire thing - scientists actually work very hard to disprove all theories, and so far evolution has held up. Evolutionary theory, just like the theory of General Relativity and the theory that the Earth exists, has been widely accepted among the scientific community, but if you're looking for 100% proof then I'm sorry, but that does not exist for anything.
Hopefully that enlightens you a little bit.
Education isn't the answer. Where your hearts at is what matters the most. Remember that.
God is believed to be infinite,humans being finite beings(seeing people born and people die everyday)couldn't understand infinity. Our minds simply don't comprehend. I'm agnostic btw sooooooo... ID effin kay
It's much too confusing. He was already there. But in what? Because God made NOTHINGNESS. Exactly. Ask him if you get THERE.
There is no God man it is all a conspiracy man. Think about it if he really is real then why don't he show himself and somehow we are created in God's eye then he says you can't have sex until marriage then I have sex every chance I get so it is like a big massive protest.
The very idea sometimes sounds so unrealistic...So there`s this jolly grandpa with a white beard just sitting there on a cloud and staring at all of us ALL AT THE SAME TIME, and all we have to do is ask him really nicely and we`ll get what we want. And as it turns out, we don`t really have to ask, because technically it`s all already decided (fate/destiny concept) so we really don`t even have to ask.
You need the same amount of faith to believe in God and to believe that the the universe started from a big bang. You cant prove either one but i know its hard to believe in God and its also hard to believe the universe started from nothing. How can nothing turn into something? as for me I believe in God. I know there is a God out there. Its religion i dont believe in. People like to make things up and anyone could claim to talk to god. Religion is all a fight for power but god does exist. Everyone should watch this video its a very good interesting video on the universe http://www.history.com/shows/the-universe/videos#universe-god-and-the-universe
Who created god? Men. Or should i say women? God is nothing but an organization of human beings going for total control of the masses and relying on state of the art cutting edge technologies and well established social engineering techniques and strategies with in mind the goal of fully unleashing human's potential. Humans who have been smart enough to have everyone else look towards the sky or the ground in search for something or someone to worship and praise or curse. Rather than taking responsabilities for their own apocalyptic fuck ups.
If God exists... my guess is that he is a pimply-faced teenage computer geek in an advanced civilization in a higher dimension/parallel universe - and we are a 3-d computer simulation. And like a pimply-faced teenager with a magnifying glass standing over an anthill... he likes to send plagues, tsunamis, and occasionally make our leaders crazy so they'll start wars (all the while praising his name.)
The name of God? I'm guessing "Eddie" (in his own world.)
God has always been here. Only the world and what our small minds can understand has a begining and an end. I know its hard to comprehend. But it is the truth
Other: I don't believe in god & if there is a god he must have always been there.
It's nothing to sound smart here. Things like this could go on and on... I'm going to type simply and save the trouble.
[Warning: Easy to read, but long.]
From Biology class, you know that "all scientific knowledge is tentative and open to challenge". Basically, I think this means the hardest fact can be just like a religious thought.
I could say the sky isn't blue. You know it is, but can you be 100% sure? There are no facts. Then what do you call that? A fact. Well, you just said there are no facts. Can you be 100% sure I did? I can't answer that because if I do, that would be a fact. Then what do you call that? A fact...
You get the idea. Infinite paradoxes to explore! I'd give you my opinion on religion, but what good would that really do? Start the second Great Awakening? Create a riot? Vex a few Internet users? Come now, read and be vexed!
Science, religion, if they're just as consistently inconsistent as the other, why not have both? This theory is just me and my thoughts, by the way - no one else told me to believe this:
Let's say God created all our stuff - nice, right? Our science is sort of like the inner mechanisms of his work. Like looking inside a car, you see the many pieces working together to make the car. What made the car? A brilliant person and his/her company. Parts of nature work together to make the world. What made the world? A brilliant deity and his/her metaphorical clay. The clay isn't physical, but may be the unknown ways of making it.
I mean no harm. I want you to figure it out and enjoy life on your own, so hopefully this view of it might help you get there.
Can we all get along? Pretty please with sprinkles on top? We don't have to be so wound-up all the time. :)
See I don't believe in a stereotypical god per say. However this is such a great psychology question and I shall ponder it.
a meteor from far away collided with the earth the bacteria spread and life began , two monkeys mate and gave birth to a creature ..this creature was man
do people who believe in science actually read the bible and consider both sides? id say most don't. do people who read the bible study science to consider both sides? not usually. kind of hypocritical if you ask me..
I understand why you feel like that. But you are thinking as a human. You are thinking from an earthly point of view. We should all be striving for perfection so we can live an eternal life. A human can kill my body but a human can not kill my soul. The Lord is the only one who can destroy the soul.
We ARE all striving for perfection, thats what makes us human. but that doesnt make us live an eternal life.
Most humans are crazy and destructive, most have no logic when pressured. Think of it from a alien's point of view (If it has eyes :D). +the soul thing doesn't realy make much sence.
I don't think I pressured anyone into anything. I have stressed that every individual has free will. Someone just asked a question and I stated the truth. The truth is something that you can run from but you will never escape.
As far as our soul is concerned. I stated that anyone can kill my earthly body. But nobody can kill my soul but God. Just like Jesus was killed by humans but he was able to rise again and he can never be destroyed ever again. That is the good thing about living for the Lord. We are fully protected. But don't take my word for it. Get a Bible and read Matthew Chapter 10 Verse 28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannont kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."