If i'm mistreated, and speak up in my defense?

I've often worked for managers who forget their manners. I've also been extremely polite and courteous towards those I work with. However, I'm finding my co-workers quite remiss in their endevour to reciprocate.

Am I in the wrong when I speak up? Some may think I'm back talking them, when in reality I'm simply trying to keep myself sane. I can't allow my own thoughts to stay caged. I'm not a peasant, or a slave. I'm here because I want to be here. There are always other places willing to hire me.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Jdodjs

    Don't let anyone mistreat you and get away with it. Too many people these days say and do what they want at the expense of others and they need to be put in place.

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  • YourNewDom

    there's nothing wrong with speaking up for yourself. now if you're constantly responding to every encounter with a correction on proper manners, you're being annoying.
    I bring this up because of your proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure and choice of words (it's uncommon, like that of a writer). Since you are not willing to let it slide or bend to their will and that you're willing to leave this job for another, you might as well be direct and ask what the problem is and if it's something you've said/done.
    Standing up for yourself is only abnormal for cowards.

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    • depressed_donovan

      I'm not correcting them. I'm simply speaking up when I feel as though something is not right. Apparently this ruffles feathers for some people. Like it did today. As for the compliment on my writing. Thank you, I try.

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  • CreamPuffs

    If you're mistreated, there's no shame in speaking up. "Back Talking" is a concept of utter nonsense made up by Dictatorial Authorities to keep people like you feeling guilty about something that isn't wrong.

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  • LeroyAlbertson

    Collect machetes and hang them in your cubicle. Stack a pile of bricks on your desk. This should be enough to make them think twice about disrespecting you.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    sounds from yalls writin that they thinks yalls tryinta highhand em

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  • depressed_donovan

    Sorry, seems I worded that kind of funky the first time.

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