If i smoked for four days in a row how long will it take to detox?

In the beginning of the month of May, I smoked four days in a row of marijuana. How long will it take for the THC to get out of my body? I also do saunas every day, is there any advice to how long exactly the THC metabolites will get out of my body? Thank you for your help I appreciate it!

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Comments ( 18 )
  • jethro

    Your head isn't the only place where hair grows. Hint...hint.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    http://www.thcdetox.org/ Your welcome.

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  • JD777

    It depends on a ton of factors. If you exclude still having it in your hair, it's usually gone within a few days to a month, possibly longer if you're a chronic user. General rule of thumb some people use is 10 days. Hair tests can detect usage from months before.

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    • VinnyB

      Hair test are a result of THC residue that grow into the hair. The time frame that it can detect is a result of the portion of the hair tested. Average hair growth is a half inch a month. They typically cut about a half inch from the scalp and test a piece about 1.5 inches long. Because 1.5 inches takes abour 3 months to grow, that is the average accuracy period of the test. But if you test a peice of hair a foot long, you can go back a lot further.

      The reason this is relevant to the OP's question is that, though hair tests are great for detecting long term use, they are useless in detecting short term use. If he smoked 2 weeks ago, that is going to be inside the first half inch of hair that isn't tested.

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      • JD777

        You must have read your source wrong. When we test hair we use everything from the root out to (usually) 1.5 inches, discarding the longer (older) end of the hair. Other labs might cut at the scalp, but that's still a millimeter, or so, from the root. It takes just a few days for the drug to become detectable in the root. So, before the end of his 4 day smokefest, he was probably already in the window to test positive.

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        • VinnyB

          Oh I didn't read anything, this was explained to me by a rep from Quest Diagnostic Laboratories when I had my Wedding Business. And Quest is one of the largest such labs in the United States.

          They also told me if hair is shorter than that, they will take body hair or do a urine sample instead.

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          • JD777

            Here is a cut-n-paste from Quest's website, "The hair is cut as close to the scalp as possible." This would detect drugs if they were taken as recently as a few days prior, maybe up to 5 or 6, so OP would still be easily within their test window.

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            • VinnyB

              Well, because your last responce incouraged me to do so, I did do some online checking. I read that on their site as well. But I know they use scissors and scissors can cut close depending on size, but not directly at the scalp. I wouldn't think you would touch the scissors directly to the scalp, and the scissors have depth themselves. A half inch isn't that long, and is probably an estimate they were using. I can also see how trying to collect a usable sample from hair shorter than that would be difficult. As close as possible is a pretty vague term. They don't make specific claims of how recently they can detect on their website.

              I did see a couple making claims of 7 - 10 days, and one said 5 -10 days (Omega Labs). So I would say, depending on who is testing, anything outsite of 10 days you might be in trouble.

              What I didn't see were any labs claiming, as you said yours does, of taking directly from the root, which would require pulling out the hair instead of cutting it. The same page of the Quest website that you mention says they take 100 - 120 strands. I have to assume your lab takes a significantly smaller samples as pulling out that much hair would be quite painful.

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      • slings_and_arrows

        Why don't they test the first half inch of hair?

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        • JD777

          They do test it. When a practiced technician cuts the hair, they can easily get within a millimeter of scalp. And they test the strand from that millimeter from the scalp out to about 1.5 inches.

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  • Aries

    There are a few different factors involved and so everyone's different but I think generally , marijuana is in your fat cells for a few weeks . This isn't definite however it could be less it could be more . If you are worried about a drug test , it's not impossible to pass one after only a few days consider you did some proactive measures to cleanse . I think the sauna could help sweat it out . Why do you ask?

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    • dillon10124

      I might. Potentially have a drug test in nine days

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      • Aries

        I would assume it's a urine test but to help everyone below please clarify . If it is in fact a urine test , I think you will be fine if you keep your fluids up and try to flush as much out as you can . I think you will be fine but if you have a hair test , it's a little trickier however as they mentioned below might not see it .. depending what they analyze .

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