If pot was completely legal, how much and how often would you use it?

Come on everybody, answer truthfully. I do not work for the DEA.

every day, twenty times a day 17
every day a few times 19
every day, but after work only 25
only on days I don't work 14
occasionally 50
rarely 27
absolutely never 72
if pot was legal here, I'd move to another country 8
whenever I felt like it 38
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Comments ( 88 )
  • The same as I normally do.

    If you smoke pot, then obviously the laws on it don't matter to you in the first place.

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  • cȱɱpɩɛx

    They've banned it? What am I going to keep my flowers in now? This is terribly inconvenient.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Never because it makes me anxious and paranoid.

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    • thegypsysailor

      If it was legal, you'd have not reason to feel either!

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      • disthing

        A common side-effect of getting high is paranoia. Nothing to do with the legality of weed.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        It's not so much the fear to get caught. I suffer from anxiety in general.

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  • dom180

    Maybe once. How often after that is dependent on how much I enjoyed that experience.

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    • davesumba

      That wouldn't work.

      That's like taking 1 extenz pill to see if it works, and when it doesn't, deciding that it doesn't do anything.

      You have to try it a few times with people directing you before you get the full effects, and then you'll fall in love.

      There are also different strains of weed that do different things, and different qualities with different intensities. I have my own preferences, and if a dealer only has the type of weed that I don't like, then I won't even buy it, and look elsewhere.
      So if you don't get the right weed (or you don't smoke it correctly) and immediately decide you don't like it and never try it again, then you aren't giving it a fair chance.
      But get the right weed and inhale enough of it, and you will be instantly put into a euphoric state of awesomeness, and you will wish that you tried it a lot sooner.

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      • MacG

        That magic erection pill is snake oil. It takes very little science education to be able to figure that out. A little knowledge of the scientific method and some analytical thinking make that clear. Weed on the other hand is a psychoactive drug with proven effects. It's a strange comparison you've made.

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        • davesumba

          I couldn't think of any other example off the top of my head. I do know what extenz is, and that all it does is increase blood flow to your penis and doesn't extend anything. I was just going for the idea that with medication, sometimes you don't get the effects immediately, and have to take it for 3-10 days before it starts to kick in.

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          • MacG

            Cool. (Rip-off artists who sell crap like extenz really get me going.)

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  • RebuiltByHumans

    Oh for the love of God. THAT IS IT. I just want to try one weed joint just to see what all the fuss is about. I can't take it anymore. I am sick of being out of the damn loop.

    I feel like I'm in a very, very tiny minority of people my age who have no desire to touch a drug, and I am sick of being in this minority. ='C

    In fact I just want this stuff legalized now because I want to stop demonizing people who smoke it. But at the same time, I wish I could find more people online who are the same age as me who don't. It's become abnormal to NOT smoke weed, apparently... T_T

    I can't even listen to reggae or Pink Floyd on YouTube without encountering proud stoners who look down upon non-stoners. They are making me half jealous of them, half insecure about myself, like they are in another world, secretly laughing at everyone who thinks drugs are bad, as if non-stoners are missing out.

    If you smoke weed, look, I don't care anymore, do whatever you feel, I will no longer judge any of you, but please, I don't want to be thought of as a coward for not doing so, should I really be expected to smoke weed?

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      You sound like a pothead in denial.

      Most weed smokers I know don't give a damn whether you smoke or not.

      Why click on a post that you know will attract weed smokers only to complain about everyone smoking weed? That's like going to a costume party and complaining that you're the only one not wearing a costume, or going to church to complain that you're the only one who doesn't believe in god.

      I don't think people who don't smoke weed are cowards at all. In fact, I find it admirable when people stand their ground on something they believe in and don't shove it in peoples' faces.

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      • RebuiltByHumans

        Because it's been making me depressed lately. It seems that everything fun is now associated with drugs. Want to listen to music? You need drugs to enjoy it. Want to watch a movie? Take drugs first. Writing a story? Drugs will give you ideas. Want to relax? Drugs. Want to eat food? DRUGS! >_<

        I feel so down about this because the world seems to be obsessed with something that I always thought was bad, but now many people online talk of drugs as if they were essential to life.

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        • disthing

          It's not a reason to get down. Consider the bigger picture, all the horrendous things that happen in the world, real oppression, real poverty, real struggle, unemployment, crime etc. and you're getting "so down" because some people enjoy the drug culture?

          Most people are aware that drugs are merely a method of changing how you feel. That's basically it. For some people it might enhance the emotional response to certain stimuli, like music, art and sex. But most people can appreciate music, art and sex without additional chemicals.

          In regards to weed: I think it has become a political symbol, and an entire subculture has developed around it. It's no longer just a funky green plant that makes you feel a little funny, it's a symbol of our right to choose what we put inside ourselves, of enlightenment, of nature, of not being a slave to laws laid down by 'the man', of social unity. It's an industry. And this can seem like hyperbole to a lot of people (like me) who still see it as JUST a funky green plant that makes you feel a little funny.

          Just because you hear about it and see it all over the internet, doesn't mean anything. A lot of young people like weed because it's technically illegal in most countries, but not 'hard' enough to do any real damage, so you can be rebellious and choose it as an alternative to alcohol (which is pretty socially acceptable), but not worry about becoming a dribbling train-wreck of a person robbing from family just to get your next hit. It's the cool drug. Don't believe the hype.

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          Mankind has enjoyed drugs since they were discovered, even in ancient cultures. It's nothing new. You are just noticing it more because it's on your mind. Of course you're going to see more people talking about it online because it's one of few places people can talk about their drug use freely. Most reggae fans do smoke weed because reggae is related to the Rastafarian religion in which cannabis is used spiritually. Same with Pink Floyd, whose music and light shows were made by people who dropped acid for people who drop acid.

          It's unfortunate for you that your interests coincide with those of many drug users, but you are being rather hypocritical here. Your interests probably wouldn't exist if drugs didn't exist. That doesn't mean YOU have to use drugs to enjoy them, but please don't denounce others who do. It's their culture and you are discriminating against them. Discrimination does more harm than drugs.

          For example:


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        • Minuteman

          If it makes you feel any better for some reason I massively prefer music when I am sober (or maybe drunk) for some reason im not a big fan when im stoned, also keeping up with a movie can be impossible when stoned its just the comedies that are great.

          Drugs are not "bad" otherwise you wouldn't take painkillers or drink alcohol.

          Don't be depressed because you feel left out of something that you don't want to be a part of, but don't be proud either just accept that you don't want to do it and that's your opinion.

          Also I don't know the statistics but young people are the largest demographic of tokers so you can be happy with the fact that most adults don't smoke as it interferes with your life.

          Also the fact it is illegal (and popular) makes people go on and on about it and it is actually hard to escape any reference to it, if it was legalised everyone would just shut up.

          Hope this makes you feel better

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        • Beautiful

          We don't think they are all essential to life.Mainly the one that mother nature herself gave us that was made illegal for no real reason

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    • thegypsysailor

      When asked by a very good friend why I smoked pot, some years ago, this was my reply. "I am less critical of myself when I smoke pot". That's all.
      It is not an escape to oblivion, or from my troubles or even a social thing. I just accept my faults more and I like myself a little bit more because of it.

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      • davesumba

        Exactly. It puts me into a more understanding mood. When I'm upset about something, someone, or myself, I just smoke some pot, and it causes me to think about the situation in a better, more positive way.

        While high, I was able to figure out a better way of thinking, so that I could forgive my abusive father, and my ex who betrayed me worse than anyone will ever come close to doing.

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    • davesumba

      If you don't want to be high, then that is completely okay. What isn't okay is hating on people who are smoking a happy mind expanding plant that God put on this earth specifically for us.

      The only people who give pot a bad name are the people who were already dumb before they started smoking pot. It makes dumb people dumber, smart people smarter, and average people can go either way. It can also bring out the best qualities in yourself.

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    • Beautiful

      Never that...In all reality most of us would have respect for the fact that just cuz you don't smoke you still chose not to judge...Also it takes one head out the circle so were good with that to...

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    • macaroniheyo

      I don't smoke weed...

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  • ThousandPoundsOfGanja

    *Yawn* Call me back when meth is legalized, then we'll talk about how much I will use said drug.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Never. I don't smoke weed.

    I support it being legal, as long as it had the same public restrictions as alcohol. Well, minus being high in public. Seriously, some people would be easier to deal with if they were high.

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  • GuessWho


    What a waste of money.

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  • You know how we have been noticing our comments get deleted? I commented earlier about how its legal where I live and legalizing it didn't really change much because nobody cared in the first place.
    How is that offensive? Do the mods think I'm encouraging bad behavior? I'm sure this will get censored too.

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    • StarTeddy

      I don't think it's the mods, the OP can remove comments at their discretion too.

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      • I don't see why the OP would remove it since they created a weed related topic. I would really like to know why so many of my comments are being blocked.

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        • thegypsysailor

          I have blocked nothing!

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          • It must be the moderators then. I have been getting a lot of my comments deleted for reasons I do not know why.

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  • mixwell

    It's legal here in CA and I don't smoke. Now if cocaine were legal...

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    • dirtybirdy


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      • mixwell

        I swear I knew that's what it was. We actually call it bird as a nickname.

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        • dirtybirdy

          Yaaa, it was superfreakin predictable but I had to do it.

          Bird is always the word, and rightfully so.

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  • anti-hero

    Somewhere between never and rarely.

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    • davesumba

      That would explain a lot.
      You need to smoke some weed.

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      • anti-hero

        I will start smoking weed when you stop raping children.

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        • davesumba

          Sounds like a deal. I think this will be better for the both of us.

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          • anti-hero

            Alright prove to me that you are gonna stop fucking boys in the ass and give my the number of your connection.

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            • davesumba

              Woah woah woah woah woah. I've never fucked a little boy in the ass in my life. I fuck little girls in the ass.

              Send me a chastity belt without the key. I'm not going to be able to resist the temptations, so I'll have to lock up my little "Kid Rock" for good.
              And I'll send you a bag of weed, a small glass bong, and directions on how to get the most out of your experience.

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  • eternalsmoke31

    only after work and the weekends.

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  • Isabella80s

    In moderation - so rarely/occasionally as getting reliant on it isn't a great idea. Once a week becomes twice, which becomes every other day... bit much. : / Also, it's not cheap!

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  • Thexoutcast

    I'd smoke it maybe just a bit more often. I honestly smoke weed to enjoy things more and think positively about life. So I'll occasionally smoke before/while watching a weird movie or while listening to music and painting.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Judging by the responses, I gather very few, if any of you, understand how pot "gets you high".
    It's really very simple; smoking pot lowers your blood sugar, which is why folks get the munchies when they smoke it. Nothing more or less, not counting the smoke in your lungs part. You can get a similar effect from fasting for a few days.
    It is not a "drug" in the pure sense of the word, but rather an herb. Unlike alcohol, if you are uncomfortably high or are about to get pulled over by the man, you can scarf a candy bar and be straight as an arrow in just a few minutes, which beats the hell out of a DUI!
    It is not, for anybody, addictive physically, though if you enjoy being high then of course you might like to stay that way, but if not there is absolutely no withdrawal. Pot is seriously dangerous for diabetics, of course, because it screws with one's blood sugar levels, but it can not cause it.
    It has only been internationally illegal since 1949 when the US tobacco and alcohol companies forced the issue in the UN, as they did 10 years previously in the US.
    Lastly, it is not federally illegal to posses pot, but rather a tax crime if you haven't paid for the tax stamp, which is quite steep and hard to get. So they get you, like Al Capone, on a tax beef!

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  • squirrelgirl

    I'd like to use it if it became legal in my state. I like to think it would make me more cheerful, relaxed and sociable. Maybe more creative too.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    don't need it.

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  • Hugh*Janus

    It's not my thing. I'd rather have a few beers.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It would depend on how it would affect me. How beneficial it would be towards certain aspects of my health.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    No more or less than usual.

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  • Wendell

    Never, or maybe once. It's no big deal.

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  • disthing

    Probably every now and then in social situations. I doubt I'd use it that much more than I do now, which is rarely.

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  • I'm a seasonal smoker. Lately I've been smoking at least once a week and sometimes I'll do it a few days in a row. Then I get bored with it and don't do it for a while. Usually I smoke more in the summer. It's legal here now too. Legalizing it didn't really change much. It has been low priority here for over 10 years. You can even smoke outside at most bars even though none I know of have an outdoor license. It's just that nobody cares here.

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    • Why Was This Deleted?

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  • CarsGirlsGunsMoneyMade

    Don't need pot. Never cared for it. Find it pathetic that one needs it to carry on in this world. Mankind may have found marijuana and used it before but it just ain't my style.

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  • ihaveapoon

    I love sticking weed in my ass.

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    • paulywalnuts

      i was 12

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I don't believe in drugs. THEY MADE THESE ILLEGAL FOR A REASON!

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    • disthing

      They exist, it's not like santa.

      And sometimes you should question the reasons behind certain decisions.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        What are you talking about? Who told you drugs do not exist? I don't see what santa has to do with this so I am going to assume you are trolling. However this would be like debating if Buhhda really existed and that really has nothing to do with the topic.

        While I should not feed the trolls I guess ill answer. Drugs are banned for the side effects. If the side effects are too harmful they are taken off the market. Drugs like crack are bad since it means you are high and can end up hurting others.

        When have you ever heard of a person killing for a pack of cigarettes? This seems to be the reason they ban most drugs. Most of these drugs were legal at one point. Though even after taking them off the market people were still addicted to them. The drugs currently on the market are medication. Medication have a cause and try to fix something wrong with people. They seem to have more of an effect on the person taking them health apposed to everyone around them.

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          I was this > < close once to choking my sister to death over 9 cigarettes. A few months later we broke the tension with a peace pipe.

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        • disthing

          You said,
          "I don't believe in drugs"

          I facetiously replied,
          "They exist, it's not like santa."

          I'm not trolling, you just have problems understanding me.

          My point about drugs was you shouldn't always assume there is a good reason for something being illegal, you should find out what the reason is, and then judge whether or not your agree.

          "When have you ever heard of a person killing for a pack of cigarettes?" That's right. But then cigarettes are a leading cause of death in many countries, contributing to lung cancer rates (a cancer with one of the highest mortality rates) and heart disease. In terms of a public health risk, cigarettes are pretty high up there. The drug component, nicotine, is addictive, but worse than that is the carcinogenic chemicals that accompany nicotine in tobacco (proven to cause cancer). Yet cigarettes are legal in most countries.

          Similarly with alcohol, which contributes to anti-social behaviour, violent crime, car accidents, is addictive and can lead to alcoholism which can result in early death due to organ failure (especially the liver). Yet it's legal in most countries.

          So the conclusion that 'it's because of the side-effects' is only sometimes applicable. This makes you question the logic. Why are some drugs, which are less harmful, illegal, yet others, which are more harmful, legal? Hence one of the primary arguments for the legalisation of cannabis; there is plenty of evidence which suggests cannabis is less harmful than alcohol, so why can't it be sold and regulated? Which is a good question. Actually in many countries it is legally permissible to possess and use a small amount of cannabis. In others, it's legal to grow and sell.

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          • RomeoDeMontague

            We have people who believe in legalizing it and we have people who do not. I dont see how legalizing every illegal substance will make things better. I dont see why people are so dependent on drugs to begin with.

            If illegal drugs are so great why do we have rehab? People actually wanting to quit these drugs. Its not like every single person quitting is forced either. Some people generally want to stop doing drugs and believe it ruined there life. Also I don’t see the reason in legalizing alcohol either as its no longer necessary.

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            • disthing

              I'm speaking specifically about cannabis - that is what this question is about. I'm saying, particularly in response to your 'they made these illegal for a reason' statement, that sometimes the application of the law is inconsistent and the reasoning isn't perfect. It's good to consider this. Also the law varies from country to country, and attitudes vary from culture to culture. What is legal in one place is illegal in another.

              And at no point did I say illegal drugs are great. Congratulations for jumping to conclusions.

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            • myboyfriendsbitch

              Rehab supports drug addiction. Its all about the money, honey.

              Get a little opiate in your system and check into a methadone clinic. You get 120 Mg of methadone for a couple bucks. And the best part is, the pillheads can go every day for years without their dose being dropped. Thanks gov for rehab.you really care don't you?

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    • thegypsysailor

      Yes they did; so the alcohol and tobacco companies wouldn't have to compete with pot. It's all about the money, honey.

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    • (s)aint

      I've tried weed enough to experience getting high.
      I've also gotten totally shitfaced from alcohol.

      Now what i don't get is how alcohol is concidered to be good when weed isn't.

      I've only felt relaxed and derpy from weed, when alcohol has thrown me into an emotional rollercoaster.
      In fact, i even PREFER alcohol since it gives me a much stronger thrill.

      Potheads are just randomly relaxed and derpy, hella fun to be around too<3

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Who told you it was good? They just were not successful in getting rid of alcohol. They did try before and it was a complete failure. It does not mean its a good thing. In the past people drank alcohol since it was cleaner than the water. Beer was originally made to be a sort of liquid bread. So alcohol was not originally something that people made to get drunk and party.

        Most of these things and drugs had a purpose. Crack is pretty simple it was to keep workers going longer and stay up more so they get more work. It was also something they used in war to get the service men pumped. Things like hallucinogens were believed to open your mind and make you smarter. However it seems to have bad side effects like addiction, cancer so on. So they were banned from being sold.

        They are slowly trying to ban cigarettes but I think they thought of the alcohol failure when they did this. So instead of banning it all together they just made it harder and harder to smoke. Like you can not smoke in public, you can not smoke in private if kids are around, you can not smoke if people are around you, you can not smoke at bars so on. However from this we get the ELECTRIC cigarette. Which I have not really looked into that and not sure how damaging the electric ones are too your health but they seem to be an alternative.

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        • (s)aint

          basically i believe that Electric cigarettes are the same (When it comes to damaging) as normal ones, with the exception that you can smoke them indoors and wherever it pleases you.

          My whole point is that as long as you are not HURTING other people besides yourself you should be allowed to put everything that you see fit into your own body.

          Let's face it, if you wish to do drugs you get them no matter if they are legal or not. But if they are illegal you support drugdealers and what not.

          I do get your point in why they are not banning alcohol because this has failed miserably in the past, but still ...

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          • RomeoDeMontague

            If you truly believe that things like pot should not be legal and neither should things like alcohol.

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        • disthing

          There was never a prohibition on alcohol in the UK, the government never attempted to 'try'.

          In the US, there was a prohibition in the late 1800s and early 1900s, which created a black market with criminal organisations running the distribution of alcohol. When they decided to get rid of prohibition, it was because they a) wanted to tax alcohol, and b) wanted to stop criminal syndicates making money from alcohol.

          This is a prime example supporting the argument for legalisation and regulation of certain (or some say all) drugs. With prohibition, you push the industry underground, and nefarious organisations make money off the illegal trade, whilst also fighting for territory. Hence gang violence, wide-spread corruption, numerous cartels amassing wealth and murdering innocent people and each other, destroying neighbourhoods. With regulation, what is sold is quality controlled, traders require an official license and are taxed, the trade is legitimised and this takes power away from the gangs, brings the black market into the sunshine and makes everything safer (in theory).

          Also, alcohol was being used to 'get drunk and party' long before beer even existed. It wasn't originally for drinking instead of unclean water - this was a later benefit which was only realised because alcoholic beverages were already popular and ubiquitous.

          Oh and crack cocaine wasn't developed to 'keep workers going longer and stay up more.' Look it up.

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          • RomeoDeMontague

            Uk doing it of not it was attempted none the less. That is like saying no one is allowed to mention Hitler lost the war unless you are from Germany. That means someone did try to get rid of it. So are you saying we legalize things like speed?

            Drugs create crime since the people under the influence of them often end up with mental problems or are addicted. Some people are born unstable and its not always possible to fix these people.

            So if we legalize every illegal substance we are going to have more unstable people. I think we should try to stay away from creating more mental cases. I don’t see how screwing up more heads is going to stop crime rates.

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            • disthing

              There's no doubt addiction to drugs creates crime. But you get that with or without the legalisation and regulation of drugs, and because something is legal, doesn't mean everybody wants to do it.

              Anyway, I'm not arguing for the legalisation of all drugs. I don't feel like I'm in a good enough position, or knowledgable enough, to confidently say if all drugs were legalised and regulated that would be better.

              However, SOME drugs could easily be legalised with minimum negative impact, and that would be beneficial to society for various reasons.

              I think you should read more about these things; you incorrectly spoke about the origin of alcohol and crack cocaine, and I think perhaps you shouldn't be making such statements without first researching.

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            • thegypsysailor

              Illegal "Drugs create crime"!
              Legal drugs, even shit like speed and smack, dispensed by the government do not create crime; it is the need for money to buy illegal drugs that creates the crime!
              The British have been dispensing "drugs" legally for nearly half a century and have much less drug related crime and disease than the US. They also have a lot fewer people in jail for drug related crimes, that the taxpayers must support.
              Most unstable people are not created by the drugs, they were unstable long before taking the drugs. They are usually alcoholics as well and their problems will not be solved or alleviated by making drugs harder to come by.

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