If someone was hurt but you were in a hurry would you stop to help them?

If it was really important for you to be somewhere and it was obvious the person caused their own accident (speeding motorcyclist or whatever) but there was no one else around would you stop to help or just keep going?

Yes, I would stop to help. 41
I wouldn't stop, but I would call emergency 33
I wouldn't help. I don't care, or don't want to get involved 17
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Comments ( 23 )
  • Doesnormalmatter

    Questions like this are too vague. If I'm having a heart attack and I'm in a hurry to save my own life I'm not stopping to help a guy with a flat tire. But if its a more serious issue for them and less for me than I would probably stop.

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  • Mrown

    depends on why I'm in a hurry

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  • megadriver

    The thing is even tho I had a first aid class, mandatory to getting a drivers license in Bulgaria. I had multiple, cause I have a drivers license for every category, we never really learned how to do first aid.

    So if I saw someone injured in a crash, I'd call the emergency services and I'd do the most basic of checks for legal reasons. I'm gonna go ahead, check their pulse, tell them everything is gonna be ok and be on the phone with the emergency services, but I'm not gonna go ahead and do proper first aid as I'm not qualified. I don't wanna kill someone, but I can't ignore them either.

    Because by law in Germany, if you do not help those in need, you can be sued.
    So whatever I can do well, I will do.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It would depend on why I am in a hurry. If I'm driving to work then you know I'm gonna stop to help.

    If the reason I'm in a hurry is because I have an injured cat in my car, and we're going to the vet then I'm probably not going to stop, because I have a right to my priorities, but I would at least call 911.

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  • brutus

    Ill only help if a dog or cat gets injured, humans can die in a garbage fire for all i care.

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  • SwickDinging

    Depends on how seriously they are injured and how serious the thing I am trying to get to is. I wouldn't factor in whether or not it looked like it might be their own fault, that seems stupid.

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  • Toxicspeka

    I wpuld stop to help as much as i could, but if the person was fine enough to live i'd call emergency and keep on with my day

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  • myfreakinopinion

    90 percent of the time when I help people I'm getting burned, I call 911 to aviod getting in harms way, Unfouratanatly no good usually goes unpunished, I help people from a far away distance, not directly.

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  • I'd note the location and call emergency while heading to where I needed to go.

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  • dimwitted

    If I was getting corn on the cob then no. But any other circumstances then yes.

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  • chuy

    Nope..I would call for help but no stopping.

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  • Tealights

    It depends on the situation. If it's a traffic accident that requires police and ambulance, then I wouldn't help because I have no medical training, but I will call the police just in case no one else did.

    Looking back on how many strangers I've helped, I'm basically that person that will talk to you if I notice you're crying or looking super sad, and will listen to everything so you get it all off your chest. If I notice you're bleeding, I'll share my bandages I have on me with you. If I noticed you're lost, I'll ask and offer directions. If you need something, I'll probably give you what I can in a reasonable amount and not expect anything in return, etc.

    The issue is, I spend a lot of time doing this when I shouldn't, especially at work. I had supervisors come to me and say, "Your customer service is great, you really care, but you care too much. You need to focus on your job more." Then I'll get mad because without customers there wouldn't be a job, right?!

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    • You sound like an all-around good person that the world needs more of. Sensible, but a great heart.

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      • Tealights

        The world doesn't want kindness.

        The biggest issues I have are people seeing me as weak, fake, or naive. I can handle people thinking I'm weak, because my actions can prove my strength and my knowledge can prove my smarts/experience depending on the subject. When people think I'm fake, they try to do shit to purposely piss me off to see what they think is the "real" me. It's annoying.

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        • Ellenna

          The world DOES want and need kindness! Maybe bosses don't because it's not profitable, but the world would be a much better place with more kindness like yours, so don't change!

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          • Tealights


            Thanks Ellenna.

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        • I can relate to that pretty hard and I fucking hate it. I enjoy helping people and would help someone if I could. I seem like a easy target especially cause I love giving and making people happy and being myself but I hate it cause it gives the wrong vibe even tho its how I am I’ve had people try and start shit with me to see how I am mad. As if anger is the real me 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve always been this way they’re just gunna have to deal with it. Sometimes even because I love giving I’ve seen many people try and take advantage but I’m not blind to see it. Thing is tho may take a lot to truly piss me off at some times but when I’m pissed off I can lose my absolute shit. My boyfriends sister mentions how she’s scared of me cause she wanted to argue one day after intentionally pissing me off. Idk what she expects me to not stick up for myself because I’m usually a sweet person? Some fucking people.

          After I hung around my boyfriends family for a long time his sisters boyfriend was like wow she’s generally a nice person I just stood there so confused cause it’s like wtf did you think I was? Yeah I’m a bitch but I’m a nice caring bitch.

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          • Tealights

            SAME!!!! HOLY SHIT!

            Because I rarely get angry it's an emotion I don't handle well at all to the point I did scare people in the past, including myself. But yeah, I had to deal with guys trying to take advantage of me, and then get surprised when I never talk to them again. I had to deal with stereotypes like, "Oh you're a nice girl, so you must like this and that right?! Come on, I know you do." I had to deal with an ex telling me bullshit like, "Why are you always so calm and nice?! You don't ever argue with me." I looked at him like he was crazy.

            I think what makes me a bit upset and sad is I really dislike being called "rare", "pure", and what not. Our actions though good, shouldn't be considered rare unless it's above and beyond, like dedicating your life to taking care of others. Why do I have to be an asshole to be consider strong and normal?

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            • Exactly I really don’t get pissed often and when I do it’s hard to get over it or calm down easy because it hardly happens. I’ve ditched many “friends” because they take advantage even in a friendship they use me. I never expect back tho. I’ve heard “noones ever done anything like this for me before” so much and it actually makes me sad noone has been a good person. I naturally care and it’s heart breaking sometimes to see people not care. Even taking care if my grandmother before she passed like I would of done that for her anyday even if I didn’t know her. Yet no other cousins or anything would even visit her without a special occasion.

              That’s so true. It’s probably why I only fall for nice guys I don’t wanna be unhappy I want someone who will treat me as nice back last thing I wants constant arguments. Then I’ll probably get called psycho when I get overly pissed off 😂.

              Ik sometimes I feel like I need to act like a unhappy bitch 24/7 to fit in. I’m not good at acting and other people’s happiness often is mine. I can’t change myself and remain happy.

              I’ve been called rare before and a “true friend” but I mean I’m just being myself. I don’t want to be something different but I don’t want to be like everyone else either. I wish more people like this were around I hate that the norm isn’t people who truly care.

              I love when I’m at work and see someone come in seeming eh but after talking to them and listening and usually getting them laughing they tend to leave with a better attitude. That feels great to me and I’m happy to make someone’s moment. If that makes me weak I’ll take the compliment haha.

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  • Probably not. If it looked like they might die if I do not intervene, then I probably would help

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  • I feel like if I saw it happen and noone else was around I’d stop and at least call help or something if they needed it. I wouldn’t wanna leave someone stranded for some time needing help. What if their phone got smashed up n shit. I’d at least ask. My mom witnessed an accident not long ago and the person was layed right out and she just dropped everything to run and make sure everything was okay and stayed for police and did a witness report thing.

    When my accident happen it was right in front of a store cause the lady pulled right out and slammed her break on so I ended up like pretty much in the parking lot but kinda in a snowbank after hitting her. No cars stopped but someone ran out from the store after a minute or two and got some towels cause I was bleeding. I mean I didn’t really need help it wasn’t that bad but I’m glad I had witnesses and someone around and coming over just in case. The lady was in her car with screaming kids and didn’t get out for like 5 minutes which got me a little worried but cars were flying by and I didn’t wanna run over I was super dissy but then the person who came to me also went to see her. Between being kinda dissy from the airbag and super pissed off that my car was totaled probably good I didn’t go see her right off. Which ik that wasn’t self caused but oh well I’ll mention it anyway.

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