If there is a hell, should we fear it?
Hell is supposed to be a place of fire, darkness, and worms that don't die. Something like that.
Yes | 48 | |
No | 40 |
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Hell is supposed to be a place of fire, darkness, and worms that don't die. Something like that.
Yes | 48 | |
No | 40 |
From everything I've heard, what most people imagine heaven to be would be the cruelest hell possible to me. Bring on the fire and brimstone! At least I won't have to spend eternity bored out of my skull.
Yes. I don't believe Hell is full of fire and worms and blah blah blah. I believe it's a place where everything you fear becomes reality and a bunch if other bad shit happens to you
you don't have to fear it because the real god wouldn't do that. it's only mentioned and created to show us how evil and cruel satan is and what kind of god he would be to work so hard begging god to send people there.
Go to heaven for the climate, and to go to hell for the company - Mark Twain
So you aren't asking about the veracity of its existence? Simply in a hypothetical situation? If so then you have to take in a much broader view in answering the question. If you are a Christian then you don't have to go to hell. If not then you will. To be cast into a lake of non consuming fire. You'll burn for eternity. Without relief or end. Ever. So? What do you believe?
I want to go to heaven o:. I read that hell is an eternity in solitude while being tortured by demons... Plus in heaven you get your own mansion.
Not being tortured by demons, but being tortured with demons. The demons don't get to have fun either.
If you have a few minutes, do some research on solitary confinement. The condemned has none of the following: time, day/night, human interaction, music, television, radio, internet, reading material of any type, no objects, in short nothing buy one's clothes and bed.
The prisoners begin to wail like a hound baying at the moon. They cannot stand being alive, bang their heads against the wall, smash their hands and feet in order to feel something, anything. It's pretty harsh stuff.
Well, if there is a hell like that, I certainly will be there, but I'm not worried. I imagine I'd probably be shaking hands with old friends anyhow.
Read The Divine Comedy, it's not a comedy, the translation from Italian has changed over the centuries.
its ok yall can say asshole here
makin my thoughts known on a website intended for just that aint bein anasshole
I know what I can say, I was "makin my thoughts known".
Saying "I'm going to Hell anyway" is rationalizing being a bad person, rotten to others.
There is no rationale for being a bad person, there is no defense for being rotten to others.
Read "Damned" by Chuck Palahniuk.