If this ebola outbreak goes world wide what would you do?

Other; explain 4
Pray day and night; God will save me 5
Continue living as I always do and hope for the best 27
Gather friends and family and run for the hills 15
Live it up until the end comes 8
Get all stressed out and depressed 5
Become an outlaw and do as I please 7
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Holzman_67


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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Well, if I get it, I have the means of offing myself before I have to die slowly and painfully.

    I am being dead serious, here. Not trying to be morbid. I'm completely convinced that it will be handled (mainly due to the fact that people in the states care more about people in the states and will likely work harder to sort out the situation being that it is so close to home), but if I get infected with it and the doctor tells me that I'm likely to die, I'll go home, sort out my will and die on my own terms.

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    • NotHumanAtAll

      Even if there's a chance you'll survive it?

      What if through treating you, the doctors find you have the rare DNA sequence that allows them to make a cure from your blood?

      Damn I'm only hopeful when it comes to other people. When it comes to myself, id be afraid to keep whatever you have as a means of offing yourself anywhere near me.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        It would have to be better than the shitty 10% it is now.

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        • delling

          Keep in mind that if it impacted white Americans, or even Americans in general, it would be handled a lot more gracefully. Not crying conspiracy here, but face it, we don't give a shit about Africa.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            That's not news to me.

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  • CountessDouche

    Other! Educate myself and others as to how Ebola is contracted.

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  • delling

    Why is "shit a lot and bleed from your eyes" not an option? I know that's what I'd do.

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  • hairyfairy

    I`d avoid people until the plague burnt itself out.

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  • VioletTrees

    Probably die.

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  • green_boogers

    At the present rate, they'll be 100,000 cases in Africa by April 16, 2015. At this point, people will be taking the vaccine for chimpanzees to avoid infection.

    I'm not too worried here in North America, but I'll head to the desert if there's significant risk.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I believe that our lifestyle would keep us pretty safe from something like this for about 4 or 5 months at the least. With enough basic supplies aboard (rice, flour, sugar, and canned goods) we could, being conservative, live without coming in contact with any other humans. We'd catch fish and lobster and could even get fruit from uninhabited islands. By monitoring the radio we could then sail to a place without the disease and resupply, so I doubt we would ever really be in jeopardy.
    We have a spare cabin, and the bidding will commence after this announcement from our sponsors.

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  • DolphinAngel

    You have a 1/3 chance to survive the disease plus it's not that easy to become infected since the virus is not airborne and if you take precautions, you are unlikely to become infected yourself...

    Besides, I would probably continue living like nothing happened or have some fun by doing what I please given the fact that most people around me are dying and I'm likely to die sooner or later anyways...

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  • CoraCook

    Die, maybe?

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