If you could click your fingers and skip the entire work day, would you?

If you could click your fingers, and your entire work day would be over, so that you'd have just left work at the end of the day (or you'd be just back home after your commute, whichever you'd prefer), would you?

Basically you would have went to work alright, and did all your work to a good standard, but you would have no memories of what happened in the work day. It would be as if an alien force had taken over your body and did your work for you, and then you just wake up afterwards. So it wouldn't have any negative effect on your job, you wouldn't get fired for not doing any work or anything.

The plus side is that you wouldn't have to do a day of work, but the drawback is that 40 hours per week would basically be removed from your life, so it'd shorten your life by a great deal. It'd only be all the work bits of life though, so would you think that it'd be worth it?

No 6
Yes 6
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Anonnet

    Depends on what my job is, but generally yes. I'd be a little bit concerned, since doing it once would probably mean I would have to keep doing it forever (since I wouldn't remember what I did last time I was here). On the plus side, I wouldn't have to mentally be there.

    I would probably do it on specific days where I know I'm not doing anything important and just hope Bourne Identity doesn't occur.

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  • leggs91200

    I certainly would. Nothing exciting happens at my job

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  • howaminotmyself

    No. While some of it sucks, sometimes I talk to really cool people.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Only on occasion. An important part of my job involves needing to know what transpired day to day

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      You wouldn't have the choice of picking when to use it, it'd have to be either every single work day or none at all. But you wouldn't have to worry about needing to remember stuff for work, anything required of you (including remembering any work stuff) would be carried out automatically. You would just have no memory of any of it when you get home each day.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Probably not

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  • LloydAsher

    I value the ideas I conjure up in the environment of being bored.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Hows things going with the cdl stuff

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      • LloydAsher

        Got into tanker school and I'm doing that for a few weeks and then I'm off with a training engineer.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Hell yeah tankers can make good money

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