If you could stay any age forever, what age would it be?
Under 17 yrs old. | 253 | |
18-19 yrs old. | 239 | |
20 yrs old. | 89 | |
21 yrs old. | 300 | |
25 yrs old. | 377 | |
30-40 yrs old. | 101 | |
40-50 yrs old. | 12 | |
60+ | 15 |
Ask Your Question today
Under 17 yrs old. | 253 | |
18-19 yrs old. | 239 | |
20 yrs old. | 89 | |
21 yrs old. | 300 | |
25 yrs old. | 377 | |
30-40 yrs old. | 101 | |
40-50 yrs old. | 12 | |
60+ | 15 |
I voted with the idea that my body would stop aging at a certain point and that my mind would continue gaining experience, knowledge and wisdom. I used to abhor getting old because of the loss of control it represented. I've calmed a lot about that viewpoint but now I'm starting to think that 70-80 years isn't anywhere near long enough to discover our brains true potential. It would be great to keep our younger bodies and just keep going with our minds.
Haha..I actually voted for the 30-40 for kind of the opposite reason. Thinking of the maturity level at that point in life. But yes..ideal would be mid-20s physically, 40s experience.
You brain won't exactly get brighter with the years. Sort of failed logic there.
You ever heard of the term Ignorance is Bliss...Being wise is not all its cracked up to be...
I'd love to stay 17, it was the best time of my life. At that time I got accepted into the most prestigious university in the Middle East, I was in a band, and had a girlfriend for the first and only time in my life.
I guarantee that the ones who put 17 and under are madly obsessed with twilight.
or love gettin with15 year olds.
I say 25, Old enough to do everything, old enough to get girls from 18 to 30 but still young enough to have all that energy and the world at your fingertips...oh and fact that you can still be a toyboy and bag some cougars
I'd say 21, but I have two months until then. But I plan to live it up and get a lot of future planning done this year
i just want to live until 80years old and decide cuz am just 20right now and the more i get older the more i hate myself in the past and the more i realize how stupid i was..but sometimes i just want to be stuck in the age of a baby"5 monthes old"still innocent have no problems to think about always sleeping in peace and others are taking care of you..que demander de plus!
21, you are the age to drink, and you can drive and everything, and your full of energy
WAHAHA!!! Over 30 years old u are such an old frog!!! Joke*!!! It si better to be -17 because in those years of your life you donĀ“t need to work and your parents give you everything! But over 17 you need to work and win money!
I'm 36 and quite happy with my age.
Probably living now things I didn't had the chance after my 20ths. Still had a nice time between 16 and 20.
One makes the best out of each age.
Matureness helps to take the best out of life. Very young we think we know a lot or everything about life and that is totally wrong.
Depending on circumstances any age is good as long as you know a bit about life.
I have some really great memories from when I was like 10/11. I was so much more happier then.
The wisdom, experience and talent of age and the health of youth - what was that number? Oh right - it doesn't exist!
25 was a horrible time for me, I wouldn't want to be there again. 30, on the other hand...
As I get older people seem more attracted to me so I'm not sure what age I'd pick yet.
Confidence with age perhaps?
Maybe it's this tasty burger?
Either way I'm yours baby so call 555-800-55-8000 NOW! ;)
I would love to stay 25,but only physically. Mentally, I would still gain experience, and with a 25 year old body, I could put my experience to good use.
Not there but 24. Old enough to have fun, young enough to get away with it.
Yeah, turning 20 was my most useless birthday ever.
I chose 30-40. I'm not there yet, but it seems comfortable. Steady job, hopefully, kids, a house...stability. I guess I like stability.
I think I understand why some people would like to stay 60+, because some countries give more respect to older people.
I would like to stay 17 :)
Early 30's. Old enough to have wised up to stuff but young enough to party t up still. Had my best years then. I for some reason when young always looked forward to early thirties-lol!
I think everyone wants to be the age where they were the happiest. Just like in when people are asked are times are worse or better today than they were in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s. People tend to answer that question based on how happy they were then as compared to now. That actually makes me optimistic because I think we are worse off today, but maybe that's just because my adult life sucks! I always reflect on the 80's being awesome 'cause that's when I was a kid and I was happy. Also, the cartoons were way better then! 80's was the best decade for toys. Gi joe...heman...80's rocked....The present is abysmal. I was born in 1976...I was probably happiest in 1984 when I was 8 because it was just before we moved and I changed school district so I lost all my friends and the new ones I made sucked. So, I would want to be 8, infinitely. It depends on weather you like to drink and have sex and stuff, too. My fondest memories are family trips and get togethers. Now my familty is all fragmented all over the USA and my grandparents are dead and my aunt is dead and my uncle moved away and I'm all alone. I have stupid adult desires now like wanting to have sex and I can't get laid...so that just sucks. When I grew up only to realize that every dream I had when I was a kid won't ever come true. Nope, you won't go to the Olympics, ever. You aren't a good enough runner. Nope, you won't ever get a girlfriend, get married and have kids of your own, nobody wants you. Ignorance is bliss. You don't realize how much your life is gonna suck in the future when you are a kid. Ignorance is truly bliss. Being an adult sucks. God, I hate it.
I'd want to be 18 because that seems like a good age where you can look young and beautiful forever, but old enough to be an adult.
i live to always be 21!!!!!!!!!!!!sex,drinks,bars and awhole lot of ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(just turned 22 ;*(
i'm 27 years old, sometimes i get age panic and i want to stay age of 25.
i'd be 9 of course! If i did anything that got me in throuble i'd say "im sorry i didnt know" and forgive. And i'd also be able to be pro at hide and seek and be NINJA FREAKIN AWESOME!!! THOSE PIRATES DONT GOT NUTHIN ON ME!!!
Whichever age I have my first baby!
Then there will be no use to getting older...
i just want to be hapy what ever age i am it really doesnt matter to me i want to be healthy of course but still as long as i am happy and healthy and fulfill my life long dreams i would be just fine
I'm 18 right now. It would probably either be 21, or about 8 years old. 21 you have complete control over you life, yet still have a healthy body. When you are 8, you have no cares what-so-ever. Your grades are a check mark and don't matter, and you have no homework and are free to play all the time, and on top of all that someone takes care of you.
25...you're old enough to support yourself, have kids, go out, drink, and do basically anything you want. on the other hand, you're young enough to avoid illnesses associated with age and still have a lot of vitality left in you. although i do not think i would want to be any one particular age forever.
25. It's the most practical age. You could go anywhere. Not seem too young to be held back or get weird looks, and not too old for it to be unappealing.
I want to stay 25. When anyone ask my age by the time I'm 35, I'll revert to 25.
21 = strong back, rock hard, long lasting, full of energy and still single.
I would like to be 13 forever. Still young enough that people take care of me, and I'm not expected to get a job or anything. But old enough to have boobs and flirt with people.
If you're younger than 21 (or even 21) I feel you're not taken seriously by the rest of society, and although I still do not believe that you have yet to be taken completely serious, 25 would be an awesome age because you're still in good health and you have left the 'excessive amount of hormones stage' and you're still young and still have a full life ahead of you.