If you could time travel, would you rather have the abilety be like?

For both you can visit any time an place in history and up to thousand years in the future (from before time travel starts). For the first one, things work exactly as normal when you're running on regular/original time. While on time travels you are only an observer that wont be noticed.

For the second, its like you basically had the abilities of doctor who except you don't re-spawn if killed (and no weeping angels). You would have to run on normal time to recover injuries. If traveling within your own lifespan, age changes proportionally

You are invincible during time travel, but can't influence anything 12
You can influence events during travel, but can get harmed or killed as normal 8
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Comments ( 5 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    I wouldn't want to change the past, it could only fuck up the future in worse ways. So I'd definitely pick the first option.

    I do like to think about the idea though that, if you ever intended to travel into the past, then the past already includes your visit, and so you couldn't possibly change anything in the past because the current version of the past already includes anything you've already done to try to change it. It's a bit of a mind warp to think about.

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  • I want to go back in time and win the lottery.

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  • JuliaGeorge

    I would love to time travel. But again, it would just fuck up stuff in the future. For example, let's say I met my husband while I spilled stuff on him during my teenage waitress job. If I went back in time and thought I could stop myself from poring the beverage on him but still meet him it would not work. Because I would of not served him at my table. Confusing...

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would choose to travel back in time, and not be able to influence events, because I think for anyone to be able to change past events would be to destroy the world as we know it today!

    I must confess, however, that if there's one thing I could change it would be to save great library at Alexandria in Egypt from being burned down, and to find a way to save all the books, and scrolls from ever being destroyed!

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  • megadriver

    I don't really need to risk anything, I'll be in and out quickly. All I need is a little bit of info for next Friday...

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