If you found out the child wasnt yours

If you had already bonded and raised a child as your own to a certain age if you suddenly found out the child was not yours would you cut contact completely with the child and not be its father/mother anymore?

Yes 3
No 20
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Vvaas

    leaving the kid after raising and caring for it because it isn't "yours" is fucked up and shpuld have their balls removed

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    One of my posts on here was actually about not being able to get over the suicide of someone whose "dad" abandoned her after learning she wasn't his. To abandon a child is cruel.

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    • I remember it. I thoufht bout it making this post

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        It still breaks my heart. Even if it was a troll...it really, really didn't come off like that, and as far as I know the account hasn't been used since.

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  • olderdude-xx

    A father and mother is the person who raises the child. You raised it - your still the father.

    Biological parents... may be the father and mother, and in a number of cases are not.

    I'd ask the mother for an explanation. Many things can be forgiven (especially if they did not repeat). Certain things they may not have ever wanted to talk about (perhaps the child was the result of a rape).

    There are rare cases where they were impregnated by someone elses sperm and had no idea that it even happened.

    As Examples: My understanding is there is a civil war story of a musket ball the went through a mans testicles and then entered into a woman vagina - and she got pregnant from it.

    I also read that a young lady had some kind of sex toy that could squirt warm water into her; and a male family member found it and ejaculated into the reservoir before returning it to her drawer... (without ever telling her that he had done that) and she got pregnant. Now if she was routinely having sex with someone else at the time... who would have suspected that it was not the person she was having sex with.

    I'd listen to the explanation before deciding on what to do, if anything.

    But, I'd still be a father to the child as I am the father.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Do you have sources for those stories of women getting impregnated without being ejeculated in?

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      • If that civil war story really happened I almost wanna believe that was some devine shit going on. Maybe that baby had a purpose.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Nothing current. The Civil war case was written up in a medical book on sexuality and reproduction that I read many years ago. The Dr's of the day wrote a paper on the case that is likely still findable in some archive (why it was in the Medical Book).

        The sex toy case was something I read some years ago when I was doing significant research on human sexuality. Almost all of my reading in those days were from the Kinsey Institute, various links from them, a University of Indiana Sexual Health website, and lots of research and study results published in the various professional paper websites.

        The source for that story would have from one of those; which I consider credible.

        Such stories of pregnancy without known involvement of a male are very rare... but, there are at least those two cases that I found documented in professional literature. Note that both cases are well over 100 years apart.

        PS: you caught me when I was online on this forum. A somewhat rare catch by itself.

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        • SkullsNRoses

          Cheers, I have some research to do.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I would still stand by the child, but I would never forgive my misses and would leave her.

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  • Sanara

    I actually never got the obsession with whether the kid is biologically yours or not. I dont want kids, but if I already had one and had bonded with it, I wouldn't want to get rid of it just because it wasn't "mine". The relationship you have with them is still real

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    • bigbudchonger

      It's an obsession because it's a basic evolutinary principle. You might as well be saying "I never got the reason people want to reproduce".

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  • Orphan

    Some are cruel enough to have an abortion so i could imagine a lot of people just turni their back on the kod

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  • Mini69

    Would be pretty hard not to know if the child were mine, as I think I would remember whether or not I gave birth to him/her.

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    • For example they took your child to the back to do its vital signs and accidentally bring back the wrong child. It has happened before.

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  • raisinbran

    I would drop it off at second hand store.

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  • Somenormie

    I would still treat them like a loyal father/uncle.

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