If you had a time machine, what would you do?
Yeah if you had a time machine, what would you do? Personally, I'd want to go to Woodstock to see if it was as cool as old-timers claim.
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Yeah if you had a time machine, what would you do? Personally, I'd want to go to Woodstock to see if it was as cool as old-timers claim.
Two things.
1. Go see if Jesus (The historical figure.) truly was the product of a virgin birth.
2. Just sort of chill out in various time periods.
Depends. What powers this time machine. Hate to get stranded. First thing first I'd bring back a grand to little kid me say ming buy bitcoin sell when you buy soulsilvet a second time and here's a couple hundred bucks for games books and candy. After a few choice lessons I'd teach the little brat I'd go exploring and learn stuff
Go back in time and tell myself who to avoid dating and never consider a friend.. people are fake af
I would help myself. There were enough situations where I needed someone but no one was there.
go ahead a few days and find out the multi million lottery number that no one won that day, come back and play it.
Go back to before I got this chronic illness so I can prevent it if possible
Depends... is the machine limited to the past or can we travel straight into whatever Idiocracy awaits us in the future?
Go forward, see what happens. Assuming we dont die of a cataclysm or war, humanity has a lot working for it. I wanna go into the far future if I have to get to humanities apex.
Id go back in time to see what this jesus fellow was really aboutAlso id go back tell the founding fathers and make them clarify the 2nd amendment more and write the amendment with "this law shall never be changed under any circumstances".
It’d be horrifying, nobody under any circumstances should allow me use of one for even a moment. To even consider doing so, would be insanity.
Raising more questions than answers.
We're assuming said time machine would take you through space as well as time. What if it doesn't?
1800's. Also,a little bit of 1700's,too. I would love to see how these people lived. I would think about whatever year I was in,and reallly soak it all in.
I just go back to the 80s, and 90s to party, and tell my young self a thing, or two which I would probably forget.
I'd see all the grunge bands live at the peak of their musical careers and while they were all still alive...
I'd see my favorite bands who formed in the late 90s/early 2000s live in their early years.
And then i'd basically just fix my own life.
First of all i'd switch to a different class when i'm six years old because I ended up in the worst one at the entire school attitude-wise and endured years of bullying instead of just asking to switch to a different class for some reason.
I'd also make sure I never dated my first boyfriend.
That's about it. I wouldn't be interested in anything more than fixing errors of my past and possibly re-live a few memories.
Woodstock sounds fucking cool! Too bad I was born 30 years too late to see it.
I would go back and try to make me be born a girl (even at the risk of killing myself or getting "stuck" in time)