If you started a country, would you allow freedom of religion?

Ok, I'm curious, what I'm asking you to do is say your faith (if you have one), and then say if you would allow freedom for your citizens to choose their faith or to have the lack of one, and a reasoning why. And if you had to favor one religion that wasn't your own (or one similar to yours, I.E: Roman catholic, Eastern Orthodoxy, pardon me if I'm incorrect, but from what I know they are similar, but have obvious differences.)

I'm an atheist, and I would allow them too choose their own faith and whether or not they have one, just because I have my own beliefs doesn't mean I wanna deprive my citizens of their own, and if I had to favor, it would probably be Buddhism, their moral codes are much better and "moral" than some other faiths, They believe in life for ALL animals (not just humans), they accept homosexuals, and their karma system seems much better than "if you're not following our faith, you're fucked"

freedom of religion 39
no freedom of religion 8
wouldn't care 3
other 4
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Comments ( 40 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I believe a country without religion would be the most peaceful one on earth. Probably the least corrupt, as well.
    If properly done, it might not require force or laws, it would be a place where the religious just wouldn't want to be. One little tiny enclave where hatred and killing in the name of a gawd would not exist.

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    • sega31098

      There's already a place like that. It's called North Korea.

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      • thegypsysailor

        OK. How do you know? Perhaps there's huge underground religious thing going on. Just because something is outlawed, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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        • sega31098

          Of course religion exists there, but the government doesn't like it. Kim Il Sung was anti-religion, too.

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  • Ace09

    Religion has caused more trouble to man kind than any other Ideas. I wouldn't allow it.

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    • Odeen

      If it makes some people happy, and they keep it to themselves, what's the problem?

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      • CreativeThinker

        People never keep religion to themselves, They will preach and eventually try to expand , this is where problem starts ........

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        • RB190

          Religion is the in avoidable result of the human desire of inquiry.

          no nation can truly abolish it, if you do, you'll either collapse or it will creep in one way or the other over many generations, the religious institutions may be lost but human spirituality will never be.

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  • RB190

    Homosexuality is not Okay in Buddhism, nor is it okay anywhere else.

    Only new age churches and reformed religious bodies along with Satanists, Pagans and wiccans condone Homosexuality.

    please do not state false things about my faith as if it were fact.

    Like the other faiths we may tolerate it, because we're supposed to be loving and caring for others, but we do Not condone it.

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  • CreativeThinker

    I will ban all sort of religions which includes Books,worship places,rituals, special days , groups, societies and preaching etc

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  • zzyzx

    Yes, and human rights would always trump the right to freedom of religion. Also religion would be kept out of government and other shared public institutions.

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    • RB190

      you sound like the French.

      Freedom of religion is a human right, the most basic of ones, along with home shelter and family, all other rights come afterwards.

      I congratulate you on preventing govt. from interfering with religion and from keeping religion out of politics
      (by not making religious leaders politicians), but I rather like the American system where I can be religious in public and not have to worry about being thrown in jail for wearing certain clothing or saying certain things.

      a free society is only free if the right to religion trumps politically incentivized attacks claiming to be based on human rights(ironically doing the opposite)

      In Turkey all schools must be secular, i.e. it is illegal for any religious organization to open a school.

      in france you cannot even get married in public using religious or cultural iconography, you can't wear religious clothing nor carry religious items into schools or offices or any public building.

      this is not real freedom, only an illusion, this is why the US is the best.

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  • If I had my own country, I would allow freedom of religion, but I would try to find ways to counter the things which make people more likely to embrace fundamentalism. I would want to create a country where neither man nor woman has much of a use for gods or oppressive, tribal religions, because they can trust their fellow man or woman to help them in their time of need and have faith in them. I would like to undermine class-disparities which I believe have a significant influence on the religiosity of people, and promote a culture free of the sort of vacuity seen in hyper-consumerist cultures which make Christianity and Islam seem palatable by comparison. Education and learning for learning's sake would be promoted, and we would seek to create a country where people do not feel alienated from their work or their fellow citizen.

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  • modernism

    Of course.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I will be their god.

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    • RoseIsabella


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      • RB190

        isn't that like prince Philip ?

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        • RoseIsabella

          How so?

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          • RB190

            <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Philip_Movement" rel="nofollow">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Philip_Mov...</a>

            The locals think Prince Philip is the son of God due to some mistranslation after contact with Christianity.

            they hope to bring him back to their island so that peace may prevail and their God the creator of the island from where all life originated , may finally be re-united with his son.

            For more details check out Meet the Natives , the UK edition.
            <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV9GRNKqOKw&amp;list=PL1D7878FA3DDA6F74" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV9GRNKqOKw&amp;lis...</a>

            also check out the US version, regarding a Navy soldier who's spirit apparently resides within the heart of President Obama.

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  • Unimportant

    Yes. Freedom of and freedom from religion. And - in my country in would an exclusively private matter.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm a Roman Catholic and I would allow freedom of religion. I would reclassify Scientology as a dangerous cult. I would discourage radical Muslims from immigrating here. I would impose quotas on the number of Muslims allowed in my country. The penalty for terrorism would be death by swine! The religion I would be most open to would most likely be Buddhism.

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    • VinnyB

      You say that you would allow religious freedom, and then list all the ways that you would restrict religious freedom, which is pretty ironic.

      But your right, we should stick to a loving God, like the one in the Bible. You know, the one who slaughtered all the first born children of Egypt, not to free the Jews, but if you read the Bible, he did this to show Pharaoh how bad ass he was. Also a God that is so all knowing and all seeing, that he needed the Jews to paint their doors with blood so he would know which children not to kill. Yea, that sounds like a good choice to me.

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      • RoseIsabella

        It's better than Allah.

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        • VinnyB

          That's all you have? It's better than Allah? (which by the way according to Muslims is the same person, as both Islam and Christianity are based on the God of Abraham)

          You are worshiping someone who murders children just to show what a big tough guy he is, which when put that way, sounds like someone who should be regarded in the way that Adolf Hitler is, and your best defense for doing so is to say "It's better than Allah"

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    • sega31098

      Hello Geert Wilders.

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      • RoseIsabella

        As long as that guy doesn't have a problem with Catholics or Jews he's fine by me.

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        • RB190

          You'd both get along fine.

          that's no compliment btw.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Fine by me, I choose to see it as a good thing. I'm not going to let your opinions affect me.

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            • RB190

              Nor am I let yours affect me, but as a younger person than you , your thinking does frighten me.

              Regardless I wish you the best. I'd just wish I didn't have to worry about persecution due to my faith, blanket discrimination is blind and even affects those who have no relation to your battle.

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    • death by swine?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, it's the best way to kill terrorists.

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        • RB190

          what about the Jews and Jains and vegetarian Hindus? and Buddhist monks?

          I am religiously obligated to provide religious freedom, if I were to become king, no quotas no nothing, I'd let the world grow the way God wills it to.

          P.S. I'm not sure I'd like to live in a country that only claims religious freedom on the surface but interferes through deportation, expulsion, extermination and quotas. that's not religious freedom!

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        • What happens if the natives of your country begin to convert to Islam in significant numbers? Would they be deported? In fact, if you impose a quota on the number of people in your country allowed to follow a particular religion, wouldn't that be considered antithetical to freedom of religion?

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          • RoseIsabella

            What happens if I don't give a fuck about people who follow false prophets, false prophets in their 50's who make child brides of little prepubescent girls?

            I would provide tax incentives for pig farmers.

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            • It must be hard holding such disdain for approximately 20% of the world's population: I don't care for Islam, but I still give a fuck about the people who follow it.

              "[F]alse prophets in their 50's who make child brides of little prepubescent girls?"

              Change that to 'prepubescent boys' and that could be a rather anti-Catholic statement.

              In fact, didn't God order Moses and his men to take a bunch of young virgins and rape them? Does that make Jews pedophiles?

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  • fishlifelivng

    I would have a county or that of what is a system that is based around worth and value, ways of looking at it.

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  • Holzman_67

    I would turn the churches into asylums.

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