If you were a doomsday prepper, what would be your strategy?

Fortify home, stockpile goods and weapons, wait. 28
Practice survival skills, perfect backpack inventory, run. 31
Other. 15
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Anime7

    I wouldn't prepare myself. I'd live my life as if it were my last few days...

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    If I was a doomsday prepper I would check myself into the county mental health ward.

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  • TerryVie

    why stay at home? And run where?

    na, i'd do the same thing as for a zombie apocalypse - and fortify a defensible place and stockpile THERE.

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  • Avant-Garde

    If possible, I'd move to another planet.

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  • pi_man_31

    i would run naked in a very public place

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  • Santa'sUlcer

    I actually have thought about this, watching that Doomsday Preppers show. I always say to myself that the wisest thing to do would be to live underground in a discreet place, with food stockpiled and a hydroponics lab to grow food, or grow food with artificial lighting and have a water filtration system so that the water used would be recycled. But of course, this would cost WAY too much money to accomplish.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Build a fallout shelter somewhere out in the woods, complete with music, games, books, and a huge storage area. Collect important things... not just food but valuables, medicine, books. Things that could be destroyed by the bombing, to try to preserve as much history as possible. Chill and party in the shelter, wait it out, then as soon as the radiation clears, go out and start looting what's left and searching for survivors.

    Then the fun part happens. I'm no prepper but I almost wish I could afford to be, just because I think this world needs a disaster. Mankind needs to be reminded that we're not as big and bad as we think we are. We need to take care of this fucking rock we live on, we need to take care of each other, and we're not. If the nuclear winter comes, I hope I can somehow be there to shape the new world into what it was always meant to be.

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  • Dizzee

    Take it like a man. Throw some dirt around and make like a tree and run! D:

    Just kidding. I'd just kill myself to get it over with.

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