If you were dictator of your country
What changes would you make if you were dictator?
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What changes would you make if you were dictator?
This is scary.
I read a lot of comments that basically say if you don't think the way I do, you should be punished or killed.
Except for jodi1955, I see few that would run their country allowing people to have the freedom to be individuals.
Of course you did ask, "if you were a dictator", so I guess that's what dictators do, force their veiws on everyone else.
But doesn't the majority force their views on everyone else? You cannot say this is scary when the majority has shown that is exactly what they would do if they were dictator.
Not necessarily true.
There are many countries that have policies that protect minorities issues and view points. There are still people out there that just because they are Catholic don't think it should be illegal to have other religious beliefs or none. There are people that are not part of a minority group that still stand up for their right to be individuals.
They are not out to punish, lock up, or kill people just because they don't believe the same thing they do.
If you get an asshole (a lot are) for a dictator then yes that is what you end up seeing. That's also why even countries that have a king, queen, or president, also have a parliamentary type of system behind them. One person really doesn't set the policies.
That's also the scary part of the USA wanting to, and in some cases have gotten rid of the super majority rules.
Your right, in those cases where people or government are basically split even at 45% to 50% with a few in the middle a few dollars or persuasive efforts can get the 45% to 51%, and force their views. That's why it is so important to require the 60% to 75% support that a lot of Parliaments do. They have to have the support of the constituents to get that much support.
I do see a lot right now of left and right wanting to force their views on others. It used to be really far left and far right. Lately it seems the far left has become just the left. They even treat the moderates like outcast if you don't agree with them then you're not part of the left.
That's one reason if you are in the US that you have Biden as president. The left tried to get their preferred candidates but couldn't get enough support so they found a senile old moderate, hid him in his basement, paid or bribed the others to drop out and support him with a promise of a shadow leadership that would work to implement the lefts policies. How's that working out?
Also around the world you'll see the same issues on the left. They almost always vote as a block. Few and far between that don't vote the way the leadership wants, if you don't, then they will find a way to remove you.
Trump, tried to do this with the right because he realized that was the only way to get anything done against a united left. But the conservatives, right are too varied and it was almost impossible to get about 5 to 10 of his republicans to get on the band wagon.
This has played out to be true for quite a few things in Spain, Canada, USA, England and even in Japan as well as other countries.
Sorry so long, but in short I don't agree that it is normal for all individuals or even majority rule to force their views and not care about others.
Trump is still doing it quite successfully if I may add. Every right wing politician is sucking up to Trump trying to get his endorsement because its a almost sure thing to get the republican nomination if you have Trumps endorsement. Trump is still the most powerful republican even out of office for that reason. He can cause most if not all republicans to lose their seats. This is a problem for the republicans actually its so bad its almost like the party has split. Some republican media outlets even have a list of "rhino republicans" so voters know who is and isnt loyal to the right. If you dont vote with the right now you are very likely to lose your spot.
That's true, however they are about 20 or more years late to the party. The left/US democrats started this under Clinton and have perfected it since. Trump is just the first republican to say it out loud and try to get the same thing, but as you mentioned the Republicans aren't sheep and the party has quite a few that are fighting it. What they don't seem to realize, is if they don't get united the Dems are going to control everything for a long time. Under then president Obama not only were all the appointed positions filled with hard left but those appointees surrounded themselves 3 or 4 layers deep and brain washed or indoctrinated there organization's people to believe in leftists policies. They especially were able to accomplish this through the colleges and universities as well as department of education.
Look at the surveys and polls of the increase in people who believe socialism to be better than capitalism. The increase in those under 30 or 35, depending on the study you're looking at, it has tripled or more,
30 years ago an out spoken self proclaimed socialist would have been laughed out of the US Senate, yet if Sanders hadn't dropped out he would have at least gotten the democratic nomination.
The democratic party manipulated the nomination process because they knew Bernie would have been the one nominated, but they also knew there were not enough Independents and Republicans that would swing far enough to elect a socialist. Not yet!
So you got 'lets go Brandon' A puppet with a shadow government.
Many countries get changes through their government. Some through war or internal fighting, some through King or Queen leaning one way or another, others through deaths, but few free countries have actually thrown it away without being lied to, brainwashed, or corrupted into throwing it away.
But we are way off target of the op's original question.
I agree with everything you said except that the dems didnt choose Bernie because he wouldnt have been voted for. I truly believe based on alot of research that I have done and alot of evidence I have seen that the 2020 election was rigged. And I think the dems wanted a puppet and thats why they didnt go with Bernie because Bernie atleast had anti establishment views.
Ive given up on the country. Unless there is serious voter reform in a few swing states there's no hope for the future.
You're right. I think many people lean too much into personal preference and feelings, instead of reasoning and tolerance when given too much power. Maybe a reason why dictatorship is overall a bad idea
I would make the prison system to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment and attempt to help criminals reintegrate into society in a healthy way. As well as providing resources to help addicts to recover and get the support they need to be a productive member of society. I would also take measures to ensure that citizens personal freedoms are not encroached on.
Not sure about all, but I certainly would make stricter penalties for animal abuse. I read about a cause where someone actually raped a dog, and the only penalty they got were ban on keeping/caring for animals, that was not even followed up (which in practice just means they can continue doing it anyway). Was pretty angry when I read that. People who abuse animals (and humans for that sake) with intent should at least go to prison.
I would legalize euthanasia for people who are terminally ill, including people with alzeimers (I myself would prefer to be killed in those situations and think most people are with me). But if the person still want to live they can choose it.
I would attack “Special Interest” with a vengeance. Monopolies, oligopolies, and rent seeking would be prime targets. (Example: Big Protein Industry trying to squash research into cellular growth of lab produced synthetic meat.).
Manipulated global markets would get slammed into stability with futures contracts written by government traders against strategic national reserves.
Higher education is a total scam. This would get fixed. A life long commitment to professional education would be incentivized. Community colleges would start supporting career professionals with better and more numerous certification programs. High school mathematics would be rewritten to include logic problems as well as algorithm construction included in the curricula.
Assisted suicide for those with a six month life expectancy would be legalized.
The worlds geniuses would be recruited for immigration. All others would be locked out.
WARNING: This is not an idealistic fix. The human species has dominated the Planet for 4000 years. Humans natural Instinct is to exclude opportunities to other people. The progress civilization has made is largely due to the few people that realize that distributing opportunity equally to all, incentivizes ingenuity. Libertarianism only works when opportunities exist for everyone. As dictator, I would work to freeze the mechanisms by which opportunities are taken away from people. Deng Xiaoping of China, the most successful dictator of the last two centuries, largely had this approach.
Unfortunately, assholeism will be with us to the end of time. My dictatorial mandates simply slow 21st century decline. The only Renaissance since the 15th and 16th centuries has been the accelerated complexity of silicon wafer fabrication. And, it has occurred in Silicon Valley because it is a free international community with open communication and entrepreneurial liberty for all.
Force poison injections on people then freeze their bank accounts when they complain.
INTRO - In case you didn't know, I'm from Bulgaria, so there is a lot to fix...
1. Fire the president, all politicians, legislators, power plant managers, mayors, deputes and anyone else with any kind of power working for the country and sentence them to working in a labor camp for the rest of their lives.
They will sleep on the floor and will only be served wheat gruel with no seasoning and no salt to eat every single day. Also no medical treatment. Medical treatment is reserved for normal citizens, not scum. Whoever is sick - their problem. If they get better, they get better. If they die, they are thrown into an incinerator with no funeral, no nothing. Labor hours are from 5AM to 8PM with no breaks! No sick leave, no nothing! They will pay for their crimes. It will be painful and "inhumane", but you can't be inhumane with monsters that aren't human. Their lives are worthless. Repeated disobedience will result in death and incineration.
2. Lower the amount of required politicians and legislators to form a parliament from 240 to 100.
3. Place independent and intelligent people on key positions. Ones that have no affiliation to the Bulgarian communist party (BKP), the KGB, or Russian oligarchs.
4. Ban communism! Anyone associated with the Bulgarian Communist Party (BKP), or the oligarchy/ mafia is sentenced to a labor camp!
Their families are banned from applying for any government jobs for life!
5. Lower the pay for presidents, prime ministers, politicians, mayors and other government officials.
No more legislators with 25000 euro monthly salaries!
Maximum cap of 3000 Euro for anyone working for the country. (That's still a lot of money in Bulgaria)
6. Ban the use of premium luxury limousines for government officials. President and prime minister get one luxury car (Audi A8/ BMW 7/ Mercedes S-class, whatever is cheapest) and that's it!
The rest of the government cars will be a small fleet of mid-range VW Passats! And government vehicles will be replaced every 10 years! Not when the new model comes out.
7. A pro-European and pro-American mindset! Look at the west with it's democracy, then look at something like communist Moldova, or Belarus... Do you want to live a normal life, or do you want to suffer until death?! Bulgaria remains as close as possible to western allies!
8. General problem solving... Education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc...
9. Elections every 4 years with limits on consecutive reelections. You can't reelect the same people over and over endlessly!
10. A 1 million Euro fee for my services as I resign and am replaced by someone who has better morals and wants to work for the good of the country!
I’d require people to compost food/ paper waste on their property. I’d also require 6 months military training and 6 months of community service, paid of course.
From this day on, the official language will be Swedish. In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check. Furthermore, all children under 16 years old are now... 16 years old!
Sounds like nice thought but bad idea. What about people who wont (or cant) properly care for that husky? And huskies need a lot of exercise and are heat sensitive. Or some people may be allergic, scared of dogs or just dont like them. Dont forget animal abusers exist.
I would clean house of many federal agencies like FBI and CIA. I would have most of the top beaurocrats there fired but keep a few loyal high level guys that share libertarian ideas. Force them to wear cameras at all time so I can watch everything they do. Make them expose all the dirty secrets to the American people. I would make classified info go through a process where it has to be proven to actually be a national security issue and not just dirty laundry theyre trying to hide. I would end all gun laws. strip regulations to bare minimum. slice the top income tax rate to 10%. Slice corporate taxes to nearly 0. Look into how to possibly make it illegal for banks to issue student loans. Stop issuing medicare/medicaid for new applicants, old applicants are grandfathered in until birth when they die the medicare/medicaid system is abolished.
Put troops in Taiwan, make discrimination laws for big tech, just like private businesses can not discriminate against blacks they can not discrimate against political ideology. Make it easier to sue for discrimation if big tech deletes something you posted if you can prove what you posted was true. Put tariffs on things manufactured in China. If its manufactured in the USA its a 0% tax. Become isolationist again. Tap every oil reserve in US control. Get the coal mines running at 1950s capacity. Finish the border wall. Legalize mutual combat federally.
1. I would make zoos illegal.
2. Ban oral sex.
3. Ban sex in general (I'm definitely gonna get a lot of backlash for this).
4. Ban eating shit. The scat fetish is disgusting, and if you engage in it, you'll be sent to jail.
5. Make it illegal to sexualize something that isn't meant to be sexual.
6. Legalize suicide.
7. Make laws that will actually do more to protect children from abuse. In other words, make DHR actually do their JOB.
8. Make laws that add more protection for animals. You abuse an animal, you die.
9. I can't think of anything else at the moment.
I think number 8 is a bit extreme, I don't think the person should die instantly.
1: Ban islam
2: Ban socialism
3: Kill all SJWs who have ruined the country
4: Kill all rapists and pedophiles
5: Ban rap music
6: 1 Year mandatory military service for everyone
7: Invade and conquer the rest of Scandinavia
Having an attraction beyond your control is not evil. Going out and actively raping people is evil. You would be first in the prison camps.
It appears that my response to Tinybird has not appeared properly on this website, for some reason or another, so I shall put it here, lest it goes unnoticed:
The problem is: almost no one actually dislikes people for attractions they cannot control. If people just never have anything to do with their uncouth attractions, no one will ever dislike them for it. You're fighting against a threat that barely exists. Also, you say that I would be the first to go in this gulag, when I have defended inactive pedophiles before on this very website.