If you would commit murder, how would you do it?
Just asking for fun. I know you most likely won't commit murder, but this is just asking if you were to do it.
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Just asking for fun. I know you most likely won't commit murder, but this is just asking if you were to do it.
Alright, you all are under arrest. You all have just admitted that you're capable of murder, and also explained how you would go through with it. This was a post made by me, and my partner FBI agent, Fredrick T. Walt. You will get a knock on your door shortly. You all have been deemed a danger to society.
if i could i would probably get into a job like criminal investigation or crime scene clean ups to get some experience in what to use and how to cover my tracks. after that I'd target a stranger, most murders happen by someone you know or you are linked somehow to that person. choosing a complete stranger you've never met before is a bit more uncommon and harder for police to find connections leading to the killer.
I'd probably target someone who has a predictable routine, like maybe someone who goes for a walk every night at the same park at around the same time everyday. I'd track their schedule and movements for a couple weeks then make my move. I'd wear dark and baggy clothes with a mask and probably just go up behind them and chloroform them or something, I wouldn't want a struggle because that can leave evidence such as blood splatter on the ground.
I'd take them to where I plan on killing them, maybe an abandoned house or building that's out of the way somewhere. the most difficult part would be killing them and then cleaning up the evidence, which would depend how long I'd want to keep them alive and how I'd want to kill them (slow torture would be more risky to leave more evidence behind and a harder clean up compared to just killing them off as quickly and clean as possible, but I'm a murderer and after all that hard work in getting the person that would be boring)
after killing them obviously I'd have to try and clean up all the evidence like blood, even probably hair and stuff, the floor would have to be pristine clean. the body I could probably just cut up and use the parts for cooking and eating, the parts I don't use like bones I could grind them up in a grinder and idk make them into little treats to feed to my cats/chickens.
Depends on the situation.
Self defence? Anything goes. Even if I have to rip out their jugular with my teeth, I can care about hepititus after the person is dead.
For other purposes I would construct a zip gun that fires 22 rounds. The humble 22 has just enough power to penetrate the skull, but not enough to penetrate the other side, ricocheting and fragmenting inside the skull.
Perfect circumstances I would be near the burial zone involving a 8 foot hole (not a standard grave, just a hole just big enough to shove them in head first). The body will be cut open and then filled with yogurt to promote decomposition. Then on top of the body will a juvenile tree will be transplanted on top. Clothes will be burned after.
It depends on whom. If it were someone I really hated, I'd make sure they died a slow painful death, like suffocation. If it were someone who I just had a grudge against, I'd just blow them away and be done with it. Jus' sayin' of course.