If your pet could talk would you want that?
Lets say your pet could talk to you. Some miracle gave them the ability to speak. Would you want them to talk to you? Would you enjoy this?
Yes | 92 | |
no | 30 | |
possibly | 43 |
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Lets say your pet could talk to you. Some miracle gave them the ability to speak. Would you want them to talk to you? Would you enjoy this?
Yes | 92 | |
no | 30 | |
possibly | 43 |
No! Because I know what she would say, Is that food? Can I have some of that food? Just a bite? come on! Gimme that food. Please, please, PLEASE. Food, food, FOOOOOOOOOOD!!! :)
Hehehe! I love this comment!:D
Edit: not relevant, but I've just got a bit weirded out because you're not Shackleford96 and when I made the comment I thought you were.o_O How strange!:P
Ummm, sorry to disappoint.
I do take it as a huge compliment to be confused with him though. He is one of my faves.
I am surprised by all the yes answers. I don't think people have completely thought this through.
What pet do the majority of people own? Dogs (and Cats.)
What do those animals do extremely frequently? Beg for human food.
Not to mention, it would be like talking to a mentally challenged person.
Animals just aren't that smart. It's not as if you can have an intellectual conversation with em.
animals are smarter then you think. My mom mentioned that our cat was going to the vet, and it was out the door, havent seen it since :(
Aww poor kitty didn't want to go to the doctor. I know how that feels lol. Sorry you lost your cat. Also I do not think animals are stupid. I think they know a lot more. I do however do not believe they think in the way we do. So the way they see things are a lot simpler.
I think it is more like talking to a child. Not all animals are really that stupid. As much as people assume so.
I'd try it for a day before I'd buy it. I'd be more intrigued by what more exotic animals have to say. Like Sharks or some shit. "I'm gonna eat your surfboard and your leg, puny human!"
I have two axolotl. One would just be saying "swimswimCRICKETOMNOMswimswim" and the other would be "OH GOD NO A CRICKET RUN AWAY AHH"
My cat wouldn't talk to me. She's a bitch.
I might regret that decision.
I mean, what if it only speaks in accents? Or another language?
A friend of mine once told me that dogs are man's best friend because "they don't answer back."
I think there's a bit of truth in that.
Yes yes yes yes yes:D! That would be fantastic:D! Well, those are my immediate thoughts on it, perhaps I wouldn't like it much at all:S.
I would like it. My dog would probably be my best friend if he could talk. *sigh*
No because I wouldn't make any friends I would just be chilling with my pets all the time
Yes...but can pretty much guess what she'd be saying without that miracle. My dog is very opinionated...if she ain't happy she'll tell you! I'll say something to her...and she'll bark back at me....i say something else....she listens then barks back again...and with watching the body language I'm pretty much hang a conversation with her anyway
you don't have to be Mr. Magoo to talk to animals. it's called telepathy.
If my pets could talk I would ask them to only talk too me cause I would be afraid that the Government would some how find out and take them away from me. If I had a Magic I would make any animal speak for any amount of time I chose.
I'm on the fence about this. As much as I would love to be able to talk to my horse, I think one of the reason I love animals so much is because they /can't/ talk and therefore can't be annoying/offensive in that manner. xD
i wonder what my cats would say when they site and watch me wanking lol dam pervert
NO!!!!! imagine if when your sleeping, your dog jumps onto your bed and keeps repeating "GIVE THE DOG YOUR FOOOOD!!!"
Oh my gosh. If Siamese cats and Sheltland Sheepdogs could talk it would be great! Kinda noisy but sweet and great.
When I read that I immediately thought NO. My dog already annoys me enough with her constant whining and noises she makes. I can't even imagine what it would be like with her actually talking. Also she gets into more trouble with food and trash than any dog we've had. She is stubborn and noisy. lol. Thats what you get when you get a siberian husky or a siberian husky mix.
Oh no why me, why me, why me. No attention, why......
Also: Ah food, I smell it, can't I have some even though I know I can't.
She does get plenty of attention as is, but with my brother being gone she doesn't get as much as she use to.
Ahahaha! Every time I get up in the middle of the night my dogs are either barking or whining :P It doesn't make us angry anymore though because we had one of them for 2 years and the other for 3.. :]