If your spouse makes an above averge mess.....

I do all cooking, cleaning, laundry. My husband works outside of the home. This is how we want things to be, I don't mind it one bit.

However....he makes an outrageous mess. Do you think there should be a limit to what I should be responsible for?

Example: He's a mechanic, and he makes grease marks everywhere. The walls, the rugs, the shower. It's partly because he's plain lazy, too. He refuses to wash his hands at work before coming home. He won't take his boots off before coming in. Things like that. A lot of the mess he makes wouldn't happen if he had any sense or consideration!

So should he help clean up his extra mess or should things stay how they are?

Keep it the same, he shouldn't have to clean anything. 11
He should clean up extra messes he makes. Always. Forever. 25
Make him clean up the extra messes untill he learns consideration. 48
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Comments ( 10 )
  • theytookthisone

    Yea I think he should do considerate things like you said "washing his hands" and "leaving his shoes at the door". It's funny because my grandmother has the same problem with my grandfather, so she constantly has to remind him lol

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    What a pig, you clean up after youself and so should he! You not his mother or his slave, tell that mother fucker to clean up after his lazy ass!

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  • bubber

    If doesn't listen, stop cleaning. That'll teach him. ;P

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  • TonybigCock

    You picked the wrong mate, its an important area to be matched on, and you are opposite to each other. Ditch him and find someone else before its too late.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Stop cleaning his dick with your mouth

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  • sexyxo

    Ask him what the fuck is going on? Why did you leave the mess in there? Is it going to clean itself up? Who the fuck do you think you are? Pick that shit up you lazy piece of shit! Punch him, break his shit. Make him learn his lesson.

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    • mateo

      i <3 u

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  • chubsbulb

    As I'm sure you're aware a man can do exactly as he pleases. You should be be grateful that he goes out to work all day.

    Like I say, both parties are responsible for their own mess in the house and both should have a similar sense of what is messy.

    Naturally he should be forced to do all of the cleaning until he bucks his ideas up. What a messy cunt.

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  • Tisgranum

    I think he should at least try to not make too much extra mess. To find a way so that it's way more reasonable.

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  • What's so hard about him taking his work clothes off in a specified room, so they can be cleaned and aren't left in a heap around the house?

    Also doesn't he shower/bath when he gets in from work? If not then that's just poor hygiene, his hands aren't the only thing that need to be washed.

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