Ignorant belief

I'm really starting to think that they stuck that covid stick so far up people's noses it removed a chunk of people's brain cells. The belief that "no matter what a woman does with her body, it'll never be an object" is ignorant. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it does matter. If a girl is posting her ass and tits on social media, she is MARKETING herself as an OBJECT. Or let's say a woman gets in bed with almost every guy she meets, then her body is very well now an object. Strippers? Their bodies are objects. Prostitutes? Yeah, their bodies are objects. Your body becomes an object when YOU decide to portray yourself as such. Tip: If you don't want your body to be seen as an object, then stop presenting yourself that way.

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Comments ( 73 )
  • KholatKhult

    “ A man who buys the favours of a
    woman does not see her as a comrade
    or as a person with equal rights. He
    sees her as an unequal creature of a
    lower order who is of less worth. The
    contempt he has for her affects his
    attitude to all women “ - Alexandra Kollontai

    To commodify your body in anyway, be it prostitution, manual labor, or modeling, is to market and objectify yourself.

    Where issue can lie is that prostitution and pornography is a goods and service that enables abusive and degenerate behavior. To enable sex and porn addiction. Or, in the worst of cases, to enable and promote harmful fetishization of aggression towards women (BDSM or physical harm porn)
    Do you also have issue with drug dealers ? Sellers of an addictive substance that is known to do serious harm to its users ? I can see the moral resemblance.

    “Or let's say a woman gets in bed with almost every guy she meets, then her body is very well now an object”
    I disagree with this portion. While I think sex addiction in women is also a major concern, you are free to sleep with who you want. I disagree personally with promiscuous behavior, but it is a freedom of private choice. I think having a friend(s) with benefits would be a safer and less complicated situation, rather than random hookups.
    My position is identical for men and women.

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    • RoseIsabella


      People are free to act like morons, but it's still bad for them.

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    • "Where issue can lie is that prostitution and pornography is a goods and service that enables abusive and degenerate behavior. To enable sex and porn addiction. Or, in the worst of cases, to enable and promote harmful fetishization of aggression towards women (BDSM or physical harm porn)
      Do you also have issue with drug dealers ? Sellers of an addictive substance that is known to do serious harm to its users ? I can see the moral resemblance".

      Well, their customers are the ones choosing to buy these substances after all. Sure, it might be considered "immoral" but there wouldn't be any business if drug addicts did not exist. I'm aware of those industries.

      "I disagree with this portion. While I think sex addiction in women is also a major concern, you are free to sleep with who you want. I disagree personally with promiscuous behavior, but it is a freedom of private choice. I think having a friend(s) with benefits would be a safer and less complicated situation, rather than random hookups.
      My position is identical for men and women".

      I believe you have completely missed my point.

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      • KholatKhult

        Your point was objectification and “marketing”.
        If a woman sleeps with a man without any financial element it is not marketing.
        Your whole post is around prostitution and marketing, except for that single sentence that I said I disagreed with.

        If your issue is with women who have sex in general that is silly. You are acting as if when you sleep with a woman you are being “given” something. Sex is an activity, not a thing. When you pay for it, it becomes a commodified service. Porn is a product.

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        • "If a woman sleeps with a man without any financial element it is not marketing.
          Your whole post is around prostitution and marketing, except for that single sentence that I said I disagreed with".

          Maybe bad choice of words, but still.

          "Your whole post is around prostitution and marketing, except for that single sentence that I said I disagreed with".

          Wrong, my post wasn't "all around prostitution". That was just one of my examples on how this belief that a woman's body will never be an object, regardless of what she does is dumb. Because, well, when a woman sleeps with a bunch of men, her body is a sexual object.

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          • RoseIsabella

            When people, men, or women exploit themselves they are also objectifying themselves perhaps?

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          • KholatKhult

            Okay. Then I disagree with you

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            • And I disagree with you.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I really like what he's saying though.

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        • What's your point?

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          • RoseIsabella

            The point is that I appreciate what our Russian comrade is saying, and I wish to share my feelings with the Is It Normal community by proclaiming my appreciation for KholatKult's comments on your post.

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            • KholatKhult

              Thank you Rose !!

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            • Yes, but why are you telling me this?

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  • litelander8

    Rough day at the office?

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    • What a peach you are!

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  • Clunk42

    On a technical lever, you are wrong. Human beings have these things called souls, which make the body alive, which makes the body no longer an object, but half of a being.

    Of course, once the person dies, the body does become an object. So you are right in that manner that if a woman goes and dies, her body will indeed become an object.

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    • It is an object, if you decide to present yourself as such. A girl showing herself off like that makes her body an object, but not just any object. A sex object. Material to use to get off to. Doesn't matter if humans have souls. What you are talking about is no relevant.

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      • Clunk42

        The way something is used does not make it an object. The inherent qualities of the thing being spoken of are what make it an object. Thus, bodies are not objects until the person is dead, no matter how the person presents themself.

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        • Well, you're the genius who knows it all here, so obviously I'm wrong and you're right.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Get over yourself mate

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    • And get over this belief, mate.

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  • BleedingPain

    My therapist always told me “you cannot control the actions or reactions of others. You can only control what you do”

    You cannot and will not stop women from “objectifying” themselves. The only thing you can do is choose to not engage with those people.

    If people stopped caring so much about others and focused more on what they can do to better themselves, I think we’d be in a much different world

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    • I never said I focused on them.

      No, do what you please, but I'm just saying that the belief that no matter what she does with her body, that it will never been an object is a bad take. I'm talking about the belief.

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  • Vvaas

    ravioli from utah

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      i asked for spaghetti & marinara and got egg noodles with ketchup

      ive gotta live the resta my life like a schnook

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    • Ravioli is alright.

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      • Vvaas

        i don't like ravioli that much tbh

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        • It's always been "meh" for me.

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          • Vvaas

            what is your fav food mine is steak

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  • olderdude-xx

    A person showing off a good body is not an object, nor necessarily marketing themselves. They are proud of the kind of shape they are in and what they look like.

    I had to learn that in my younger years if I was going to be accepted as a volunteer judge & official for an international level sport. A lot of both men and woman from many countries thought nothing of stripping after an event in good weather and wandering around enjoying the sun.

    There's also a difference between looking briefly and admiring, and starring. I had to learn that too (and the penalty for starring was a solid blow to your head - personal experience from the 1st time I saw it).

    I learned... and stuck around for 3 decades and move up in knowledge and skill until I was an Official at an Olympics and also judged at 2 world championships.

    Bodies are just bodies. Some are more beautiful, and some are not. Their skill as a athlete and their personality and people skills were what mattered. Not the clothing, or lack of, that they were or were not wearing.

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    • "A person showing off a good body is not an object, nor necessarily marketing themselves. They are proud of the kind of shape they are in and what they look like".

      ...So you decide to go online dressed like a hooker...? Oh yes, that makes tons of sense.

      What a way to brag about your life experiences.

      "Bodies are just bodies. Some are more beautiful, and some are not. Their skill as a athlete and their personality and people skills were what mattered. Not the clothing, or lack of, that they were or were not wearing".

      And your will become an object when you decide to sexualize yourself.

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  • Grunewald

    Also, a body is a body not because you or I or the person whose body it is says so, but because it is one.

    It is not an object just because people treat it as one or present it to be treated as one. It can symbolically be thought of as an object in a person's mind but that doesn't make it one. For example, if you try to treat a hairbrush like a toaster, and make yourself think of it as a toaster, does it actually become a toaster, except in some imaginary child's play, in which even the child will ultimately accept it's really a hairbrush? Such a child would probably only continue trying to convince you otherwise if they wanted it to be a toaster to the point of being in denial, or if they had something to gain by manipulating you into agreeing with them.

    We don't have the right to define ourselves to that point. Surely one can only start to accept that a body is really and actually an object when it is inanimate - aka dead.

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    • ob·ject

      a material thing that can be seen and touched.

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      • Grunewald

        Well then, by that definition, are you an object too? Am I an object? Is the Queen an object?

        But I know you mean something different from this definition when you compare women you can treat as objects, and women you can't. Let's keep our definitions consistent.

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        • What I mean is that when women exploit themselves, their bodies are sexual material.

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  • Grunewald

    The problem is that if a person starts treating some women's bodies like objects, it's a slippery slope to treating more like that.

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    • If the woman is treating her body as an object, it really doesn't matter if others treat her body the same way.

      What do you expect?

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      • Grunewald

        I think it does. It isn't the woman who gets to define her body. There is something bigger than humans. Even atheists would at least hold that we are responsible to our planet, without which we would die. We must treat all living things with a respect that is proper to what they are.

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        • If a woman doesn't respect herself, how can she expect others to respect her?

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  • Curiouskitten444

    You suck

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    • Why? Because I pointed the belief out as ignorant and stupid?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yes, I see what you are saying, but the guys who are into that garbage certainly aren't any better than the women. Some of them are probably much worse as far as having not much between the ears.

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    • oh, I never said the guys were any better than the women.

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      • RoseIsabella

        That's the spirit, OP! 🤠👍🏻

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        • It wouldn't really make sense to just call the women trashy, but not the men.

          It goes both ways.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Yes, I agree completely with that statement.

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  • LloydAsher

    It's called capitalism and sex sells. You can sell your body as much as you sell your services.

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    • That is not the point.

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      • LloydAsher

        It is the point. It's your body and it's your choice.

        Only when you are pregnant you are not 100% in control of your body.

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        • You're still missing my point.

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  • Tommythecaty

    You’ve confused “body parts” with “objects” for some very sad reason.

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    • Those "body parts" become "objects" when people decide to present their parts as objects.

      It depends on you, bud.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Facepalm yourself.



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        • I think you should take your own advice, Mr. kitty.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Don’t think so much, it’s not your strong point, as indicated by thread you made.

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            • Of course you're not going to think you need to face palm yourself, the thing you're telling me to do, Cat.

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      • dude_Jones

        You have said nothing about selling body parts for surgical implantation. That is not a service, but a good. You can buy organs from Chinese dealers that murder people to get them.

        I’m very sorry but prostitution, which I do not like, is something totally different. It’s a service.

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        • Because I'm not talking about that. Ever heard of "targeted topic"? If that was a subject I wished to talk about, I would've mentioned it. That's why I didn't mention anything about buying organs from chinese people, you moron.

          I'm very sorry, but I'm focused on one particular topic here.

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          • dude_Jones

            You better get your language focused. Selling an object is different than selling an objectifying service. If you stay with “objectifying service”, then I have no further objections to your treatment of the topic.

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            • Well, objectifying service.

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