Ii question regarding my mother

I have a ion question regarding my mother.

She is a 52 year old and recently she is acting really stupid. Like really stupid. Last night she got sent a message claiming to have won a big amount of cash through Facebook, which ended up being cancelled and her account getting hacked. I saved her more than once from scammers but she was really adamant that the winning prize was "real,". She said of course money doesn't matter but got mad when I tried to explain why this is a bad idea. She got defensive saying it will be her own fault if she gets scammed/hacked. I gave up and just let her deal with it if she does get into such a situation.

Thank goodness that bank details weren't shared, but it fustruated me that she let's herself be vunreable to the point where she makes mistakes she has to fix.

She also asks me to spell SIMPLE words for her like "tend" for example when she could simply word it out loud and figure it out herself.

When she made a new Facebook page, all she had to do was fill in very simple steps that only take one click and she asks me to decide what she wants as if I read her mind.

She stopped cooking for my 15 year old sister, i am 29 so I can pretty much take care of it myself. She is also a heavy smoker and said cigarettes help her to get through the day. I mentioned the health issues that come a lot with it but she says she can easily quit smoking In Wich she has in the past. But started smoking again recently.

Her hygiene is declining. Only taking a minute long showers and always smelling like smoke (gross)

Gets mad at the smallest shit. In conclusion, my mother is acting like an undeveloped child. It's quite pathetic honestly.

(Note: no my mother does not have dementia, etc. She's just being dumb. )

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Comments ( 5 )
  • olderdude-xx

    It sounds like your mother is starting to experience memory loss and she is fighting it.

    There are several forms and reasons for memory loss. It's best to get her into a geriatric ward that has the memory specialist and get her evaluated.

    They can put her mind at rest on a number of issues; and yours as well (I went through this with my mom; and in the end became responsible for her).

    Depending on the reason some forms of memory loss are reversible (not that your mom will regain lost memories - but it allows her to function better).

    I wish you the best with this,

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  • You know your mom best, but she doesn't sound healthy

    Some stuff seems like it could be okay, like maybe asking you how to spell words or info for Facebook gives y'all an opportunity to talk about something, and maybe she let's you cook for your sister to let y'all bond and to have some reduced pressure practice for when you have a family

    But the other stuff combined with her age does suggest to me senility, but again, you know your mom better

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  • Somenormie

    For her to be mad is kinda being a bit petty, not to mention what you're describing does not sound normal at all.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Does your mother drink a lot of alcohol, or abuse drugs? Sorry, but she sounds like a trainwreck.

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  • LondonGoldman

    Youre too old to be living there

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