Is it normal 99 banned me from using their bathroom?

So I work at a thrift store and its in a plaza. Right next door to us is the 99 where I reguarly go shopping and often use the bathroom. All the workers know me and often just give out the number to people who ask for bathroom. I know I not the only one since I seen them give the code to other random customers. One day I did this since they gave me the number and a lady working there got really angry. She asked how I know the code. I avioded explaining that the cashiers give the code to literally everyone who uses the bathroom. Now I am banned from using that bathroom. Like I feel descriminated against since literally they give out the number to everyone and they got angry at me for having the code.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • LloydAsher

    So a lady who doesnt know you and you didnt explain the reason why you had a code banned you from the bathroom dispite you having access to the code?

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    • Yes, I was given code by staff. Staff literally give the code out to everyone. I guess they are not suppose to but they always do. I don't understand why they have the bathroom locked with a code anyways. What do they think is going to happen if someone pisses in the bathroom?

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  • freakyman69

    Its their bathroom they dont have to let you use it if they dont want. no discrimination has occurred.

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    They have the right to reserve their restroom for customers, so I think you should use your own before this escalates and coulD get ugly.

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    • I mean I guess you are right. They can ban customers to use the restroom. Though my question was of how normal it was.

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  • litelander8

    What’s wrong with your bathroom?

    I personally have to clean bathrooms every night at work. So no, I don’t want people coming in just for me to clean their piss and shit. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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    • I mean I literally never home. I work 60 hours a week and literally any other store in the plaza has made a case about the public using the bathrooms. Though the bakery makes you buy something generally. Also I can not ever peacefully use my bathroom or shower at my house. Since the housemates are rude but thats another matter. Its mainly that I not home like hardly ever.

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  • raisinbran

    An employer is supposed to provide restroom facilities. There are missing parts of your story and no one believes you.

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    • I never said anything about my employer. I not sure how that is relevant either.

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      • Clunk42

        I believe what raisinbran is suggesting is something along the lines of, "Why is there no bathroom in the thrift in which you work?"

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        • Oh, there is. I use the 99 if I not at work and out. Also everyone sort of redirects customers to 99 to use their bathroom. Since only employees are allowed to use ours. Actually the only time I am ever home is when I am sleeping. I am never at my house really. If I could find a cheaper place put a bed I might. My room is basically a closet.

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  • Somenormie

    Like others have said there are some missing parts on your story.

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    • No not really. Its what I listed. I could add more details but its not really relevant to the story. I can list the name or every employee, and the manager name but how is that important? Its not

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Why dont you use the thrift stores restroom where u work

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  • libertybell


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    • freakyman69

      Im guessing that its like how some gas stations have a key to the bathroom here in the US. to avoid random people from coming in and using it without buying something.

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      • Basically but some bathrooms now have codes instead of locks.

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    • Some store bathrooms have a code to get in. I guess where you live this is not a thing but it is here.

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  • SwickDinging

    Unless the code has changed you could just keep using the bathroom.

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    • I mean yeah but considering I buy grocerys at the 99 I would rather not get outright banned all together.

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