Iin: ppl who identify as libertarian often seem a bit off to say the least

IIN: PPL who identify as Libertarian often seem a bit off to say the least?

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53% Normal
Based on 19 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • CountessDouche

    What you mean like

    Libertarians: we believe that states rights should be prioritized over the overreaching rights of the federal government, so each state can address their specific interests

    Internet Libertarians: how fucking derrrr the stert gerverners be gervern the rert to rerstrect er freederms dering the perndermic. I herp they get arrersterd by the feds?

    Libertarians: we believe in capitalism and free enterprise, and thus believe that businesses should be given the right to conduct themselves as they see fit without major interference from the government

    Internet Libertarians: emerged trump got banned from twitter!!!! Someone call the police. I don't understand the first amendment at all, but not being able to say whatever you want whenever sounds like a violation. The government should arrest Twitter immediately!!!!! END BUSINESSES WHO THINK THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT

    Anywho in short

    People are retarded. They don't know what libertarian means. They say the word, but it does not mean what they think it means. It's the popular term for Republican lite (I'm too much of a pussy to say I'm a republican) and Republican who rips fucking doobs.

    Shame cause it could've been a decent idea.

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      I was going to say Republicans who rip doobs but you beat me to it.

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      • CountessDouche

        It sucks because ripping fat doobs and hating the government are both solid life choices, but people have to go and ruin it with their stupidity. This is why we can't have nice things.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          We can't have nice things because if we do any less than strip naked like barbarians and fight with sweatshop workers in hand-to-hand combat we are hypocrites and might as well join the Klan or something.

          I just found out there's a 0.1% chance that a shampoo I used once might have involved child labor so I'll get right on ripping every hair out of my head.

          (But yeah hating the government and ripping fat doobs is A-OK.)

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          • CountessDouche

            You filthy hypocrite, washing your hair with the tears of children. Yeah, time for me to give up on the whole morality thing since I once used a plastic water bottle, so I'm basically already a white nationalist. Better order a "Raping is Awesome" t-shirt from Bezos since believing in anything is absurd, you know, because if there was 10 guys on a desert island and 100 other guys could theoretically make me rape one of those guys by threatening to kill 500 other guys with 12 guns, then raping is obviously fine sometimes, because of absurd imaginary scenarios. That's what logic looks like in the real world, baby. Plus you wash your hair with pure evil, so any other thoughts you have are patently invadid.

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              I just thought through this logic and I fucking love rape now. I'm glad Bezos is bringing back the "Raping is Awesome" shirts; I missed the first wave back when I didn't love rape because I hadn't heard this bulletproof logic. If I was in that situation I'd probably rape _two_ people! I think that saves 1,000 people probably. Fuck it. Just make it an all-you-can-rape buffet. Morality is hard.

              Hahaha. You said 12. Hahaha. Ah, what a magical number it is.

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  • charli.m

    On IIN, for sure.

    They misuse all sorts of words. Makes them feel photosynthesis I guess.

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    • CountessDouche

      Ppl use big words to feel photosynthesis about themselves. Gross.

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      • charli.m


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        • CountessDouche

          There once was a betch who was just 18
          The name of the betch was minus of dee

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    anyone who discusses politics is off

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I noticed that most people who are heavily into politics seem a bit off mentally.

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    • BatterMilk

      It depends who your talking to. Your going to see more mentally ill people talking to a white nationalists compared to if your talking to a traditional conservative.

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  • xeus


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  • LloydAsher

    There are two types of Libertarians. The lefty ones that perfer to live in the woods and be hippies working on a collectivist system but not really enforcing it on other people because of natural rights. Then you have right Libertarians that go out of their way to protect their rights with a dash of paranoia about the goverment since no goverment is perfect and having a reasonable amount of goverment distrust isnt that dangerous.

    The crazy ones are when they go radical like every other group on the planet. Radical libertarianism either calls for corporations to control everything or stripping the goverment until we are a defenseless country with no public infrastructure, going through corporations to get it done. Which is super fucking stupid.

    I'm libertarian because I dont give a fuck about what other people do in their own homes or think inside of their own brains. As long as it doesnt fuck with other peoples natural rights I'm cool with it. Being an asshole shouldnt be illegal and my dream is to own old cannons and a lil castle in the woods. Is it a retarded idea? Maybe. Is it cool as hell? Fuck yeah.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Im libertarian on most issues. They lose me with open borders, cut military spending, and no trade laws. I dont think open borders is realistic when you border a third world country, china is taking over the world, and USA has the most influence because of our military and economic power. I would have voted libertarian for the presidential race if it werent for those major issues

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      • LloydAsher

        Libertarians are best for local politics since that's what actually controls your daily life more. The libertarian mindset really doesnt work on a country wide scale.

        Libertarianism is the best for individuals.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          That makes sense.

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  • Meowypowers

    It is true. Extreme liberterians want nothing from the goverment.
    They are the antithesis of extreme collectivists that require maximum government that controls peoples every move. Both are gross. Hopefully people can find a healthy place where people can be free and government cant help.

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    • LloydAsher

      I'd argue that extreme libertarians are sovereign citizens. Who are universally known to being out of their gourd.

      Yeah no matter how many internet law articles you read you ain't getting out of that ticket.

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  • Tommythecaty

    It’s often unsubtle too.

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  • Yeah, I've known a few and they were all mentally unstable, drug addicted racists. And not in the "I disagree with this person therefore I am going to accuse them of such things" way. Like, they just straight-up told me they were.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I think you may be confusing libertarian with liberals. I get them mixed up too. Liberals are the ones who call stuff racist and want big government to regulate wealth distribution. Libertarians are the ones that basically wanna shrink the government and let ppl do what they want.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I want to see marijuana legalized, or at least decriminalized nationwide, but I can't take people who want to see all drugs legalized seriously!

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah that's going to far on the libertarian spectrum. Libertarians have a spectrum too. Stray into the either far side and you are crazy.

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    • BatterMilk

      Freedom, right?

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