Is it normal a lot of women seem to love drama

Why do so many women love drama? I dont understand this. There is some normal women but a lot of them just like to make issues out of ANYTHING!


"I didn't get my way" = Drama
"You didn't hold the door"=Drama
"You dont love the same show as me"=Drama
"No my dress is the same as hers, Now we both look like sluts"=Drama

Why do these women insist on creating drama over crap. When they are not in "Drama mode" they are really sweet and loving. Do something to set them off and its full "DRAMA BOMB". Its just like "Chill the fuck out please. Not everything is the end of the fucking world"! Also known as Drama Queens. Why do so many women want to be Queens of Drama. Why cant they just be normal people?

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65% Normal
Based on 20 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • modernism

    You're meeting the wrong women.

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  • wigz

    Why do so many men love drama? I dont understand this. There is some normal men but a lot of them just like to make issues out of ANYTHING!


    "I didn't get my way" = Drama

    "I held the door for you and you didn't suck me off in return"=Drama

    "I pretended to love the same show as you and you didn't fuck me"=Drama

    "Your dress is completely normal and not slutty at all, but you totally bent over on purpose in front of me....right? You slut! Why won't you just fuck me?"=Drama

    "I want to fuck you but you won't so I'll just make up stories about you sucking me off in the broom closet"=Drama

    "I completely ignore the fact you're married and still devote myself to you and when you turn me down I'll make you feel guilty or scared for throwing away a 'nice guy' like me"= Drama

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    • NeofelisNebulosa

      Best comment I've read all week!

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  • deshikd

    Have you ever talked to a real woman?

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Either you're a recently rejected man who is venting his frustration on here, or you've been meeting the wrong women. I never do any of the stuff you described.

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  • (s)aint

    Stop being an insensitive jerk then and become a woman's Stewart.

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  • helpful_demon

    that's actually a sexist stereotype that you're perpetuating here. is it possible you haven't met a large enough sample size? or maybe you're misreading the situation(s)? usually stuff like what you said is said to keep women down and dehumanize/infantilize them, in a way, like to keep people from thinking women are capable of rational thought and therefore deserve to be at a societal disadvantage, which is entirely untrue, because women as a whole are just as capable of rational thought as everyone else is. everyone's different and maybe SOME women are prone to drama, but some small portions of every other population of there is statistically going to be too, and that's perfectly okay; what's NOT okay is completely over-generalizing this small, rarely-occurring behavior to a large population with the intent (however inadvertent) to stigmatize and further oppress.

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  • Nokiot9

    A inability to let shit slide. They like stew on it, plotting their revenge. Like how they're gonna lock their pussy up for not holding the door open for her for 4 min, while she rummages around in the car for random crap like all women do when they park somewhere.

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  • Nokiot9

    I don't know. Women just = drama. Even the "laid back" ones. Many women just can't keep shit to themselves, especially when they're angry or annoyed. It's like, a total lack of emotional control, so they just spit out whatever is on their mind when mad. Like when gf says "you pig, chew it your mouth closed, I don't know why I'm dating you-" ensuing drama. Or "why did you leave the toilet seat down? Do you have no respect for me?". And I dont bitch when she trashes my barroom leaving her makeup and bobby pins and hair all over the drain, or when she forgets something I specifically asked her to bring RIGHT before she left.

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  • Crusades_

    Women are childlike. They love attention. And seeking drama is the only way they know how to get it. Whenever I see a woman making a scene, I imagine a child kicking and screaming to get what it wants.

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    • rimjob

      Why are the most knowledgeable comments down voted...

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  • thegypsysailor

    Why are you asking me? You know!

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