Is it normal a majority of the time i end up freinds with homeless people?

I have a hard times making freinds in general but I am generally very freindly. I however, have a very hard time making freinds. The people I befriend are often homeless, mentally ill or extremly poor. I tried to befreind people of higher class but generally they always come across as extremly shallow. Why can I not make normal freinds? I know that making freinds with higher classes will get me ahead but like I just honestly can not associate with this people on any sort of level and I just not sure why?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • CrystalMoth

    Friends are friends. Meaningful connections are too special to throw away, especially over something like financial status.

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    • carterjm4


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  • olderdude-xx

    If I may, I believe that you need to get involved in some activity groups where you meet normal people. You will find some decent people there (although the shallow seem to exist everywhere).

    So what are your interest: Bird-watching (or watching the bird-watchers), hiking, bicycling, rock climbing, astronomy, books, etc. There are all different kinds of activity groups.

    Some of the Church groups are interesting too; and some of the people who go to Church are not shallow as well.

    I too like to meet and assist some of the poor. Be careful though... You will become like the people you generally hang out with. Thus, I have more casual friends that are millionaires than I do that are poor.

    Almost all of these millionaires started out either broke or at the lower economic levels. They are not shallow people - they are very real and vibrant people who are all investing a solid portion of the yearly income into whatever charities they believe in (and accept that different people will support different causes and charities).

    They are willing to assist anyone who is actually willing to apply themselves to work their way up. It often takes 10-15 years to move someone from poverty to millionaire status though... So it takes long term commitment and the initial stages may be slow. But, most of them have done it themselves - so they know it can be done.

    I wish you the best - and hope you can find some decent people who live at the upper levels. Note, my experience with these people is a key to building a relationship is that you are working on moving up and following advice from people at their levels.

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    It’s kind of sweet that you can befriend the poor. They need it. You have a gift.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I feel you man I always just made friends with criminals. Now that I am older and moved I dont really have any friends I hang out with anymore. I went to the bar a few times out here and again found myself hanging out with the in and out of jail type. Got some really good friends at work that I could call up if I needed em but we dont hang out or anything.

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  • litelander8

    So, trying to befriend people based on financial status is ridiculous. Be friends with people you WANT to be friends with. Sometimes it’s hard. Maybe you find it easier if you grew up poor to relate to other poor people. That’s fine.

    As a server/ bartender, I meet all walks of life. Some people are dirt poor and a pleasure to meet. Some people are also LOADED and in turn tip me tremendously, after being super kind. It’s funny Bc some people “don’t realize” making $2.13 an hour, means I actually need you to tip 20% of your bill.

    So the city I work in has quite a bit of homeless people. They’re alright for the most part. But there’s one dude CLARENCE. Who is actually a homeless people pimp. As a normal person, I wouldn’t have ever even thought that this was a possibility. This dude. Literally jumps. Other homeless people. And takes the money. That they begged for.

    I’m just trying to say, don’t limit yourself. And also, judge people more, not based on income.

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    • You see your ideals might be noble but they are in fact not very helpful. In order to succeed in life you need to befriend people who will bring you up.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Just out of curiousity do you ever work sunday mornings? A friend of mine once told me the church crowd were terrible tippers. I never knew if that was true but I could see that.

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      • litelander8

        Meh. Depends on what kind of church. LOL. Not good tippers but easy to turn tables.

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