Is it normal annoying coworker never lets stuff go

my seatmate at work harps on the same subject for days and days you literally can't ignore him he says why are you ignoring me over and over and over... he also follows people everywhere they go and keeps asking the question we have asked why he does this crap but the answers he gives makes no sense. our boss can't fire him cuz this idiot is his brother in law...

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 26 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Sounds like hell to me. Could this loser be isolated in an office or cubical and told to keep his conversations to work related issues only.
    If everyone in the office is like you, tired of this twerp, just all threaten to leave if the boss's bro in law doesn't go.

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  • Avant-Garde

    He might have Aspergers.

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  • pastor_of_muppets

    I would scream into his face to FUCK OFF. If he even dares to get pushy at that I would swiftly move into a neko ashi dachi, give him a solid mae geri, hike uke his wrist, pull him downwards and forward as he is now off balance and that is the path of least resistance... and then I will just put all my years of martial arts into a final, yet classic, "why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?..."

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  • RoseIsabella

    I fucking hate people like that!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Not normal. I remember a dude from work a few years ago who was whiny and annoying. I got tired of his negativity and bluntly told him why he was annoying and then told him that I'd be happier if he never spoke to me again. He finally stopped talking to me and I was at peace. I couldn't say the same for my other co-workers. They were all either too nice to tell him off or were afraid the boss would punish them.

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  • WhiteStallion

    This sounds hilarious to me, but I sympathize... Maybe you can shift the conversation to things which are work-related? You should try and voice your complaint to your boss and have him give this guy a warning, relative or not, working standards remain.

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