Is it normal as an adult woman to be scared to fly and scared to fly alone ?

Is it normal that i am an adult woman , i am 30 years old yet i am scared to fly by the airplane ?, and actually scared to go through the whole process of flying to another country by that i mean going to the airport and doing everything by myself , i'd rather get in the airplane with someone i know , also i usually take pills to ease my anxiety when flying . I see 17- 24 year olds (and even younger)being independent and flying alone to far countries yet i am a woman and ia m not independent and scared to fly, even if it's an hour or less flight !

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81% Normal
Based on 43 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Sorcy97

    yeah totally normal, my mom's 38 and she started tearing up when we flew only a few states away, I had to calm her down because I like heights it didn't affect me.

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  • PatrickZ

    Fear of flying is a regular issue, more people got that. There is a therapy for that, but you'll never love it.

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  • Shrunk

    I had to fly alone for the first time last week... I've flown a lot but my sister was always with me & calms me down... so I was extremely worried in the days leading up to it, simply because of my anticipations, but the flight itself was actually not bad, I was too distracted by other things to be nervous... it was only 2 hours though.

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  • spacecowgirl

    I just hate the thought of the whole process, getting there, etc, the flying is the easy part, it's getting there, and getting back is stressful, plus I don't like the interacting with people. It would help to have a fly partner for support. I haven't flown since 9/11 severe anxiety still. I am flying in February to San Francisco by myself, so guess I'll have to get over it!

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