Is it normal attractive women make me feel negative about myself

is it normal that every time i see an attractive woman it makes me want to say something bad about myself? the reason is because when i look at a beautiful woman it reminds me that i'm not a cool guy and i'll never be able to get a woman. when i see women it irritates me the fact that i can't attract women,so it just makes me want to put myself down

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Comments ( 61 )
  • Holzman67

    I've had similar feelings myself before. Their incredible beauty has made me feel unworthy. I'm reminded though of a story my dad told me from when he was in his youth. He told me that he was out on the town one night and there was an incredibly beautiful young woman on the dancefloor. He summed up the dutch courage to go talk to her, thinking "what do I have to lose." He was expecting that she must of been there with someone, only momentarily left alone in the crowd. Still, he approached her.

    He took her home that night. She told him how hard it was for her to get guys, because many did not have the courage to talk to her, or just assumed she'd already be taken. She explained beauty as somewhat of a curse, her more average looking friends being more regularly picked up by men. She said normally the only men that could approach her were arrogant assholes as they were typically the only one's with the self confidence to talk to her.

    Moral of the story, confidence is everything. Your mind has funny ways of discouraging you, but try and push through that. Things aren't always what they seem.

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    • Anime7

      I like that story, it had a good message.

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      • BLAh81

        So did I.

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  • nelly96

    Average looking girls do the same when they see a beautiful guy. Instead of looking where the grass is greener, don't be so shallow by ignoring the average looking girls out there who probably find you plenty attractive. This is the thing I don't get about guys, I mean you all wonder why we have self esteem issues and spend hundreds of dollars on our looks???
    "Oh but we prefer natural beauty", "Personality is what's important"... BullShit.

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  • 2_damgud_4

    Maybe your attitude has alot to do with why you can't attract a woman .. one of the biggest turn offs in a guy in my opinion .. is no self confidence ! Even if your not so self assured .. Walk it like you own it , you'll find thats half the reason you see hot chicks with the ugliest guys !

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  • RoseIsabella

    Strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be instead of dwelling on the whole, "I can't meet girls" trip. If you're working on yourself then you can start to attract and be attracted to women who are doing the same for themselves. I know it sounds corny but like attracts like.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Women don't care if men are shorter than them do they? Would you go out with a man who is 4'1"? Will you please lift me?

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      • RoseIsabella

        I think most women like dudes who are taller than them. I think 4'1" would be good with other little people; that's what they prefer to be called theses days but I prefer dwarf or midget. Wee Man has a normal sized girlfriend though.

        Lift you? But what if you fart?

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        • robbieforgotpw

          I don't smell like sick farts all the time...just most of the time. Lift me I'm not heavy.
          Didn't know that about Wee man. Is he rich?

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          • RoseIsabella

            Yeah, he's the guy on "Jackass" on Mtv.

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            • robbieforgotpw

              You didn't get my point about asking if he is rich though...
              You are going to carry me right? I'm not portly

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Dude honestly, he comes some genuine bro advice right now. Every guy has probably been where you are now, so listen up.

    You don't have to look like Brad Pitt to get hot girls. It's all about personality and confidence. Seriously. Women don't view men the way we view them. They want a more personal connection with men, rather than a purely physical one. If you just work on being a confident motherfucker, or as we bros should be known, "sickkunt", you can get any girl you want.

    If you feel like shit about your body, do something. Go to the gym, workout, get shredded, get a tan. All these things build your own confidence and therefore get you better at approaching women.

    When I first got shredded, I started approaching the hottest girls in clubs. And the funny truth about it? I thought I wouldn't stand a chance with all the other guys crawling all over them. Turns out, I'm the only one approaching them because all the other sadkunts are too afraid. Just like you now. If you've got the confidence and the ability to make them laugh, dude, you're in. And you'll be the only guy doing it.

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  • ScooterNyne

    It's normal but you should snap out of it. Do what Holzman67 says. It's all truth. I have been working out lately and regardless of results, I just FEEL like bad ass doing it. Just the idea and act of doing stuff to better yourself gives you unimaginable confidence. I was like you man. I've been there. All you can do is beat yourself up when you see someone you're interested in. But I made some changes to myself and now I have the confidence and the "not give a fuck" attitude. Still don't have the girl but that's a work in progress haha.

    Here are some things that I did to not necessarily "better" myself, but just change it up a little bit and it made me feel really good about myself.

    - Working out
    - Bought some new jeans
    - Got a haircut

    just some simple stuff that made me feel better in my own skin. If you already have swag and sexy hair then just get swole haha. you can also try fragrance but don't get ridiculous with it. Maybe style your facial hair. Just put on something you have been wanting to try out and really break it in. the confidence will just come naturally.

    Remember though. A new style is just to change it up and get you interested in yourself which will emit confidence. In the end though be yourself, talk about what you wanna talk about, laugh about what you think is funny, and have fun meeting people.

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    • oleo

      Good suggestions and I agree. In my case I'm working out and dressing well again, women do take notice-I've gotten compliments recently for it. While I'll never look as great as I did when I was 18, at least getting fit will make me more attractive to women.

      While some guys play the numbers game, hitting on everything that moves, I generally approach women when I sense there might be an attraction. My ego can't handle much rejection.

      This is where I hand to to black guys, maybe because most of them are butt ugly imo-they decided not to care about their looks and just go after what they want and they succeed. Certainly being in the media helps too.

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      • ScooterNyne

        Rejection is always a milestone to get passed. Awhile back I started watching a group of college kids on youtube called SimplePickup. They taught me how to make rejection more fun then devastating. You should check them out. They are hilarious.

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        • oleo

          Cool I'll check it out-well certainly I laugh it off, but I get offended at 'lowering myself' to pick up some girl who I realize I shouldn't have approached anyway.

          But like anything else, you have to expect some failure to get some success.

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          • ScooterNyne

            never regret approaching. You never know what could happen until you try.

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            • oleo


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  • auburnsin

    When us guys that are above average see a beautiful gal with a average joe she becomes our target. You can have all the personality and confidence in the world. It means nothing when it comes to us. We draw her away and she willingly upgrades to a better model. Same thing when roles are reversed. Of course if they're married or have kids its hands off. We respect that and have morals

    We tend to rescue the damsel in distress.

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    • SchumpetersGale

      Wow. The kinds of girls who sleep with people like you are either drunk or have no self respect or are horny and just want a one night stand. Because I'm willing to bet that someone like you wouldn't be able to get good results from taking an *intelligent*, *sober*, *self-respecting* girl on an actual date.

      I hope its still fun for you to work your day job at a restaurant so you can have money to troll around bars and clubs trying to pick up women when you're 40.

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      • auburnsin

        Who said anything about sex or one night stands. Im talking about a relationship that saves the young lady from the pits of hell as you described. Dont hate on these gals for wanting to better themselves

        I love how ugly people get all deffensive and attack their superiors. ha ha

        Question for you, two individuals interested in you same qualities, personalties, job , money the wrks down to the core. However one is your ideal in looks and the other is just average. Who.would you choose?

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        • SchumpetersGale

          Haha you're funny. Vain and shallow and empty-headed, like one of those bitches on mean girls. Do you realize how much you sound like a woman right now? Calling people superior and inferior based on looks lolol

          Most ladies don't think I'm ugly, believe it or not, and I'm not a stupid arrogant asshole like you. So if I'm not ugly, and I'm not a stupid arrogant asshole, why wouldn't I be able to have more successful long term relationships than you? Girls actually aren't as vain as us men. Girls gravitate towards men not just based on looks, but also based on behaviors. What we do and how we make them feel, thats more important when it comes to attraction. I'm having a hard time seeing how your point makes any sense.

          Question for you: if you're such a alpha-male Don Juan badass, then why are you on the internet having meaningless conversations with strangers you will never meet? To make you feel good about yourself when you see that all of the ugly people are getting defensive about what you said? Why don't you go out into the world and do all the conquering that you claim to be capable of? What do you have to prove to us, and why? You live in a fantasy world my friend. And I don't have time for your delusions.

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          • auburnsin

            So you are ugly by your own confession. Thats good. Its the first step to acknowledge how bad off you truly are. Sorry for the delayed responce. Ive been out enjoying life. Atleast you kept a conversation going with someone else that pretty much summed up the this entire bowl of fun. Enjoy who you are. Just remember you can always change.

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            • handsomeshooter

              Must learn to mind my own business..but when you read it you just gotta' let em 'know! Please excuse..sorry.

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          • handsomeshooter

            Why are you here then you self righteous cunt? That's right, I am stereo typically good looking and I enjoy this site and the net. Is it only for ugly losers because if you re-read your comment that's what it sounds like.You ugly little person..and I ain't just talking about your face.You refer to your own self, and those like you ,not as un-pretty, but UGLY. Weird.

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  • Sog

    Whenever you see an attractive woman, just remind yourself that all attractive women are bitches. Stay away.

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    • gummy_jr

      That's also terrible advice

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    • handsomeshooter

      Your Dad says the same about your Mum.

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  • ohmygoshwhatamidoing

    I know that feel bro. Me too. The more attractive the girl is, the more I feel bad at myself.

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    Don't get down on yourself when you see a beautiful girl. Because guess what? Those beautiful girls you speak of aren't perfect.

    When I see a hot chick I usually remind myself that those hot chicks take smelly shits,have hairy bugers,barf,burp,and fart like everyone else. They don't deserve to be respected any better than the average gal. Its a shame that most of guys us put them on a pedestal as if they were perfect. Besides most of them try to act all innocent like they have the golden vagina in front of the guy they just met when in reality they go out acting like dirty flakes every week at bars. Warty babes

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    • handsomeshooter

      My religious leader says they should all be killed.And that they are dirty,just like you believe.Luckily he is in Guatanomo bay so can't hurt anybody,What sex offender institute are you currently residing at bro?

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  • kaykay89

    Yeah dude it's totally normal. You would be surprised how approachable most women actually are. I'm a hot 24 yr old red head and a lot of people prejudge me that that I would only go for the hottest guy, or the guy with the most money. But that shit doesnt actually matter to me. Most women want to feel a connection with a man more than any other bullshit rumors there are out there. I can tell you're obviously intelligent because it seems like your over thinking it, which is something I do ALL THE TIME. Really.. you just gotta walk up to her with absolutely no expectations of anything and just talk to her like she's just a person, not hot chick. Just have a conversation as if youre totally not interested in anything but what you are discussing. Hope this helps.. Hot chicks are people too!!!! lol

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  • KeddersPrincess

    It isn't because you aren't cool, it's because you don't have any confidence. Women see that cowardliness and it is a turn off.

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  • chronabis

    you verbally put yourself down or mentally? i do both... the verbal is to get recognition / recieve correction meaning i want her to say 'no you dont' or 'thats not true' or to see how they aggree/dissagree. im building a mental database of how the world views me and thats just one small step in the process. next step is analyzing feed back and filtering out the bullshit, which is about 90% of all responses. believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see

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  • americanhoney


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    • handsomeshooter

      Well Hello there.....Can you really be as pleasant as your username. AmericanHoney? very smooth..real nice.Speaks volumes about you then eh?

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      • americanhoney

        Oh yes, VOLUMES.

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        • handsomeshooter

          Right then Anonymous..that there was an example of just attempting to say something nice. Instead of thinking bad about yourself just give it a go. There is loads of perfectly nice pleasant girls out there just like AmericanHoney here.Stop slaggin' yourself off and go and try it out, have a go man. Thanks AmericanHoney..You probably are as lovely as your username after all.(please be a woman..)

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          • americanhoney

            This made my morning, LOL

            I am a woman, and lovely, indeed.

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            • handsomeshooter

              Twice in one morning? Well this has made my morning too! I bet you're a great this guy how nice TRUE honeys can be..give him some real advice from a lady rather than a wierdy masochist dude..x

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          • americanhoney

            This made my morning, LOL

            I am a woman, and lovely indeed.

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  • alone?

    theres always going to be someon who likes you, i feel thst way to ,but dont put urself down noones ever as unatractive or atractive as they think, heck i know people wh are atractive that fel the same way, some of which are girls who could be models, this is just a self esteem issue , go out have fun talk to girls u like see where it goes, it is imposible that noonw in the world is atracted to u

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  • Terence_the_viking

    no i have postive thoughts.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Why am I thinking of magnets?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Because with magnets opposites attract; positive and negative are attracted to each other.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      Because they are fun.

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    • Sog

      Because just like women, no one knows how fucking magnets work.

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      • handsomeshooter

        Nicely done Sog, nicely done..HA! However I don't accept your excuse for only having ugly women. I mean obviously you don't want to SEX women you yourself describe as attractive??. You fuck girls you are not attracted to??,Any girl you fancy would be you..are you following. Looking to a girl and thinking to yourself 'God you're everything I find a turn off' is hardly a key to an erection is it son? Keep it real eh? Are you sure it's them?

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        • Sog

          I'm talking about the stuck up, little, 75lb, bright orange red tanned, super-model wannabes that the media continues to tell us are the attractive ones. She stops being attractive the moment she opens up her mouth and proves that she's a bitch.

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  • adrianhansen1212

    It's normal to get intimidated by you partner.

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