Is it normal before going to sleep must close wardrobe and not look into mirror

Every time I go to bed I always need to make sure my wardrobe doors are closed completely even when there's a tiny gap because I always think something's gonna pop out or like I see an eye starring at me or something and I never take pictures with my wardrobe in the background cause I feel like the photo will have like a creepy face or eye in the gap. And also when it's at night I never look at my reflection in the mirror cos I always feel like something or someone creepy will be in the background. I get also extra scared and paranoid if there's like a post on Facebook or Instagram and that says post this within the next five minutes or there will be a dead girl in your room tonight. Argh I hate that then I won't be going to bed for the next 4 hours, btw let me know if you do this too

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Comments ( 6 )
  • toxic-mecha

    I keep my closet closed at all times, with stuff blocking the doors. Call me a wuss, but I saw something spooky crawl out of it when I was a wee kid, and I could never get that image out of my mind.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to be like this quite a bit. I no longer have a mirror in my bedroom. I suggest that you take out yours too. If you need a mirror, use the one in your bathroom. As for the closet, installing a light in it should help.

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  • WhiteStallion

    I used to stare into the open wardrobes, toys and mirrors late at night to overcome the fear, and that was the end of it. Let the illusion pass: There's nothing there to fear. You can start freaking out when there is!

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  • handsignals

    There is a dead girl in my room, don't you just hate it when hookers OD?

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  • TheHunter1

    sometimes late at night i get scared by staring at the mirror

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  • Nokiot9

    My gf does that. She makes me close the mirror doors on her closet before bed.

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