Is it normal being falsely accused of something really bad
I am being accused of doing something very serious to my nephew. The kid is really little so he can't refute any of it. I didn't do it. I am willing to pass a lie detector to prove I didn't do anything like that. I am gay but I would never do that to a kid. I can't believe people still think that.But I am being treated like a guilty person.My crazy sister called up the school where I worked and now I no longer have a job.
I am being threatened and harassed by my neighbours and had my car keyed the other day. I can't go out to eat anywhere because they will do gross stuff to my food because she has shown my picture everywhere.she hasn't called the cops but keeps taunting me and saying that she will. I am thinking of just disappearing my boyfriend and I. I had a consult with a lawyer and he basically told me it is all downhill from here. My sister does stuff like this all the time for attention.