Is it normal being refused something so important??
If I need to go to the loo a lot is there something wrong?? I've got cerebral palsy & live in a small care home. I can't stand, walk, move below the waist, my sensation is all screwed up.
The previous boss was a dragon, so was her daughter. My fluid intake was restricted (hell – I'm always dry), because every time I needed the loo I'd have to wait 2hrs. To improve my quality of life, she said. Her and her daughter would drink 1pt water in front of me. I'd ring my alarm to get hoisted, i'd literally be fronting at the mouth with pain, stiff to move, squirming like an eel (I'm sure some of you would have loved to see that).
and be told in no uncertain terms by her/her daughter, NO, you ARE NOT getting hoisted! Nobody will do it for you! They've all been told not to ! by the time someone came to get me sorted it'd be too late. Then the boss would tell me I'm too young to do that. She actually said when she left that she was glad she was leaving because she'd never have to see, talk to, or deal with me EVER again. (my response: “the feeling's mutual, love....”).
We now have a new lady who says to everyone if they ring and don't get what they need/want they should report it straight away. I have bad dreams about the other boss coming back. Iin?? Is it me with the problem or said woman??