Is it normal boyfriend's bad stress eating problem

My boyfriend is a stress eater, he always has been and he almost always throws everything up after. He's a student athlete and does a whole lot of working out, but when he's stressed he eats so so so much. It's kinda gross to watch him eat this way sometimes, because he usually paces back and forth and stuffs his face, then gets sick and throws it all up. He does this maybe twice to four times a month. He has a hard time with school is why he stresses so much.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    He should seek medical and psychiatric help.

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  • SmokeEverything

    He should just medicate with drugs and alcohol like normal people, binge eating isn't healthy.

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  • Cookiecutter

    Its a horrible cycle that keeps on repeating unless something changes and it needs to change stuffing your self then throwing up and is super unhealthy he needs professional helps pronto. The stress, eating and throwing up are going to wreck his body and make him super sick get help while he still can.

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  • bubsy

    Habit = cue > routine > reward

    He can't change the cue or reward, but he can change the routine. Encourage him to do something else for stress relief.

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