Is it normal can you get poison ivy from your dog

so I let my stepdaughter's dog play in poison ivy. My stepdaughter like most pansy millenials is allergic to poison ivy.she was hospitalized when she was little because she got poison ivy so bad.I can roll in front of it and don't get it.I forgot to let my stepdaughter know and let her play with the dog and now she has poison ivy. She cried and seems mad at me and doesn't want me near her.

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32% Normal
Based on 31 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • dirtybirdy

    You're a jerk and I have poison ivy on my arms right meow :(

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    • VirgilManly

      Arms? Are you telling me you're not really a bird?

      Ps- Jerk is rather mild compaired to what I would call him.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Stupid autocorrect!

        I had some harsher words but I assume this shithead is a big fat liar.

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  • ........

    Well, if the poison ivy sticks to the dogs fur
    than there are chances it can be transmitted to
    a human but i find it kind sad to think that you
    knowing your stepdaughter has a allergy let her
    be exposed to the dogs fur and for you to allow
    the dog to play in poison ivy than again makes me
    wonder how highly educated you are or maybe you
    have fun getting off seeing someone get exposed to
    a chemical you know will give them allergic reaction
    trust me karma's a bitch so watch what you do cause
    laws can hold you responsible if one dies from allergy
    reaction to a chemical, plant such as Poison Ivy and
    never say it can't happen cause it can..

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nice troll, asshole.

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  • theotherblonde

    I hope the stupid isn't catching.i doubt it was an accident sicko

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  • mysistersshadow

    I guess you can.

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  • SirChazwick

    You might wamt to consider having the dog put down . It is obviously not trained well and it is a danger to your entire family. Most vets will put down misbehaving dogs for around 50 dollars or so.

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    • Ellenna

      What? How is it the dog's fault?

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