Is it normal dad has been abusing me and mum & sis side with him?
My dad has been mentally and physically abusive to my family and me for years. And only sexually and mentally abusive to me. Apart from my little sister he doesn't abuse her at all. And has tried to touch me in sexual was but I run off and I keep my doors locked at night since I've seen him try to open them but luckily my insomnia stops me from sleeping at night so I caught him and locked it asap.
Since quarantine lockdown in Australia he's been more abusive everyday and I ended up almost fighting him but I didn't. Just messed some of his books and papers lying around.
But is it normal for my sister to still keep greeting him and talking to him, and my mum to tell me off when I'm trying to defend myself while my dad is abusing me?
During today's fight she told me to stop talking back to him when he said he curses me and my future children and calling me a bastard and saying "fuck you" and "your not my child".
And didn't even start the argument, I wasn't even talking to my dad I was just telling my mum that he was trying to open the locked bathroom door today when I was in there, I had to shout out at him to stop that I was using the bathroom twice for him to stop trying to open the door.
Last week he was verbally abusing me because I wrote warning quarantine for cronovirus on a sign and stuck it on the table in the dining room so the visitors would be aware of the new lockdown. (Dad invites his friends over everyday including birthdays and exams days.)
Mum told him to be the bigger person to just end the argument, when he was still swearing at me, don't know why she was saying that when I wasn't even continuing anything just defending my self if he cussed me I cussed him back, I've only called him names that's it. Meanwhile he's cursed me and our dead relatives and beat my mum and older brother up and tried to sexual assault me multiple times. And my sister still greats him when he comes home even when I revelled to her today that he's been trying to sexually assualt me.
Mum said she call the cops next time the argument gets physical, because I knocked his books to the floor. And that really hurt me because he said he's going to call the cops on me as well, but for what reason?! I was only defending myself! He was cussing me out and more just because I said he was trying to unlock the bathroom door.
My sister said she stop talking to him and she can't stop greeting him because that's rude, and she doesn't ignore people she hates at school either. She thinks it's normal to greet anyone back no matter who they are or what they did to you, which is utter bullshit.
So is this normal? For my family to still side with my dad the abuser. I feel like only my older brother is on my side but he's to scared to come out of his room during arguments and he's locks himself in his room 24/7.
I like to know any opinion because I'm starting to feel like a bad person and the one at fault. And I got a shit load more info but I'm trying to keep this short as possible.