Is it normal debt collectors saying i my lawyers no longer represent

so was in a abusive situation that I had to leave. I didn't have a job for a while and couldn't make a payment for bankruptcy. I sent letters letting them know. I am in a safe place now never heard back from them (lawyers) secretary was really rude when I told her I was leaving my abusive situation and dept collectors CALLED me and I said call my ;lawyer and they said I no longer have a lawyer. I never RECIEVED anything telling me this. am freaking out can I get another lawyer for bankruptcy.have called and emailed my lawyer multiple times no response.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • VinnyB

    This is extremely unclear and/or missing important details. Your lawyer represents you, not the people you owe money, so why would debt collector's be telling you you don't have a lawyer anymore? Also, you can always change lawyers, but at least in the US, if your lawyer just cut off all contact with you in the middle of an active legal case and told you nothing, that would be malpractice and you could sue the lawyer.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Your post makes no sense.
    Lawyers are the scum of the earth. Why do you think there are so many hateful bad jokes about them? And debt collectors are even worse.
    Unless you owe a huge amount of money, you aren't worth pursuing legally so they bully and intimidate, hoping they can scare you into paying with a few letters. There are plenty of laws protecting you from these bottom feeders; why not spend your time online researching this stuff, rather than wasting it on IIN?

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  • Ellenna

    Have you checked this with the lawyer? Debt collectors will tell you anything to intimidate you.

    If you weren't paying the lawyer h/she probably won't continue acting for you for nothing, but you need to check this out.

    Don't talk to the debt collectors before you talk to a lawyer: do you have community legal centres where you are, for some free advice?

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  • JD777

    The debt collector doesn't want you to file bankruptcy, so they may be BSing you. If you need to file bankruptcy, ignore the debt collectors for now. Get a new bankruptcy attorney. That attorney can help you with the bankruptcy and getting back any deposits you have with the old attorney, and/or sue them. Remember, bankruptcy follows you for years like a black cloud. You might consider going to a consumer credit assistance bureau to get debts negotiated down and with a doable payment plan. That may keep from trashing your credit score.

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  • jethro

    If you didn't pay one bankruptcy lawyer, you will not find another one to take you on. It makes sense doesn't it. If you have no money, what difference what bill collectors threaten you with. You can't get blood from a stone. Unless you borrowed money from a Shylock. Then you are in BIG trouble. You better change your name and run.

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  • chocoscooby

    it makes no sense to me either, but it is the truth. I owe about 8 - 10 grand thinking of just getting some money together and moving to some island somewhere and forgetting about everything

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