Is it normal depressed & fighting with adult children over roseanne being canceled?

I think she got a raw deal and is being punished for liking trump. Why can't liberals get over the fact that we won and under Trump we are finally winning again as americans. I mean her show was good and she has always said what was on her mind.

Abc is so hypocritical.Why not cancel those horrible harpies on the view? Why hasn't Michelle wolf and Kathy griffin been arrested for making fun of the president? I ended up having a huge screaming fight with my stepdaughter and her husband and my son about this.

I don't why they are being such snowflakes about it. My wife wants to have a rule that when them and my grandson visits not to argue about politics or talk about my view on the metoo movement.I thinks it is sad these millenials can't talk about anything without getting offended.

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Comments ( 42 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    shes an entertainer so shut the fuck up & entertain

    why does anyone give a fuck about her opinions anyhow?

    in this day & age yall gotta be beyond retarded to make public statements like that

    shes heada an enterprise and failed all the peoples who had good jobs in said enterprise which is sad for them

    theyre all outta a job cause shes makin idiotic politics talk insteada makin faces on camera for millionsa dollars

    stupid cunt

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  • Boojum

    Ah, American, land of the free and home of the brave, where the people who rant on about the sacred Constitution in one breath shriek in the next that anyone who mocks or criticises the President should be arrested.

    My political memory stretches back to Nixon. The political climate was generally more polite in those days, but even so, Tricky Dick was endlessly mocked by comedians and criticised by political commentators. The constant sniping bothered Nixon, but at least he kept his bitching private. He was a big boy and he knew that that being in the job he'd asked for made him a target, so he sucked it up and responded in a presidential manner. Nixon was a nasty, lying, obnoxious asshole in many ways, but the ravings of the narcissistic, crybaby idiot who's currently a part-time resident of the White House make him look almost saintly by comparison.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      You know it's bad of Liberals are giving praises to Nixon I guess hell can freeze over.

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      • Boojum

        Calling someone a nasty, lying, obnoxious asshole is a compliment?

        All things are relative. Nixon wasn't as useless as Millard Fillmore whose incompetency allowed the nation to continue to drift towards civil war, and he wasn't as narrow-minded and doctrinaire as Herbert Hoover who did fuck all to end the Great Depression. Anyone with any objectivity will acknowledge that Nixon did accomplish some positive things, but he was still a screwed up individual and there's little chance of him ever appearing on any list of great US presidents.

        Only time will tell, but I suspect the main achievement of Trump's presidency will be an improvement in his golf handicap. Considering all the time and taxpayer money he's spending on working on that, I guess that would be something.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          Don't worry if the nation crashes again the dems are there to bend over and take the blame like the pussies they were meant to be.

          I blame both parties but he dems take a whole meaning to the word pussy even when they have the high ground they screw it up.

          Why I see it trump will get in for a second term like little bush did then by the time he finishes that's when the nation will face the effects of conservative economics.

          I am not saying that conservative economics are the main problem but the fact they have done nothing new and we all know the results it's clear what will happen.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Honestly I really don't care if she got cancelled or not because there are more problems in the world then caring about a washed up actress.

    but I will say this much if she wants to speak her mind no one is stopping her but she shouldn't be suprised over the backlash.

    If anything the company choose to fire her just like the NFL choose to tell the players not to kneel during the national anthem I thought conservatives were for corporations making their own choice.

    It's werid how we live in a era where people take pride in being assholes yet not wanting to face any consequences.

    I personally blame the president who on one hand will say all kinds of shit then cry when people do it back to him.

    I hate political correctness but I also fucking hate hypocrites with a burning passion I will leave it at that.

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    • Boojum

      I liked the analogy I read the other day in an article about Trumpites and their allies shrieking about free speech being curtailed when platforms are taken away from people who say hateful and racist things.

      Freedom of speech means you have the right to say whatever you want. But if I lend you a megaphone, and you then start shouting things I disagree with or things which have an impact on my company's revenue, I am not legally or morally obliged to let you continue to use my megaphone for as long as you want.

      If Roseanne's supporters want to hear her spout her crap, they can encourage her to go on tour and buy a ticket to her show, or they can crowdsource finance for a new series staring her and stream it somewhere. I'm sure there must be hosts in Russia that would be thrilled to provide that service.

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        Good point it's that simple I am suprised None of her agents have proposed that to her.

        She has a big wallet and a big support base a tour would be a good investment.

        She could be her own employer hell I if I had the time I would probably hear her from time to time.

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  • CDmale4fem

    That female, roseanne, I wouldn't piss in her mouth if her tonsils were in fire. I have thought she is pretty much a dumb bitch anyway. How many times can then "celebrity types" makes stupid fucking racist and immature comments and feel they can get away with it. They feel they are BETTER THAN US COMMON FOLK. THE bottom line, she said what she said and tried to blame it on Ambien. How ridiculous and idiotic to try and blame her asinine views on the makers of the Ambien. I'm glad she's off the air. I can't stand that fucking show anyway.(JMHO)

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    • Boojum

      I thought the Twitter response of the company who makes Ambien was brilliant:

      "While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication."

      If you're not a racist, you don't say and do racist things when your inhibitions are lowered by drink or drugs.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      Weirdest thing is if she just admitted that she said it rather then make a dumb excuse like sleeping pills made her do it.

      I mean come on it reminds me of the ice cube song gangsta rap made me do it.

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  • You ended up in a screaming fight, but you're complaining about other people being offended?

    I support Trump, but it sounds like you're a hypocrite.

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  • RoseIsabella

    For the most part I don't have much of an opinion about the Rosanne thing one way or the other. I know that is a terribly boring response, but I didn't really watch her show. My parents are pretty big Trump fans, and they're very disappointed in her behavior, because they enjoyed her show and feel like she really let down the fans, and especially let down all the other members of the cast and crew of her show. My dad used to work as a cameraman for a PBS affiliate so his main beef really is for the cast and crew, and I agree with him there.

    I think that Rosanne is a bit of a loose cannon in general, and she's the type of person to do and say all sorts of things to deliberately piss people off, and she has a history of this throughout her career. I think she craves a certain amount of negative attention, because she had a bad childhood.

    I do think that, because of our terrible history with slavery and later Jim Crow laws, just to scratch the surface, calling a person of color a monkey or ape or whatever will always be deemed as racist. I would also like to say there are plenty of white people who look like monkeys and or apes. For instance, George W. Bush looks like a chimpanzee, and the Olson twins look like a couple of little monkeys themselves. Also there are plenty of so called white European people walking around with obvious Neanderthal genes, I'm not saying this to be rude or nasty, but simply because it's true. Whether we like it or not all human beings are technically primates. If one person points their finger at another, and says the other is an ape the pointer still has three fingers pointing back at themself.

    Regardless, as I have said before I'm not a big fan of calling other people animals in general, because it denigrates whatever animal is used as the insult. I used to know this guy who was kind of a condescending jerk, but he had some of the best weed in Las Vegas, and for some reason he would refer to me as Koko, as in Koko the Gorilla. I know I don't look like Koko the Gorilla, but I have probably acted a little like her if I'm feeling pretty good. Honestly, if I could enjoy some more of that jerk's chronic, and then choose whether to chill out with him or Koko I would love meet her. I've always loved her, and we both love cats!

    Anyway, whatever the topic is it usually just ends up going back to my love of animals, because that's such a big part of who I am inside! I have never heard of the woman Rosanne was insulting, but now that Rosanne has stupidly managed to destroy the comeback of her show, and disappoint millions one way or the other that woman has gotten so much publicity that she's practically a household name. All the publicity will probably give her career a boost.

    At the end of the day I would still rather sit down to a lovely tea party with Koko and our cats than deal with any of these people.

    P.S. I think it would be best for ya'll to just agree to disagree, than to waste time talking about all of this bullshit. Talk about something worthwhile like how much better dogs and cats are than the average human, or maybe try to find out and discuss what Koko is up to these days. 🙂

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    • TerriAngel

      Well said.

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      • RoseIsabella


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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      im no fana john mccain but hes right when hes sayin we should be concentratin for the thangs what everyone got in common not what sets us all apart

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      • RoseIsabella


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    • RoseIsabella

      Can I get a ducks out for Harambe?!

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  • nostradumbass

    Don't worry she will be next president and own all networks for her to be on!!! Just like Trump!!

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  • Protagoras

    Getting punished for liking Trump? She wrote a blatantly racist tweet, of course she's a Trump supporter, what a surprise...

    Funny how right wingers get pissed over this, but are cheering the decision of the NFL to not let players kneel during the anthem.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      They are incapable of seeing irony.

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  • IggyDatGirl

    That show was so funny! I cried when I found it ended! God, the woman wants to speak her mind so let her! U sick assholes!

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  • Handyman

    If she was not white, nobody would have had any problem her.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      You keep telling yourself that.

      Look Roseanne had the right to speak her mind and say what she wanted but shouldn't be suprised at the backlash that everyone would get.

      I know plenty of black and Hispanic people who have said some very messed up racist shit and got fired.

      Wake up whites aren't the only ones who get punished for being stupid.

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      • Handyman

        Speak for yourself. Today only whites get punished.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          Stop living in la la land your just like blacks who cry racism every where.

          It's funny that some whites now adays want to use the victim card now

          Buddy it won't work for blacks and it certainly won't work for whites.

          Sorry but nobody who matters gives a shit for fake tears.

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          • Handyman

            You sound like the typical politically correct idiot who can't read either.
            Wake up.

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            • TheBlindInquisitor

              I am not being politically correct I am just not delusional.

              You sound like the type who have a massive victim complex.

              I really pity people like you who see enemies and persecution every.

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  • Nickvey

    here is a though, if its your abode kick the fuckers out. as they drive off say i win assholes ,

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  • bogbrush

    Berlusconi said Merkel was an 'unfuckable tub of lard' and Trump has been called an 'orangutan', (I could come up with a large list). Nothing was said. It's all double standards.

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  • NoLifer

    Only a childish mother would yell at her adult children over an actress getting fired then call them bitches. How did you manage to raise anything you 4 year old?

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  • lordofopinions

    Back in the day this would not even raise an eye brow. Take Archie Bunker in All in the Family for instance. There are a lot of episodes they would never air today. I remember seeing a so called comedy skit on Ed Sullivan making fun of Japanese people as the only race that can eat a tomatoe through a tennis racket. In today's world everyone has swung the other way and are just way to sensitive. CHILL OUT!!!

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  • Boojum

    Shit! Now I'm having an existential crisis, because your comment made me just realise I'd do the same.

    That's so fucking depressing.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Libya was Obamas biggest failure Qaddafi was a psychotic asshole but Libya faired better under him.

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