Is it normal does it get better feels like my best years are gone at 31

My husband dumped me . I have lost my house my car and am going bankrupt because I lost my job got very sick got huge medical bills. my mom and grandma love me and say it will get better but I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. This dude has been calling me like 6 times a day for a date for like two months but I can't see people because I feel so depressed. As an added bonus my dad contacts me at least once a day to yell at me and let me know what a disapointment I am.I try and try and try and this is where it gets me. Is there anything I can do to feel better?

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93% Normal
Based on 14 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Arm0se

    Here's what you have to do: Stop answering your dad's calls, and start picking up that dude's.

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    • flightlesskiwi

      Exactly. If you like this guy you should give him a chance. And you should stop talking to your father that much. With the way he treats you he doesn't deserve those daily phone calls.

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      • strangethingshappen

        It was rude of u to not reply to me so I used a different account and u finally responded. Now I know u dont have a sister therefore I can guarantee I dont know u- Thanks

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        • Steve2.0

          You inferior child.

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  • Blue_Velvet

    Life is not always a dance on roses but we need to keep on living anyway.

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    • Steve2.0

      Live is NEVER a dance on roses.

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      • Steve2.0

        It's more of a field of dead roses

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'd say you are perfectly positioned to change your life. What would you like to do? You sound like you are completely unencumbered; how many people would love that freedom?
    There are so many things you can do. Off the top of my head;
    work on a cruise ship
    work in a ski resort/vacation resort somewhere tropical
    there are thousands of single guys seeking partners (platonic) to go sailing, backpacking, RVing, etc.
    Become a tour guide in some foreign country for tourists that speak your language.
    Summer jobs abound in Alaska and they pay very well, pay for transportation and supply room and board.
    Work in a summer camp
    Become a professional house sitter somewhere rich people have summer/winter homes.
    What turns you on? Go do it; you have no reason not to enjoy the rest of your life.
    Consider this an OPPORTUNITY, not a bad thing.
    Good luck.

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    • therunion

      hey gypsy , I like your you know any reputable places/ websites where they do this. I am really interested and I need to get out of this town for a while.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Off the top of my head no, but the big, well known cruise lines offer work both ashore in Alaska (maybe other places as well) and aboard ship. Same with the hotel chains; stick with the reputable ones.
        There are so many things available; just do not pay to sign up.
        Only the illegitimate sites want money, the legit sites want people.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Things have a way of working themselves out.

    The answer does not lie at the bottom of a bottle

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  • flightlesskiwi

    Totally normal. I'm 25 and feel that the best years of my life are gone.

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  • Crusades|

    You're a woman. You can always fuck your way up the corporate ladder.

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    • Steve2.0

      Ha! Funny. Sexist but funny.

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