Is it normal does this warrant a call to 911

brother trying to beat me up locking me out of the house because I used the mixer wrong.called the cops before for much worse and they couldn't arrest him because it was private property

Voting Results
27% Normal
Based on 26 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • LuxM4G

    If he committed verbal and/or physical abused then that would be liable for a complaint aslong as you have hard evidence such as psychological damage, bruises or circunstancial like witnesses. You can also ask for a psychological evaluation.

    My advice is that you work out minor family issues within your own, don't exacerbate them by calling the police, they have other priorities. You don't seem to have a case. Is its his house then you wouldn't have a case at all.

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  • Arm0se

    Is it his house? Then no. Is it your parent's house? Yes. Is it your house and he's just living there? Kick his fucking ass!

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  • sugartits

    well you should learn how to use the mixer then

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    • handsignals

      Plot twist: he put brothers GF in mixer.

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  • DancingMonkey

    I honestly don't know what to say...just WTF

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  • Aries

    surely you can define a life threatening situation from a simple dispute with your brother? I would hope . I would also take note of what gypsy told you because it's true .

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  • thegypsysailor

    You can be arrested for filing a false police report, you know.

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