Is it normal dreams

Everyone knows that dreams can often be finicky when it comes to remembering their contents. However, I'm curious to see how much of a your dreams people are able to remember.

For instance, I have several "scenes" of dreams I can remember quite vividly. Some of which have traveled with me since childhood. Other times, I quickly lose an entire dream hours after waking. Generally, however, I can remember 40% of a dream.

21-40% 5
61-80% 6
0-20% 2
81-100% 3
41-60% 3
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Clunk42

    I either remember the whole of the dream, or I remember none of it.

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  • jodi1955

    best way to remember is to write them down upon waking before doing anything else, or use a tape recorder, soon you will find out your memory of your dreams will increase, been writing my dreams down for years. really nice to go back and read about the dreams I had a year ago or longer

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  • Tinybird

    I write down every dream I have and I remember pretty much everything.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    I can usually remember almost everything except either the beginning or the end or some unimportant detail.

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