Iin? e cigarettes are stupid.

Is it normal I think e-cigarettes are the stupidest thing to come along in a while and the hipsters puffing on these toy cigs look like idiots. Seriously, you're still going to get e-tumors and e-cancer but I guess you want to be trendy while doing it.

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Redcoats

    Smokers being able to get their nicotine hit without the second hand smoke polluting my lungs? Sure, e-cigarettes are stupid.

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    • I don't know where you're from but it's illegal to smoke in most public establishments so second hand smoke isn't really an issue.

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      • Redcoats

        Regardless, if someone is smoking, there is still second hand smoke.

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  • VinnyB

    I guess mouth cancers are still possible, but you should not get the far more deadly lung cancer from an e-cig because you are not inhaling smoke into your lungs. You don't inhale it into your lungs at all really, as you wouldn't want to inhale water. It just sort of hits the back of your throat. I am not a user, but my hubby smokes it on and off, and I have tasted it to get the idea.

    It costs less, he doesn't smell like smoke, the house doesn't smell like smoke, and instead of smokers breath, the flavors make his breath smells kind of yummy, it sort of freshens the air. I agree that not smoking at all is best. But if you were to choose one or the other, I would go with the e-cig hands down.

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    • charli.m

      My boyfriend's friend had one that smells like starburst. It was odd but nice.

      Doesn't make me want to smoke, but does make me not feel sick...

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  • Koda

    Every time I see one I roll my eyes.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    How else would I smoke watermelon?

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    • westoptic

      Or Blueberry Cheesecake :)

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Ooh imma have to get me some of that

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  • dirtybirdy

    I know what you're saying but I used one and its the only thing that got me to finally quit after over 20 years of being a filthy smoker. Wooooo! 16 months babay!

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  • deadfishfollowthestream

    I'm sorry but e-cigs are a better alternative for smokers wanting to slowly quit smoking. E-cigs contain less chemicals and the smoke won't affect the people around them. Seriously, what are you defending? You rather them smoke "properly"? Wow.

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    • From Cancer.net:
      "According to one analysis by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the tobacco solution used in e-cigarettes contains a toxic chemical found in antifreeze and several cancer-causing chemicals, such as nitrosamines."

      There are other ways to quit.

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      • VinnyB

        So I don't know where cancer.net is getting their information, but that is just not true. First, there is no tobacco solution used in e-cigs, as e-cigs do not contain tobacco. Second, the chemicals used in e-liquid vary from brand to brand, so it would be hard to make such a general statement. Third, the FDA doesn't regulate e-cigs has completed no studies, and makes not clames of any kind about the effects of e-cigs. Third parties have sent the FDA studies regarding health effects of e-cigs, but the FDA doesn't recognize any of them as fact, and even if they did, none of them claim cancer as a healt effect. The FDA's position is that they have no idea what, if anything e-cigs do. Here is what the FDA's website says about the FDA's position on e-cigs, and I assume they are more familiar with their own position then cancer.net.


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        • The FDA is currently in the process of gathering information. Your own link provides a list of reported illnesses and hospitalizations related to e-cigs.
          If given a choice to believe health professionals or the corporations who make and sell e-cigs, I'll choose to side with health care professionals who tell us they aren't good for you.



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          • VinnyB

            I know it lists illnesses, I said that right in my post. But as I also said in my post that is information that has been sent to them by 3rd parties, they have verified none of it, and they are not claiming that any of it is true. If you read the page I linked, anyone can report something they beileve was caused by an e-cig to the FDA. That doesn't mean it is true, and the FDA makes no claim that any of them are true. The list also does not include cancer. So the suggestion that you were making that the FDA is making any claims that e-cigs cause cancer is false.

            Also, the chemical that you referred to, nitrosamine, is also found in meat, cheese, condoms, fish, and a laundry list of other things. It is completely safe in small amounts and has never been detected in significant amounts in e-cigs.

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      • Aries

        propylene glycol , vegetable glycerine , nicotine , natural extracts ... these are what is in the liquid and they are all FDA approved ingredients clearly since they are in plenty of common everyday items . The vapor is less harmful and especially as far as second hand and debris from "butts" all over the ground .. less expensive and a better method of quitting / using .. you really want to go down this path of ignorance because you really don't have the knowledge to do so . These safe temperatures people like myself vape at are little to no harm .. sure , keep doing studies im all for it but for you to say it's stupid ? this only makes you look feeble minded not the people you are shaming for choosing a better life ... get real . let me also remind you water is in anti-freeze and many other dangerous solutions .. maybe you should stop drinking it , see how long you last .

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  • Goomats

    I'm sorry. They look ridiculous. I cannot take a person seriously who is "vaping". I don't know why, but I can't.

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  • westoptic

    You're free to your opinion of course.


    - They are not toys. They're vaporizing devices that can only be bought by someone 18 or older. I've seen people buy cheap versions off ebay and have them blow up in their face or short circuit.

    - Vapor is not the same as smoke, in chemical composition or else wise. There is no second-hand danger of vaporized nicotine, the smell and vapor dissipate almost instantly and leave no residue or damage like smoke does. Vapor is less dense due to the fact that it is not heated to the point of combustion, which means it carries less carcinogens and irritates the lung less.

    -E cigarettes have been available for over 10 years now and there have been no significant or conclusive studies that prove they are more dangerous than cigarettes. To the contrary; they're healthier alternatives that the tobacco industry is trying to demonize because they're helping long term smokers finally kick a habit they've had for years. I've seen grown men in their 50's and 60's using vaporizers to quit smoking after everything else has failed. My own Grandmother quit smoking after 45 years by using E-cigarettes.

    -All in all, you're going to get cancer from a campfire before you'll get it from an E-cigarette. I buy my own nicotine "goo" from people who actually make their own and there are three ingredients, two of which are food grade (which means they're safe to eat, and these would be the vegetable glycerin and flavoring) and the nicotine concentration.

    And more importantly: none of us give a fuck how you think we look while we're using our vaporizers.

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    • On the contrary, obviously you do give a fuck or else you wouldn't have responded to my post in the first place.
      Puff away you slave to addiction, puff away.

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      • westoptic

        I gave a fuck about your question, not your opinion, and wanted to show case your ignorance on the subject, which is apparent. I actually haven't used my e-cig in over a week but now I think I will have a puff. I'm thinking a mix of Fruit punch and Mountain Dew will make the smoothest hit. Only one way to find out!

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        • Struck a nerve?

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          • westoptic

            Your opinion totally effects me random internet stranger. I'm shattered.

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            • Evidently.

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  • Aries

    this is one of the most ignorant posts I have read all week . You feel the need to shame people for using a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes ? you think it's stupid to finally find a way out and be able to quit without weird pills or useless patches ... I will politely say , grow up please .

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    • I scratch my head regarding your response. If you think fucking relatives or animals is a more worthy discussion than why bother yourself with commenting on my post? The health effects are at best yet unknown.The people using these things look like any other slave to addiction. Like someone who needs to carry around brown sacks in the event they need a huff.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Don't blame the hipster.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If someone made it illegal for you to enjoy(?) a perfectly legal pastime almost everywhere, wouldn't you be happy if someone invented a way around that law? Anti tobacco legislation is almost as bad as the fem lib shit.

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    • Picking ones nose in public is perfectly legal yet I'm sure we can both agree that a person still looks foolish doing so.

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  • penisprisoner


    this is a much better alternative!

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  • I used them before to quit and I quit for about 6 months but started smoking tobacco again. I really need to quit again since cancer and early death run in my family and my current health isnt that great. The problems is I really enjoy smoking and it calms me more than anything else. I havent seemed to decide whether smoking is worth the possible shortened life expectancy.

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    • I used the patch to quit after 20 years of smoking. It's difficult but you can do it if you put your mind to it. I hope you quit and overcome your other health issues.

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