Is it normal facebook likes to force things on its users
I have discovered that Facebook is a bitch, but I will still use it. They are constantly forcing things on their users. The first time this happened was when they forced me to give them a phone number in 2013. I was logged in browsing and i got a message that said to please log in again. I wondered what the hell was going on because i was being active and had not hit the sign out button. Next thing I know, they are asking me for a mobile phone number, which i didn't have back then because of my parents, and there was no way out of it. I was pissed, but fortunately, they had a call and text option, so i gave them the landline and had them call me. In my opinion, they had no right to force this on me, especially since i didn't have a mobile phone at that time. The number is still there today, and I will not change it because my cell phone is linked to a fake account.
Another thing is that when I make a new facebook friend, i get a messenger notification that says, "say hi to your new friend". What a waste of a buzz in! I'll message them when I'm ready to and I don't want facebook to give me useless notifications. One day a few weeks ago, facebook sent out 4 friend requests that I didn't mean to send out. The way I found out was when someone accepted one of the requests. This is not the first time this has happened! I went to the sent requests and cancelled the others. I'm not sure how I could accidentally press a button and sent 4 of them, so I think it was just facebook forcing things on me.
I also don't like how facebook feels about fake accounts. I will make one if I feel like it and they have no right to ask me for my ID or proof of address!!! I made one back in 2013, and thank God it's still there. The more recent ones I made were crushed within a matter of hours when they asked me for an ID or proof of address. I think they may have done this because of my IP address. The only reason my fake account still exists is because i made it before there severe crackdown on fake accounts. Fuck them for this crackdown. I hate how my friends get notifications when i comment, which is why i have a fake account, so i can be nasty sometimes without people i know seeing how i react. Facebook does not seem to give a fuck about this. I will never log in to my fake account through mobile or any other browser that i use for my real account because i fear that they will shut it down. I have tried to turn off the useless notifications and it only works sometimes. I have the friend suggestion and page suggestion notifications.
Is it normal that facebook is such a bitch? What do you think about all these situations?